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  • ai3/tools/acmeserver
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// +build !go1.11 !aix,!darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!linux,!netbsd,!openbsd
package dns
import "net"
const supportsReusePort = false
func listenTCP(network, addr string, reuseport bool) (net.Listener, error) {
if reuseport {
// TODO(tmthrgd): return an error?
return net.Listen(network, addr)
func listenUDP(network, addr string, reuseport bool) (net.PacketConn, error) {
if reuseport {
// TODO(tmthrgd): return an error?
return net.ListenPacket(network, addr)
// +build go1.11
// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd
package dns
import (
const supportsReusePort = true
func reuseportControl(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error {
var opErr error
err := c.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
opErr = unix.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
if err != nil {
return err
return opErr
func listenTCP(network, addr string, reuseport bool) (net.Listener, error) {
var lc net.ListenConfig
if reuseport {
lc.Control = reuseportControl
return lc.Listen(context.Background(), network, addr)
func listenUDP(network, addr string, reuseport bool) (net.PacketConn, error) {
var lc net.ListenConfig
if reuseport {
lc.Control = reuseportControl
return lc.ListenPacket(context.Background(), network, addr)
......@@ -9,21 +9,41 @@
package dns
//go:generate go run msg_generate.go
//go:generate go run compress_generate.go
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
const (
maxCompressionOffset = 2 << 13 // We have 14 bits for the compression pointer
maxDomainNameWireOctets = 255 // See RFC 1035 section 2.3.4
// This is the maximum number of compression pointers that should occur in a
// semantically valid message. Each label in a domain name must be at least one
// octet and is separated by a period. The root label won't be represented by a
// compression pointer to a compression pointer, hence the -2 to exclude the
// smallest valid root label.
// It is possible to construct a valid message that has more compression pointers
// than this, and still doesn't loop, by pointing to a previous pointer. This is
// not something a well written implementation should ever do, so we leave them
// to trip the maximum compression pointer check.
maxCompressionPointers = (maxDomainNameWireOctets+1)/2 - 2
// This is the maximum length of a domain name in presentation format. The
// maximum wire length of a domain name is 255 octets (see above), with the
// maximum label length being 63. The wire format requires one extra byte over
// the presentation format, reducing the number of octets by 1. Each label in
// the name will be separated by a single period, with each octet in the label
// expanding to at most 4 bytes (\DDD). If all other labels are of the maximum
// length, then the final label can only be 61 octets long to not exceed the
// maximum allowed wire length.
maxDomainNamePresentationLength = 61*4 + 1 + 63*4 + 1 + 63*4 + 1 + 63*4 + 1
// Errors defined in this package.
......@@ -46,59 +66,28 @@ var (
ErrRRset error = &Error{err: "bad rrset"}
ErrSecret error = &Error{err: "no secrets defined"}
ErrShortRead error = &Error{err: "short read"}
ErrSig error = &Error{err: "bad signature"} // ErrSig indicates that a signature can not be cryptographically validated.
ErrSoa error = &Error{err: "no SOA"} // ErrSOA indicates that no SOA RR was seen when doing zone transfers.
ErrTime error = &Error{err: "bad time"} // ErrTime indicates a timing error in TSIG authentication.
ErrTruncated error = &Error{err: "failed to unpack truncated message"} // ErrTruncated indicates that we failed to unpack a truncated message. We unpacked as much as we had so Msg can still be used, if desired.
ErrSig error = &Error{err: "bad signature"} // ErrSig indicates that a signature can not be cryptographically validated.
ErrSoa error = &Error{err: "no SOA"} // ErrSOA indicates that no SOA RR was seen when doing zone transfers.
ErrTime error = &Error{err: "bad time"} // ErrTime indicates a timing error in TSIG authentication.
// Id by default, returns a 16 bits random number to be used as a
// message id. The random provided should be good enough. This being a
// variable the function can be reassigned to a custom function.
// For instance, to make it return a static value:
// Id by default returns a 16-bit random number to be used as a message id. The
// number is drawn from a cryptographically secure random number generator.
// This being a variable the function can be reassigned to a custom function.
// For instance, to make it return a static value for testing:
// dns.Id = func() uint16 { return 3 }
var Id = id
var (
idLock sync.Mutex
idRand *rand.Rand
// id returns a 16 bits random number to be used as a
// message id. The random provided should be good enough.
func id() uint16 {
if idRand == nil {
// This (partially) works around
// by only
// seeding idRand upon the first call to id.
var seed int64
var buf [8]byte
if _, err := crand.Read(buf[:]); err == nil {
seed = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[:]))
} else {
seed = rand.Int63()
idRand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
var output uint16
err := binary.Read(rand.Reader, binary.BigEndian, &output)
if err != nil {
panic("dns: reading random id failed: " + err.Error())
// The call to idRand.Uint32 must be within the
// mutex lock because *rand.Rand is not safe for
// concurrent use.
// There is no added performance overhead to calling
// idRand.Uint32 inside a mutex lock over just
// calling rand.Uint32 as the global math/rand rng
// is internally protected by a sync.Mutex.
id := uint16(idRand.Uint32())
return id
return output
// MsgHdr is a a manually-unpacked version of (id, bits).
......@@ -151,7 +140,7 @@ var RcodeToString = map[int]string{
RcodeFormatError: "FORMERR",
RcodeServerFailure: "SERVFAIL",
RcodeNameError: "NXDOMAIN",
RcodeNotImplemented: "NOTIMPL",
RcodeNotImplemented: "NOTIMP",
RcodeRefused: "REFUSED",
RcodeYXDomain: "YXDOMAIN", // See RFC 2136
RcodeYXRrset: "YXRRSET",
......@@ -169,6 +158,39 @@ var RcodeToString = map[int]string{
RcodeBadCookie: "BADCOOKIE",
// compressionMap is used to allow a more efficient compression map
// to be used for internal packDomainName calls without changing the
// signature or functionality of public API.
// In particular, map[string]uint16 uses 25% less per-entry memory
// than does map[string]int.
type compressionMap struct {
ext map[string]int // external callers
int map[string]uint16 // internal callers
func (m compressionMap) valid() bool {
return != nil || m.ext != nil
func (m compressionMap) insert(s string, pos int) {
if m.ext != nil {
m.ext[s] = pos
} else {[s] = uint16(pos)
func (m compressionMap) find(s string) (int, bool) {
if m.ext != nil {
pos, ok := m.ext[s]
return pos, ok
pos, ok :=[s]
return int(pos), ok
// Domain names are a sequence of counted strings
// split at the dots. They end with a zero-length string.
......@@ -177,143 +199,161 @@ var RcodeToString = map[int]string{
// map needs to hold a mapping between domain names and offsets
// pointing into msg.
func PackDomainName(s string, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {
off1, _, err = packDomainName(s, msg, off, compression, compress)
return packDomainName(s, msg, off, compressionMap{ext: compression}, compress)
func packDomainName(s string, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, labels int, err error) {
// special case if msg == nil
lenmsg := 256
if msg != nil {
lenmsg = len(msg)
func packDomainName(s string, msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {
// XXX: A logical copy of this function exists in IsDomainName and
// should be kept in sync with this function.
ls := len(s)
if ls == 0 { // Ok, for instance when dealing with update RR without any rdata.
return off, 0, nil
// If not fully qualified, error out, but only if msg == nil #ugly
switch {
case msg == nil:
if s[ls-1] != '.' {
s += "."
case msg != nil:
if s[ls-1] != '.' {
return lenmsg, 0, ErrFqdn
return off, nil
// If not fully qualified, error out.
if !IsFqdn(s) {
return len(msg), ErrFqdn
// Each dot ends a segment of the name.
// We trade each dot byte for a length byte.
// Except for escaped dots (\.), which are normal dots.
// There is also a trailing zero.
// Compression
nameoffset := -1
pointer := -1
// Emit sequence of counted strings, chopping at dots.
begin := 0
bs := []byte(s)
roBs, bsFresh, escapedDot := s, true, false
var (
begin int
compBegin int
compOff int
bs []byte
wasDot bool
for i := 0; i < ls; i++ {
if bs[i] == '\\' {
for j := i; j < ls-1; j++ {
bs[j] = bs[j+1]
var c byte
if bs == nil {
c = s[i]
} else {
c = bs[i]
switch c {
case '\\':
if off+1 > len(msg) {
return len(msg), ErrBuf
if off+1 > lenmsg {
return lenmsg, labels, ErrBuf
if bs == nil {
bs = []byte(s)
// check for \DDD
if i+2 < ls && isDigit(bs[i]) && isDigit(bs[i+1]) && isDigit(bs[i+2]) {
bs[i] = dddToByte(bs[i:])
for j := i + 1; j < ls-2; j++ {
bs[j] = bs[j+2]
ls -= 2
if i+3 < ls && isDigit(bs[i+1]) && isDigit(bs[i+2]) && isDigit(bs[i+3]) {
bs[i] = dddToByte(bs[i+1:])
copy(bs[i+1:ls-3], bs[i+4:])
ls -= 3
compOff += 3
} else {
copy(bs[i:ls-1], bs[i+1:])
escapedDot = bs[i] == '.'
bsFresh = false
if bs[i] == '.' {
if i > 0 && bs[i-1] == '.' && !escapedDot {
wasDot = false
case '.':
if i == 0 && len(s) > 1 {
// leading dots are not legal except for the root zone
return len(msg), ErrRdata
if wasDot {
// two dots back to back is not legal
return lenmsg, labels, ErrRdata
return len(msg), ErrRdata
if i-begin >= 1<<6 { // top two bits of length must be clear
return lenmsg, labels, ErrRdata
wasDot = true
labelLen := i - begin
if labelLen >= 1<<6 { // top two bits of length must be clear
return len(msg), ErrRdata
// off can already (we're in a loop) be bigger than len(msg)
// this happens when a name isn't fully qualified
if off+1 > lenmsg {
return lenmsg, labels, ErrBuf
if msg != nil {
msg[off] = byte(i - begin)
offset := off
for j := begin; j < i; j++ {
if off+1 > lenmsg {
return lenmsg, labels, ErrBuf
if msg != nil {
msg[off] = bs[j]
if compress && !bsFresh {
roBs = string(bs)
bsFresh = true
if off+1+labelLen > len(msg) {
return len(msg), ErrBuf
// Don't try to compress '.'
// We should only compress when compress it true, but we should also still pick
// We should only compress when compress is true, but we should also still pick
// up names that can be used for *future* compression(s).
if compression != nil && roBs[begin:] != "." {
if p, ok := compression[roBs[begin:]]; !ok {
// Only offsets smaller than this can be used.
if offset < maxCompressionOffset {
compression[roBs[begin:]] = offset
} else {
if compression.valid() && !isRootLabel(s, bs, begin, ls) {
if p, ok := compression.find(s[compBegin:]); ok {
// The first hit is the longest matching dname
// keep the pointer offset we get back and store
// the offset of the current name, because that's
// where we need to insert the pointer later
// If compress is true, we're allowed to compress this dname
if pointer == -1 && compress {
pointer = p // Where to point to
nameoffset = offset // Where to point from
if compress {
pointer = p // Where to point to
break loop
} else if off < maxCompressionOffset {
// Only offsets smaller than maxCompressionOffset can be used.
compression.insert(s[compBegin:], off)
// The following is covered by the length check above.
msg[off] = byte(labelLen)
if bs == nil {
copy(msg[off+1:], s[begin:i])
} else {
copy(msg[off+1:], bs[begin:i])
off += 1 + labelLen
begin = i + 1
compBegin = begin + compOff
wasDot = false
escapedDot = false
// Root label is special
if len(bs) == 1 && bs[0] == '.' {
return off, labels, nil
if isRootLabel(s, bs, 0, ls) {
return off, nil
// If we did compression and we find something add the pointer here
if pointer != -1 {
// We have two bytes (14 bits) to put the pointer in
// if msg == nil, we will never do compression
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[nameoffset:], uint16(pointer^0xC000))
off = nameoffset + 1
goto End
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off:], uint16(pointer^0xC000))
return off + 2, nil
if msg != nil && off < len(msg) {
if off < len(msg) {
msg[off] = 0
return off, labels, nil
return off + 1, nil
// isRootLabel returns whether s or bs, from off to end, is the root
// label ".".
// If bs is nil, s will be checked, otherwise bs will be checked.
func isRootLabel(s string, bs []byte, off, end int) bool {
if bs == nil {
return s[off:end] == "."
return end-off == 1 && bs[off] == '.'
// Unpack a domain name.
......@@ -330,12 +370,16 @@ End:
// In theory, the pointers are only allowed to jump backward.
// We let them jump anywhere and stop jumping after a while.
// UnpackDomainName unpacks a domain name into a string.
// UnpackDomainName unpacks a domain name into a string. It returns
// the name, the new offset into msg and any error that occurred.
// When an error is encountered, the unpacked name will be discarded
// and len(msg) will be returned as the offset.
func UnpackDomainName(msg []byte, off int) (string, int, error) {
s := make([]byte, 0, 64)
s := make([]byte, 0, maxDomainNamePresentationLength)
off1 := 0
lenmsg := len(msg)
maxLen := maxDomainNameWireOctets
budget := maxDomainNameWireOctets
ptr := 0 // number of pointers followed
for {
......@@ -354,30 +398,17 @@ Loop:
if off+c > lenmsg {
return "", lenmsg, ErrBuf
for j := off; j < off+c; j++ {
switch b := msg[j]; b {
case '.', '(', ')', ';', ' ', '@':
case '"', '\\':
budget -= c + 1 // +1 for the label separator
if budget <= 0 {
return "", lenmsg, ErrLongDomain
for _, b := range msg[off : off+c] {
if isDomainNameLabelSpecial(b) {
s = append(s, '\\', b)
// presentation-format \X escapes add an extra byte
if b < 32 || b >= 127 { // unprintable, use \DDD
var buf [3]byte
bufs := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:0], int64(b), 10)
s = append(s, '\\')
for i := 0; i < 3-len(bufs); i++ {
s = append(s, '0')
for _, r := range bufs {
s = append(s, r)
// presentation-format \DDD escapes add 3 extra bytes
maxLen += 3
} else {
s = append(s, b)
} else if b < ' ' || b > '~' {
s = append(s, escapeByte(b)...)
} else {
s = append(s, b)
s = append(s, '.')
......@@ -396,7 +427,7 @@ Loop:
if ptr == 0 {
off1 = off
if ptr++; ptr > 10 {
if ptr++; ptr > maxCompressionPointers {
return "", lenmsg, &Error{err: "too many compression pointers"}
// pointer should guarantee that it advances and points forwards at least
......@@ -412,10 +443,7 @@ Loop:
off1 = off
if len(s) == 0 {
s = []byte(".")
} else if len(s) >= maxLen {
// error if the name is too long, but don't throw it away
return string(s), lenmsg, ErrLongDomain
return ".", off1, nil
return string(s), off1, nil
......@@ -429,11 +457,11 @@ func packTxt(txt []string, msg []byte, offset int, tmp []byte) (int, error) {
return offset, nil
var err error
for i := range txt {
if len(txt[i]) > len(tmp) {
for _, s := range txt {
if len(s) > len(tmp) {
return offset, ErrBuf
offset, err = packTxtString(txt[i], msg, offset, tmp)
offset, err = packTxtString(s, msg, offset, tmp)
if err != nil {
return offset, err
......@@ -512,7 +540,7 @@ func unpackTxt(msg []byte, off0 int) (ss []string, off int, err error) {
off = off0
var s string
for off < len(msg) && err == nil {
s, off, err = unpackTxtString(msg, off)
s, off, err = unpackString(msg, off)
if err == nil {
ss = append(ss, s)
......@@ -520,43 +548,16 @@ func unpackTxt(msg []byte, off0 int) (ss []string, off int, err error) {
func unpackTxtString(msg []byte, offset int) (string, int, error) {
if offset+1 > len(msg) {
return "", offset, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
l := int(msg[offset])
if offset+l+1 > len(msg) {
return "", offset, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
s := make([]byte, 0, l)
for _, b := range msg[offset+1 : offset+1+l] {
switch b {
case '"', '\\':
s = append(s, '\\', b)
if b < 32 || b > 127 { // unprintable
var buf [3]byte
bufs := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:0], int64(b), 10)
s = append(s, '\\')
for i := 0; i < 3-len(bufs); i++ {
s = append(s, '0')
for _, r := range bufs {
s = append(s, r)
} else {
s = append(s, b)
offset += 1 + l
return string(s), offset, nil
// Helpers for dealing with escaped bytes
func isDigit(b byte) bool { return b >= '0' && b <= '9' }
func dddToByte(s []byte) byte {
_ = s[2] // bounds check hint to compiler; see
return byte((s[0]-'0')*100 + (s[1]-'0')*10 + (s[2] - '0'))
func dddStringToByte(s string) byte {
_ = s[2] // bounds check hint to compiler; see
return byte((s[0]-'0')*100 + (s[1]-'0')*10 + (s[2] - '0'))
......@@ -574,19 +575,38 @@ func intToBytes(i *big.Int, length int) []byte {
// PackRR packs a resource record rr into msg[off:].
// See PackDomainName for documentation about the compression.
func PackRR(rr RR, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {
headerEnd, off1, err := packRR(rr, msg, off, compressionMap{ext: compression}, compress)
if err == nil {
// packRR no longer sets the Rdlength field on the rr, but
// callers might be expecting it so we set it here.
rr.Header().Rdlength = uint16(off1 - headerEnd)
return off1, err
func packRR(rr RR, msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (headerEnd int, off1 int, err error) {
if rr == nil {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "nil rr"}
return len(msg), len(msg), &Error{err: "nil rr"}
off1, err = rr.pack(msg, off, compression, compress)
headerEnd, err = rr.Header().packHeader(msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
return headerEnd, len(msg), err
// TODO(miek): Not sure if this is needed? If removed we can remove rawmsg.go as well.
if rawSetRdlength(msg, off, off1) {
return off1, nil
off1, err = rr.pack(msg, headerEnd, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return headerEnd, len(msg), err
return off, ErrRdata
rdlength := off1 - headerEnd
if int(uint16(rdlength)) != rdlength { // overflow
return headerEnd, len(msg), ErrRdata
// The RDLENGTH field is the last field in the header and we set it here.
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[headerEnd-2:], uint16(rdlength))
return headerEnd, off1, nil
// UnpackRR unpacks msg[off:] into an RR.
......@@ -602,17 +622,35 @@ func UnpackRR(msg []byte, off int) (rr RR, off1 int, err error) {
// UnpackRRWithHeader unpacks the record type specific payload given an existing
// RR_Header.
func UnpackRRWithHeader(h RR_Header, msg []byte, off int) (rr RR, off1 int, err error) {
if newFn, ok := TypeToRR[h.Rrtype]; ok {
rr = newFn()
*rr.Header() = h
} else {
rr = &RFC3597{Hdr: h}
if off < 0 || off > len(msg) {
return &h, off, &Error{err: "bad off"}
end := off + int(h.Rdlength)
if end < off || end > len(msg) {
return &h, end, &Error{err: "bad rdlength"}
if fn, known := typeToUnpack[h.Rrtype]; !known {
rr, off, err = unpackRFC3597(h, msg, off)
} else {
rr, off, err = fn(h, msg, off)
if noRdata(h) {
return rr, off, nil
off, err = rr.unpack(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return nil, end, err
if off != end {
return &h, end, &Error{err: "bad rdlength"}
return rr, off, err
return rr, off, nil
// unpackRRslice unpacks msg[off:] into an []RR.
......@@ -630,7 +668,6 @@ func unpackRRslice(l int, msg []byte, off int) (dst1 []RR, off1 int, err error)
// If offset does not increase anymore, l is a lie
if off1 == off {
l = i
dst = append(dst, r)
......@@ -693,32 +730,33 @@ func (dns *Msg) Pack() (msg []byte, err error) {
// PackBuffer packs a Msg, using the given buffer buf. If buf is too small a new buffer is allocated.
func (dns *Msg) PackBuffer(buf []byte) (msg []byte, err error) {
var compression map[string]int
if dns.Compress {
compression = make(map[string]int) // Compression pointer mappings.
// If this message can't be compressed, avoid filling the
// compression map and creating garbage.
if dns.Compress && dns.isCompressible() {
compression := make(map[string]uint16) // Compression pointer mappings.
return dns.packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf, compressionMap{int: compression}, true)
return dns.packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf, compression)
return dns.packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf, compressionMap{}, false)
// packBufferWithCompressionMap packs a Msg, using the given buffer buf.
func (dns *Msg) packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf []byte, compression map[string]int) (msg []byte, err error) {
// We use a similar function in tsig.go's stripTsig.
var dh Header
func (dns *Msg) packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf []byte, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (msg []byte, err error) {
if dns.Rcode < 0 || dns.Rcode > 0xFFF {
return nil, ErrRcode
if dns.Rcode > 0xF {
// Regular RCODE field is 4 bits
opt := dns.IsEdns0()
if opt == nil {
return nil, ErrExtendedRcode
opt.SetExtendedRcode(uint8(dns.Rcode >> 4))
// Set extended rcode unconditionally if we have an opt, this will allow
// resetting the extended rcode bits if they need to.
if opt := dns.IsEdns0(); opt != nil {
} else if dns.Rcode > 0xF {
// If Rcode is an extended one and opt is nil, error out.
return nil, ErrExtendedRcode
// Convert convenient Msg into wire-like Header.
var dh Header
dh.Id = dns.Id
dh.Bits = uint16(dns.Opcode)<<11 | uint16(dns.Rcode&0xF)
if dns.Response {
......@@ -746,50 +784,44 @@ func (dns *Msg) packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf []byte, compression map[string]
dh.Bits |= _CD
// Prepare variable sized arrays.
question := dns.Question
answer := dns.Answer
ns := dns.Ns
extra := dns.Extra
dh.Qdcount = uint16(len(question))
dh.Ancount = uint16(len(answer))
dh.Nscount = uint16(len(ns))
dh.Arcount = uint16(len(extra))
dh.Qdcount = uint16(len(dns.Question))
dh.Ancount = uint16(len(dns.Answer))
dh.Nscount = uint16(len(dns.Ns))
dh.Arcount = uint16(len(dns.Extra))
// We need the uncompressed length here, because we first pack it and then compress it.
msg = buf
uncompressedLen := compressedLen(dns, false)
uncompressedLen := msgLenWithCompressionMap(dns, nil)
if packLen := uncompressedLen + 1; len(msg) < packLen {
msg = make([]byte, packLen)
// Pack it in: header and then the pieces.
off := 0
off, err = dh.pack(msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
off, err = dh.pack(msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(question); i++ {
off, err = question[i].pack(msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
for _, r := range dns.Question {
off, err = r.pack(msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(answer); i++ {
off, err = PackRR(answer[i], msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
for _, r := range dns.Answer {
_, off, err = packRR(r, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(ns); i++ {
off, err = PackRR(ns[i], msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
for _, r := range dns.Ns {
_, off, err = packRR(r, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(extra); i++ {
off, err = PackRR(extra[i], msg, off, compression, dns.Compress)
for _, r := range dns.Extra {
_, off, err = packRR(r, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -797,28 +829,7 @@ func (dns *Msg) packBufferWithCompressionMap(buf []byte, compression map[string]
return msg[:off], nil
// Unpack unpacks a binary message to a Msg structure.
func (dns *Msg) Unpack(msg []byte) (err error) {
var (
dh Header
off int
if dh, off, err = unpackMsgHdr(msg, off); err != nil {
return err
dns.Id = dh.Id
dns.Response = dh.Bits&_QR != 0
dns.Opcode = int(dh.Bits>>11) & 0xF
dns.Authoritative = dh.Bits&_AA != 0
dns.Truncated = dh.Bits&_TC != 0
dns.RecursionDesired = dh.Bits&_RD != 0
dns.RecursionAvailable = dh.Bits&_RA != 0
dns.Zero = dh.Bits&_Z != 0
dns.AuthenticatedData = dh.Bits&_AD != 0
dns.CheckingDisabled = dh.Bits&_CD != 0
dns.Rcode = int(dh.Bits & 0xF)
func (dns *Msg) unpack(dh Header, msg []byte, off int) (err error) {
// If we are at the end of the message we should return *just* the
// header. This can still be useful to the caller. sends these
// when responding with REFUSED for instance.
......@@ -837,8 +848,6 @@ func (dns *Msg) Unpack(msg []byte) (err error) {
var q Question
q, off, err = unpackQuestion(msg, off)
if err != nil {
// Even if Truncated is set, we only will set ErrTruncated if we
// actually got the questions
return err
if off1 == off { // Offset does not increase anymore, dh.Qdcount is a lie!
......@@ -862,16 +871,29 @@ func (dns *Msg) Unpack(msg []byte) (err error) {
// The header counts might have been wrong so we need to update it
dh.Arcount = uint16(len(dns.Extra))
// Set extended Rcode
if opt := dns.IsEdns0(); opt != nil {
dns.Rcode |= opt.ExtendedRcode()
if off != len(msg) {
// TODO(miek) make this an error?
// use PackOpt to let people tell how detailed the error reporting should be?
// println("dns: extra bytes in dns packet", off, "<", len(msg))
} else if dns.Truncated {
// Whether we ran into a an error or not, we want to return that it
// was truncated
err = ErrTruncated
return err
// Unpack unpacks a binary message to a Msg structure.
func (dns *Msg) Unpack(msg []byte) (err error) {
dh, off, err := unpackMsgHdr(msg, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return dns.unpack(dh, msg, off)
// Convert a complete message to a string with dig-like output.
......@@ -884,184 +906,155 @@ func (dns *Msg) String() string {
s += "ANSWER: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Answer)) + ", "
s += "AUTHORITY: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Ns)) + ", "
s += "ADDITIONAL: " + strconv.Itoa(len(dns.Extra)) + "\n"
opt := dns.IsEdns0()
if opt != nil {
s += opt.String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Question) > 0 {
s += "\n;; QUESTION SECTION:\n"
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Question); i++ {
s += dns.Question[i].String() + "\n"
for _, r := range dns.Question {
s += r.String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Answer) > 0 {
s += "\n;; ANSWER SECTION:\n"
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Answer); i++ {
if dns.Answer[i] != nil {
s += dns.Answer[i].String() + "\n"
for _, r := range dns.Answer {
if r != nil {
s += r.String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Ns) > 0 {
s += "\n;; AUTHORITY SECTION:\n"
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Ns); i++ {
if dns.Ns[i] != nil {
s += dns.Ns[i].String() + "\n"
for _, r := range dns.Ns {
if r != nil {
s += r.String() + "\n"
if len(dns.Extra) > 0 {
if len(dns.Extra) > 0 && (opt == nil || len(dns.Extra) > 1) {
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Extra); i++ {
if dns.Extra[i] != nil {
s += dns.Extra[i].String() + "\n"
for _, r := range dns.Extra {
if r != nil && r.Header().Rrtype != TypeOPT {
s += r.String() + "\n"
return s
// isCompressible returns whether the msg may be compressible.
func (dns *Msg) isCompressible() bool {
// If we only have one question, there is nothing we can ever compress.
return len(dns.Question) > 1 || len(dns.Answer) > 0 ||
len(dns.Ns) > 0 || len(dns.Extra) > 0
// Len returns the message length when in (un)compressed wire format.
// If dns.Compress is true compression it is taken into account. Len()
// is provided to be a faster way to get the size of the resulting packet,
// than packing it, measuring the size and discarding the buffer.
func (dns *Msg) Len() int { return compressedLen(dns, dns.Compress) }
func compressedLenWithCompressionMap(dns *Msg, compression map[string]int) int {
l := 12 // Message header is always 12 bytes
for _, r := range dns.Question {
compressionLenHelper(compression, r.Name, l)
l += r.len()
func (dns *Msg) Len() int {
// If this message can't be compressed, avoid filling the
// compression map and creating garbage.
if dns.Compress && dns.isCompressible() {
compression := make(map[string]struct{})
return msgLenWithCompressionMap(dns, compression)
l += compressionLenSlice(l, compression, dns.Answer)
l += compressionLenSlice(l, compression, dns.Ns)
l += compressionLenSlice(l, compression, dns.Extra)
return l
return msgLenWithCompressionMap(dns, nil)
// compressedLen returns the message length when in compressed wire format
// when compress is true, otherwise the uncompressed length is returned.
func compressedLen(dns *Msg, compress bool) int {
// We always return one more than needed.
if compress {
compression := map[string]int{}
return compressedLenWithCompressionMap(dns, compression)
l := 12 // Message header is always 12 bytes
func msgLenWithCompressionMap(dns *Msg, compression map[string]struct{}) int {
l := headerSize
for _, r := range dns.Question {
l += r.len()
l += r.len(l, compression)
for _, r := range dns.Answer {
if r != nil {
l += r.len()
l += r.len(l, compression)
for _, r := range dns.Ns {
if r != nil {
l += r.len()
l += r.len(l, compression)
for _, r := range dns.Extra {
if r != nil {
l += r.len()
l += r.len(l, compression)
return l
func compressionLenSlice(lenp int, c map[string]int, rs []RR) int {
initLen := lenp
for _, r := range rs {
if r == nil {
// TmpLen is to track len of record at 14bits boudaries
tmpLen := lenp
x := r.len()
// track this length, and the global length in len, while taking compression into account for both.
k, ok, _ := compressionLenSearch(c, r.Header().Name)
if ok {
// Size of x is reduced by k, but we add 1 since k includes the '.' and label descriptor take 2 bytes
// so, basically x:= x - k - 1 + 2
x += 1 - k
func domainNameLen(s string, off int, compression map[string]struct{}, compress bool) int {
if s == "" || s == "." {
return 1
tmpLen += compressionLenHelper(c, r.Header().Name, tmpLen)
k, ok, _ = compressionLenSearchType(c, r)
if ok {
x += 1 - k
escaped := strings.Contains(s, "\\")
if compression != nil && (compress || off < maxCompressionOffset) {
// compressionLenSearch will insert the entry into the compression
// map if it doesn't contain it.
if l, ok := compressionLenSearch(compression, s, off); ok && compress {
if escaped {
return escapedNameLen(s[:l]) + 2
return l + 2
lenp += x
tmpLen = lenp
tmpLen += compressionLenHelperType(c, r, tmpLen)
if escaped {
return escapedNameLen(s) + 1
return lenp - initLen
return len(s) + 1
// Put the parts of the name in the compression map, return the size in bytes added in payload
func compressionLenHelper(c map[string]int, s string, currentLen int) int {
if currentLen > maxCompressionOffset {
// We won't be able to add any label that could be re-used later anyway
return 0
if _, ok := c[s]; ok {
return 0
initLen := currentLen
pref := ""
prev := s
lbs := Split(s)
for j := 0; j < len(lbs); j++ {
pref = s[lbs[j]:]
currentLen += len(prev) - len(pref)
prev = pref
if _, ok := c[pref]; !ok {
// If first byte label is within the first 14bits, it might be re-used later
if currentLen < maxCompressionOffset {
c[pref] = currentLen
func escapedNameLen(s string) int {
nameLen := len(s)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] != '\\' {
if i+3 < len(s) && isDigit(s[i+1]) && isDigit(s[i+2]) && isDigit(s[i+3]) {
nameLen -= 3
i += 3
} else {
added := currentLen - initLen
if j > 0 {
// We added a new PTR
added += 2
return added
return currentLen - initLen
return nameLen
// Look for each part in the compression map and returns its length,
// keep on searching so we get the longest match.
// Will return the size of compression found, whether a match has been
// found and the size of record if added in payload
func compressionLenSearch(c map[string]int, s string) (int, bool, int) {
off := 0
end := false
if s == "" { // don't bork on bogus data
return 0, false, 0
fullSize := 0
for {
func compressionLenSearch(c map[string]struct{}, s string, msgOff int) (int, bool) {
for off, end := 0, false; !end; off, end = NextLabel(s, off) {
if _, ok := c[s[off:]]; ok {
return len(s[off:]), true, fullSize + off
return off, true
if end {
if msgOff+off < maxCompressionOffset {
c[s[off:]] = struct{}{}
// Each label descriptor takes 2 bytes, add it
fullSize += 2
off, end = NextLabel(s, off)
return 0, false, fullSize + len(s)
return 0, false
// Copy returns a new RR which is a deep-copy of r.
func Copy(r RR) RR { r1 := r.copy(); return r1 }
func Copy(r RR) RR { return r.copy() }
// Len returns the length (in octets) of the uncompressed RR in wire format.
func Len(r RR) int { return r.len() }
func Len(r RR) int { return r.len(0, nil) }
// Copy returns a new *Msg which is a deep-copy of dns.
func (dns *Msg) Copy() *Msg { return dns.CopyTo(new(Msg)) }
......@@ -1077,40 +1070,27 @@ func (dns *Msg) CopyTo(r1 *Msg) *Msg {
rrArr := make([]RR, len(dns.Answer)+len(dns.Ns)+len(dns.Extra))
var rri int
r1.Answer, rrArr = rrArr[:0:len(dns.Answer)], rrArr[len(dns.Answer):]
r1.Ns, rrArr = rrArr[:0:len(dns.Ns)], rrArr[len(dns.Ns):]
r1.Extra = rrArr[:0:len(dns.Extra)]
if len(dns.Answer) > 0 {
rrbegin := rri
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Answer); i++ {
rrArr[rri] = dns.Answer[i].copy()
r1.Answer = rrArr[rrbegin:rri:rri]
for _, r := range dns.Answer {
r1.Answer = append(r1.Answer, r.copy())
if len(dns.Ns) > 0 {
rrbegin := rri
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Ns); i++ {
rrArr[rri] = dns.Ns[i].copy()
r1.Ns = rrArr[rrbegin:rri:rri]
for _, r := range dns.Ns {
r1.Ns = append(r1.Ns, r.copy())
if len(dns.Extra) > 0 {
rrbegin := rri
for i := 0; i < len(dns.Extra); i++ {
rrArr[rri] = dns.Extra[i].copy()
r1.Extra = rrArr[rrbegin:rri:rri]
for _, r := range dns.Extra {
r1.Extra = append(r1.Extra, r.copy())
return r1
func (q *Question) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {
off, err := PackDomainName(q.Name, msg, off, compression, compress)
func (q *Question) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) {
off, err := packDomainName(q.Name, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return off, err
......@@ -1151,7 +1131,7 @@ func unpackQuestion(msg []byte, off int) (Question, int, error) {
return q, off, err
func (dh *Header) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {
func (dh *Header) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) {
off, err := packUint16(dh.Id, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
......@@ -1173,7 +1153,10 @@ func (dh *Header) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress
return off, err
off, err = packUint16(dh.Arcount, msg, off)
return off, err
if err != nil {
return off, err
return off, nil
func unpackMsgHdr(msg []byte, off int) (Header, int, error) {
......@@ -1202,5 +1185,23 @@ func unpackMsgHdr(msg []byte, off int) (Header, int, error) {
return dh, off, err
dh.Arcount, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
return dh, off, err
if err != nil {
return dh, off, err
return dh, off, nil
// setHdr set the header in the dns using the binary data in dh.
func (dns *Msg) setHdr(dh Header) {
dns.Id = dh.Id
dns.Response = dh.Bits&_QR != 0
dns.Opcode = int(dh.Bits>>11) & 0xF
dns.Authoritative = dh.Bits&_AA != 0
dns.Truncated = dh.Bits&_TC != 0
dns.RecursionDesired = dh.Bits&_RD != 0
dns.RecursionAvailable = dh.Bits&_RA != 0
dns.Zero = dh.Bits&_Z != 0 // _Z covers the zero bit, which should be zero; not sure why we set it to the opposite.
dns.AuthenticatedData = dh.Bits&_AD != 0
dns.CheckingDisabled = dh.Bits&_CD != 0
dns.Rcode = int(dh.Bits & 0xF)
//+build ignore
// msg_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use
// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type
// it will generate pack/unpack methods based on the struct tags. The generated source is
// written to zmsg.go, and is meant to be checked into git.
package main
import (
var packageHdr = `
// Code generated by "go run msg_generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT.
package dns
// getTypeStruct will take a type and the package scope, and return the
// (innermost) struct if the type is considered a RR type (currently defined as
// those structs beginning with a RR_Header, could be redefined as implementing
// the RR interface). The bool return value indicates if embedded structs were
// resolved.
func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) {
st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if !ok {
return nil, false
if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() {
return st, false
if st.Field(0).Anonymous() {
st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope)
return st, true
return nil, false
func main() {
// Import and type-check the package
pkg, err := importer.Default().Import("")
scope := pkg.Scope()
// Collect actual types (*X)
var namedTypes []string
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
if o == nil || !o.Exported() {
if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil {
if name == "PrivateRR" {
// Check if corresponding TypeX exists
if scope.Lookup("Type"+o.Name()) == nil && o.Name() != "RFC3597" {
log.Fatalf("Constant Type%s does not exist.", o.Name())
namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name())
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprint(b, "// pack*() functions\n\n")
for _, name := range namedTypes {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {\n", name)
fmt.Fprint(b, `off, err := rr.Hdr.pack(msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return off, err
headerEnd := off
for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
o := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name())
fmt.Fprint(b, `if err != nil {
return off, err
if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
switch st.Tag(i) {
case `dns:"-"`: // ignored
case `dns:"txt"`:
o("off, err = packStringTxt(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"opt"`:
o("off, err = packDataOpt(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"nsec"`:
o("off, err = packDataNsec(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"domain-name"`:
o("off, err = packDataDomainNames(rr.%s, msg, off, compression, compress)\n")
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
switch {
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"-"`: // ignored
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"`:
o("off, err = PackDomainName(rr.%s, msg, off, compression, compress)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"`:
o("off, err = PackDomainName(rr.%s, msg, off, compression, false)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"a"`:
o("off, err = packDataA(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"aaaa"`:
o("off, err = packDataAAAA(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"uint48"`:
o("off, err = packUint48(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"txt"`:
o("off, err = packString(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base32`): // size-base32 can be packed just like base32
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base32"`:
o("off, err = packStringBase32(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base64`): // size-base64 can be packed just like base64
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base64"`:
o("off, err = packStringBase64(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex:SaltLength`):
// directly write instead of using o() so we get the error check in the correct place
field := st.Field(i).Name()
fmt.Fprintf(b, `// Only pack salt if value is not "-", i.e. empty
if rr.%s != "-" {
off, err = packStringHex(rr.%s, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return off, err
`, field, field)
case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex`): // size-hex can be packed just like hex
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"hex"`:
o("off, err = packStringHex(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"octet"`:
o("off, err = packStringOctet(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case st.Tag(i) == "":
switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() {
case types.Uint8:
o("off, err = packUint8(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case types.Uint16:
o("off, err = packUint16(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case types.Uint32:
o("off, err = packUint32(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case types.Uint64:
o("off, err = packUint64(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
case types.String:
o("off, err = packString(rr.%s, msg, off)\n")
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name())
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
// We have packed everything, only now we know the rdlength of this RR
fmt.Fprintln(b, "rr.Header().Rdlength = uint16(off-headerEnd)")
fmt.Fprintln(b, "return off, nil }\n")
fmt.Fprint(b, "// unpack*() functions\n\n")
for _, name := range namedTypes {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "func unpack%s(h RR_Header, msg []byte, off int) (RR, int, error) {\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr := new(%s)\n", name)
fmt.Fprint(b, "rr.Hdr = h\n")
fmt.Fprint(b, `if noRdata(h) {
return rr, off, nil
var err error
rdStart := off
_ = rdStart
for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
o := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name())
fmt.Fprint(b, `if err != nil {
return rr, off, err
// size-* are special, because they reference a struct member we should use for the length.
if strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-`) {
structMember := structMember(st.Tag(i))
structTag := structTag(st.Tag(i))
switch structTag {
case "hex":
fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringHex(msg, off, off + int(rr.%s))\n", st.Field(i).Name(), structMember)
case "base32":
fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase32(msg, off, off + int(rr.%s))\n", st.Field(i).Name(), structMember)
case "base64":
fmt.Fprintf(b, "rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase64(msg, off, off + int(rr.%s))\n", st.Field(i).Name(), structMember)
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
fmt.Fprint(b, `if err != nil {
return rr, off, err
if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
switch st.Tag(i) {
case `dns:"-"`: // ignored
case `dns:"txt"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringTxt(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"opt"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataOpt(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"nsec"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataNsec(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"domain-name"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataDomainNames(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n")
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
switch st.Tag(i) {
case `dns:"-"`: // ignored
case `dns:"cdomain-name"`:
case `dns:"domain-name"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = UnpackDomainName(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"a"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataA(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"aaaa"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackDataAAAA(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"uint48"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint48(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"txt"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackString(msg, off)\n")
case `dns:"base32"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase32(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n")
case `dns:"base64"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringBase64(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n")
case `dns:"hex"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringHex(msg, off, rdStart + int(rr.Hdr.Rdlength))\n")
case `dns:"octet"`:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackStringOctet(msg, off)\n")
case "":
switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() {
case types.Uint8:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint8(msg, off)\n")
case types.Uint16:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)\n")
case types.Uint32:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint32(msg, off)\n")
case types.Uint64:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackUint64(msg, off)\n")
case types.String:
o("rr.%s, off, err = unpackString(msg, off)\n")
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name())
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
// If we've hit len(msg) we return without error.
if i < st.NumFields()-1 {
fmt.Fprintf(b, `if off == len(msg) {
return rr, off, nil
fmt.Fprintf(b, "return rr, off, err }\n\n")
// Generate typeToUnpack map
fmt.Fprintln(b, "var typeToUnpack = map[uint16]func(RR_Header, []byte, int) (RR, int, error){")
for _, name := range namedTypes {
if name == "RFC3597" {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "Type%s: unpack%s,\n", name, name)
fmt.Fprintln(b, "}\n")
// gofmt
res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
// write result
f, err := os.Create("zmsg.go")
defer f.Close()
// structMember will take a tag like dns:"size-base32:SaltLength" and return the last part of this string.
func structMember(s string) string {
fields := strings.Split(s, ":")
if len(fields) == 0 {
return ""
f := fields[len(fields)-1]
// f should have a closing "
if len(f) > 1 {
return f[:len(f)-1]
return f
// structTag will take a tag like dns:"size-base32:SaltLength" and return base32.
func structTag(s string) string {
fields := strings.Split(s, ":")
if len(fields) < 2 {
return ""
return fields[1][len("\"size-"):]
func fatalIfErr(err error) {
if err != nil {
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import (
// helper functions called from the generated zmsg.go
......@@ -25,12 +26,13 @@ func unpackDataA(msg []byte, off int) (net.IP, int, error) {
func packDataA(a net.IP, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
// It must be a slice of 4, even if it is 16, we encode only the first 4
if off+net.IPv4len > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing a"}
switch len(a) {
case net.IPv4len, net.IPv6len:
// It must be a slice of 4, even if it is 16, we encode only the first 4
if off+net.IPv4len > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing a"}
copy(msg[off:], a.To4())
off += net.IPv4len
case 0:
......@@ -51,12 +53,12 @@ func unpackDataAAAA(msg []byte, off int) (net.IP, int, error) {
func packDataAAAA(aaaa net.IP, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
if off+net.IPv6len > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing aaaa"}
switch len(aaaa) {
case net.IPv6len:
if off+net.IPv6len > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing aaaa"}
copy(msg[off:], aaaa)
off += net.IPv6len
case 0:
......@@ -99,14 +101,14 @@ func unpackHeader(msg []byte, off int) (rr RR_Header, off1 int, truncmsg []byte,
return hdr, off, msg, err
// pack packs an RR header, returning the offset to the end of the header.
// packHeader packs an RR header, returning the offset to the end of the header.
// See PackDomainName for documentation about the compression.
func (hdr RR_Header) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (off1 int, err error) {
func (hdr RR_Header) packHeader(msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) {
if off == len(msg) {
return off, nil
off, err = PackDomainName(hdr.Name, msg, off, compression, compress)
off, err := packDomainName(hdr.Name, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
......@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ func (hdr RR_Header) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compr
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
off, err = packUint16(hdr.Rdlength, msg, off)
off, err = packUint16(0, msg, off) // The RDLENGTH field will be set later in packRR.
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
......@@ -177,14 +179,14 @@ func unpackUint8(msg []byte, off int) (i uint8, off1 int, err error) {
if off+1 > len(msg) {
return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint8"}
return uint8(msg[off]), off + 1, nil
return msg[off], off + 1, nil
func packUint8(i uint8, msg []byte, off int) (off1 int, err error) {
if off+1 > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing uint8"}
msg[off] = byte(i)
msg[off] = i
return off + 1, nil
......@@ -223,8 +225,8 @@ func unpackUint48(msg []byte, off int) (i uint64, off1 int, err error) {
return 0, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking uint64 as uint48"}
// Used in TSIG where the last 48 bits are occupied, so for now, assume a uint48 (6 bytes)
i = uint64(uint64(msg[off])<<40 | uint64(msg[off+1])<<32 | uint64(msg[off+2])<<24 | uint64(msg[off+3])<<16 |
uint64(msg[off+4])<<8 | uint64(msg[off+5]))
i = uint64(msg[off])<<40 | uint64(msg[off+1])<<32 | uint64(msg[off+2])<<24 | uint64(msg[off+3])<<16 |
uint64(msg[off+4])<<8 | uint64(msg[off+5])
off += 6
return i, off, nil
......@@ -264,32 +266,36 @@ func unpackString(msg []byte, off int) (string, int, error) {
return "", off, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
l := int(msg[off])
if off+l+1 > len(msg) {
if off+l > len(msg) {
return "", off, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
s := make([]byte, 0, l)
for _, b := range msg[off+1 : off+1+l] {
switch b {
case '"', '\\':
s = append(s, '\\', b)
if b < 32 || b > 127 { // unprintable
var buf [3]byte
bufs := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:0], int64(b), 10)
s = append(s, '\\')
for i := 0; i < 3-len(bufs); i++ {
s = append(s, '0')
for _, r := range bufs {
s = append(s, r)
} else {
s = append(s, b)
var s strings.Builder
consumed := 0
for i, b := range msg[off : off+l] {
switch {
case b == '"' || b == '\\':
if consumed == 0 {
s.Grow(l * 2)
s.Write(msg[off+consumed : off+i])
consumed = i + 1
case b < ' ' || b > '~': // unprintable
if consumed == 0 {
s.Grow(l * 2)
s.Write(msg[off+consumed : off+i])
consumed = i + 1
off += 1 + l
return string(s), off, nil
if consumed == 0 { // no escaping needed
return string(msg[off : off+l]), off + l, nil
s.Write(msg[off+consumed : off+l])
return s.String(), off + l, nil
func packString(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
......@@ -371,6 +377,22 @@ func packStringHex(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
return off, nil
func unpackStringAny(msg []byte, off, end int) (string, int, error) {
if end > len(msg) {
return "", len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking anything"}
return string(msg[off:end]), end, nil
func packStringAny(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
if off+len(s) > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing anything"}
copy(msg[off:off+len(s)], s)
off += len(s)
return off, nil
func unpackStringTxt(msg []byte, off int) ([]string, int, error) {
txt, off, err := unpackTxt(msg, off)
if err != nil {
......@@ -391,7 +413,7 @@ func packStringTxt(s []string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
func unpackDataOpt(msg []byte, off int) ([]EDNS0, int, error) {
var edns []EDNS0
code := uint16(0)
var code uint16
if off+4 > len(msg) {
return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking opt"}
......@@ -402,79 +424,12 @@ Option:
if off+int(optlen) > len(msg) {
return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking opt"}
switch code {
e := new(EDNS0_NSID)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
e := new(EDNS0_SUBNET)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
e := new(EDNS0_COOKIE)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
case EDNS0UL:
e := new(EDNS0_UL)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
case EDNS0LLQ:
e := new(EDNS0_LLQ)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
case EDNS0DAU:
e := new(EDNS0_DAU)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
case EDNS0DHU:
e := new(EDNS0_DHU)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
case EDNS0N3U:
e := new(EDNS0_N3U)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
e := new(EDNS0_PADDING)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
e := new(EDNS0_LOCAL)
e.Code = code
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
e := makeDataOpt(code)
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(optlen)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
edns = append(edns, e)
off += int(optlen)
if off < len(msg) {
goto Option
......@@ -486,16 +441,14 @@ Option:
func packDataOpt(options []EDNS0, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
for _, el := range options {
b, err := el.pack()
if err != nil || off+3 > len(msg) {
if err != nil || off+4 > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing opt"}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off:], el.Option()) // Option code
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off+2:], uint16(len(b))) // Length
off += 4
if off+len(b) > len(msg) {
copy(msg[off:], b)
off = len(msg)
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing opt"}
// Actual data
copy(msg[off:off+len(b)], b)
......@@ -523,7 +476,7 @@ func unpackDataNsec(msg []byte, off int) ([]uint16, int, error) {
length, window, lastwindow := 0, 0, -1
for off < len(msg) {
if off+2 > len(msg) {
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking nsecx"}
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking NSEC(3)"}
window = int(msg[off])
length = int(msg[off+1])
......@@ -531,22 +484,21 @@ func unpackDataNsec(msg []byte, off int) ([]uint16, int, error) {
if window <= lastwindow {
// RFC 4034: Blocks are present in the NSEC RR RDATA in
// increasing numerical order.
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "out of order NSEC block"}
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "out of order NSEC(3) block in type bitmap"}
if length == 0 {
// RFC 4034: Blocks with no types present MUST NOT be included.
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "empty NSEC block"}
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "empty NSEC(3) block in type bitmap"}
if length > 32 {
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "NSEC block too long"}
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "NSEC(3) block too long in type bitmap"}
if off+length > len(msg) {
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflowing NSEC block"}
return nsec, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflowing NSEC(3) block in type bitmap"}
// Walk the bytes in the window and extract the type bits
for j := 0; j < length; j++ {
b := msg[off+j]
for j, b := range msg[off : off+length] {
// Check the bits one by one, and set the type
if b&0x80 == 0x80 {
nsec = append(nsec, uint16(window*256+j*8+0))
......@@ -579,13 +531,45 @@ func unpackDataNsec(msg []byte, off int) ([]uint16, int, error) {
return nsec, off, nil
// typeBitMapLen is a helper function which computes the "maximum" length of
// a the NSEC Type BitMap field.
func typeBitMapLen(bitmap []uint16) int {
var l int
var lastwindow, lastlength uint16
for _, t := range bitmap {
window := t / 256
length := (t-window*256)/8 + 1
if window > lastwindow && lastlength != 0 { // New window, jump to the new offset
l += int(lastlength) + 2
lastlength = 0
if window < lastwindow || length < lastlength {
// packDataNsec would return Error{err: "nsec bits out of order"} here, but
// when computing the length, we want do be liberal.
lastwindow, lastlength = window, length
l += int(lastlength) + 2
return l
func packDataNsec(bitmap []uint16, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
if len(bitmap) == 0 {
return off, nil
if off > len(msg) {
return off, &Error{err: "overflow packing nsec"}
toZero := msg[off:]
if maxLen := typeBitMapLen(bitmap); maxLen < len(toZero) {
toZero = toZero[:maxLen]
for i := range toZero {
toZero[i] = 0
var lastwindow, lastlength uint16
for j := 0; j < len(bitmap); j++ {
t := bitmap[j]
for _, t := range bitmap {
window := t / 256
length := (t-window*256)/8 + 1
if window > lastwindow && lastlength != 0 { // New window, jump to the new offset
......@@ -610,6 +594,65 @@ func packDataNsec(bitmap []uint16, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
return off, nil
func unpackDataSVCB(msg []byte, off int) ([]SVCBKeyValue, int, error) {
var xs []SVCBKeyValue
var code uint16
var length uint16
var err error
for off < len(msg) {
code, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking SVCB"}
length, off, err = unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil || off+int(length) > len(msg) {
return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking SVCB"}
e := makeSVCBKeyValue(SVCBKey(code))
if e == nil {
return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "bad SVCB key"}
if err := e.unpack(msg[off : off+int(length)]); err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
if len(xs) > 0 && e.Key() <= xs[len(xs)-1].Key() {
return nil, len(msg), &Error{err: "SVCB keys not in strictly increasing order"}
xs = append(xs, e)
off += int(length)
return xs, off, nil
func packDataSVCB(pairs []SVCBKeyValue, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
pairs = append([]SVCBKeyValue(nil), pairs...)
sort.Slice(pairs, func(i, j int) bool {
return pairs[i].Key() < pairs[j].Key()
prev := svcb_RESERVED
for _, el := range pairs {
if el.Key() == prev {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "repeated SVCB keys are not allowed"}
prev = el.Key()
packed, err := el.pack()
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
off, err = packUint16(uint16(el.Key()), msg, off)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing SVCB"}
off, err = packUint16(uint16(len(packed)), msg, off)
if err != nil || off+len(packed) > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing SVCB"}
copy(msg[off:off+len(packed)], packed)
off += len(packed)
return off, nil
func unpackDataDomainNames(msg []byte, off, end int) ([]string, int, error) {
var (
servers []string
......@@ -629,13 +672,141 @@ func unpackDataDomainNames(msg []byte, off, end int) ([]string, int, error) {
return servers, off, nil
func packDataDomainNames(names []string, msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {
func packDataDomainNames(names []string, msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) {
var err error
for _, name := range names {
off, err = packDomainName(name, msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
return off, nil
func packDataApl(data []APLPrefix, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
var err error
for j := 0; j < len(names); j++ {
off, err = PackDomainName(names[j], msg, off, compression, false && compress)
for i := range data {
off, err = packDataAplPrefix(&data[i], msg, off)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
return off, nil
func packDataAplPrefix(p *APLPrefix, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
if len(p.Network.IP) != len(p.Network.Mask) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "address and mask lengths don't match"}
var err error
prefix, _ := p.Network.Mask.Size()
addr := p.Network.IP.Mask(p.Network.Mask)[:(prefix+7)/8]
switch len(p.Network.IP) {
case net.IPv4len:
off, err = packUint16(1, msg, off)
case net.IPv6len:
off, err = packUint16(2, msg, off)
err = &Error{err: "unrecognized address family"}
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
off, err = packUint8(uint8(prefix), msg, off)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
var n uint8
if p.Negation {
n = 0x80
// trim trailing zero bytes as specified in RFC3123 Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
i := len(addr) - 1
for ; i >= 0 && addr[i] == 0; i-- {
addr = addr[:i+1]
adflen := uint8(len(addr)) & 0x7f
off, err = packUint8(n|adflen, msg, off)
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
if off+len(addr) > len(msg) {
return len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow packing APL prefix"}
off += copy(msg[off:], addr)
return off, nil
func unpackDataApl(msg []byte, off int) ([]APLPrefix, int, error) {
var result []APLPrefix
for off < len(msg) {
prefix, end, err := unpackDataAplPrefix(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return nil, len(msg), err
off = end
result = append(result, prefix)
return result, off, nil
func unpackDataAplPrefix(msg []byte, off int) (APLPrefix, int, error) {
family, off, err := unpackUint16(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking APL prefix"}
prefix, off, err := unpackUint8(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking APL prefix"}
nlen, off, err := unpackUint8(msg, off)
if err != nil {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking APL prefix"}
var ip []byte
switch family {
case 1:
ip = make([]byte, net.IPv4len)
case 2:
ip = make([]byte, net.IPv6len)
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "unrecognized APL address family"}
if int(prefix) > 8*len(ip) {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "APL prefix too long"}
afdlen := int(nlen & 0x7f)
if afdlen > len(ip) {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "APL length too long"}
if off+afdlen > len(msg) {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "overflow unpacking APL address"}
// Address MUST NOT contain trailing zero bytes per RFC3123 Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
off += copy(ip, msg[off:off+afdlen])
if afdlen > 0 {
last := ip[afdlen-1]
if last == 0 {
return APLPrefix{}, len(msg), &Error{err: "extra APL address bits"}
ipnet := net.IPNet{
IP: ip,
Mask: net.CIDRMask(int(prefix), 8*len(ip)),
return APLPrefix{
Negation: (nlen & 0x80) != 0,
Network: ipnet,
}, off, nil
package dns
// Truncate ensures the reply message will fit into the requested buffer
// size by removing records that exceed the requested size.
// It will first check if the reply fits without compression and then with
// compression. If it won't fit with compression, Truncate then walks the
// record adding as many records as possible without exceeding the
// requested buffer size.
// If the message fits within the requested size without compression,
// Truncate will set the message's Compress attribute to false. It is
// the caller's responsibility to set it back to true if they wish to
// compress the payload regardless of size.
// The TC bit will be set if any records were excluded from the message.
// If the TC bit is already set on the message it will be retained.
// TC indicates that the client should retry over TCP.
// According to RFC 2181, the TC bit should only be set if not all of the
// "required" RRs can be included in the response. Unfortunately, we have
// no way of knowing which RRs are required so we set the TC bit if any RR
// had to be omitted from the response.
// The appropriate buffer size can be retrieved from the requests OPT
// record, if present, and is transport specific otherwise. dns.MinMsgSize
// should be used for UDP requests without an OPT record, and
// dns.MaxMsgSize for TCP requests without an OPT record.
func (dns *Msg) Truncate(size int) {
if dns.IsTsig() != nil {
// To simplify this implementation, we don't perform
// truncation on responses with a TSIG record.
// RFC 6891 mandates that the payload size in an OPT record
// less than 512 (MinMsgSize) bytes must be treated as equal to 512 bytes.
// For ease of use, we impose that restriction here.
if size < MinMsgSize {
size = MinMsgSize
l := msgLenWithCompressionMap(dns, nil) // uncompressed length
if l <= size {
// Don't waste effort compressing this message.
dns.Compress = false
dns.Compress = true
edns0 := dns.popEdns0()
if edns0 != nil {
// Account for the OPT record that gets added at the end,
// by subtracting that length from our budget.
// The EDNS(0) OPT record must have the root domain and
// it's length is thus unaffected by compression.
size -= Len(edns0)
compression := make(map[string]struct{})
l = headerSize
for _, r := range dns.Question {
l += r.len(l, compression)
var numAnswer int
if l < size {
l, numAnswer = truncateLoop(dns.Answer, size, l, compression)
var numNS int
if l < size {
l, numNS = truncateLoop(dns.Ns, size, l, compression)
var numExtra int
if l < size {
_, numExtra = truncateLoop(dns.Extra, size, l, compression)
// See the function documentation for when we set this.
dns.Truncated = dns.Truncated || len(dns.Answer) > numAnswer ||
len(dns.Ns) > numNS || len(dns.Extra) > numExtra
dns.Answer = dns.Answer[:numAnswer]
dns.Ns = dns.Ns[:numNS]
dns.Extra = dns.Extra[:numExtra]
if edns0 != nil {
// Add the OPT record back onto the additional section.
dns.Extra = append(dns.Extra, edns0)
func truncateLoop(rrs []RR, size, l int, compression map[string]struct{}) (int, int) {
for i, r := range rrs {
if r == nil {
l += r.len(l, compression)
if l > size {
// Return size, rather than l prior to this record,
// to prevent any further records being added.
return size, i
if l == size {
return l, i + 1
return l, len(rrs)
......@@ -2,53 +2,48 @@ package dns
import (
type saltWireFmt struct {
Salt string `dns:"size-hex"`
// HashName hashes a string (label) according to RFC 5155. It returns the hashed string in uppercase.
func HashName(label string, ha uint8, iter uint16, salt string) string {
saltwire := new(saltWireFmt)
saltwire.Salt = salt
wire := make([]byte, DefaultMsgSize)
n, err := packSaltWire(saltwire, wire)
if ha != SHA1 {
return ""
wireSalt := make([]byte, hex.DecodedLen(len(salt)))
n, err := packStringHex(salt, wireSalt, 0)
if err != nil {
return ""
wire = wire[:n]
wireSalt = wireSalt[:n]
name := make([]byte, 255)
off, err := PackDomainName(strings.ToLower(label), name, 0, nil, false)
if err != nil {
return ""
name = name[:off]
var s hash.Hash
switch ha {
case SHA1:
s = sha1.New()
return ""
s := sha1.New()
// k = 0
nsec3 := s.Sum(nil)
// k > 0
for k := uint16(0); k < iter; k++ {
nsec3 = s.Sum(nsec3[:0])
return toBase32(nsec3)
// Cover returns true if a name is covered by the NSEC3 record
// Cover returns true if a name is covered by the NSEC3 record.
func (rr *NSEC3) Cover(name string) bool {
nameHash := HashName(name, rr.Hash, rr.Iterations, rr.Salt)
owner := strings.ToUpper(rr.Hdr.Name)
......@@ -63,8 +58,10 @@ func (rr *NSEC3) Cover(name string) bool {
nextHash := rr.NextDomain
if ownerHash == nextHash { // empty interval
return false
// if empty interval found, try cover wildcard hashes so nameHash shouldn't match with ownerHash
if ownerHash == nextHash && nameHash != ownerHash { // empty interval
return true
if ownerHash > nextHash { // end of zone
if nameHash > ownerHash { // covered since there is nothing after ownerHash
......@@ -96,11 +93,3 @@ func (rr *NSEC3) Match(name string) bool {
return false
func packSaltWire(sw *saltWireFmt, msg []byte) (int, error) {
off, err := packStringHex(sw.Salt, msg, 0)
if err != nil {
return off, err
return off, nil
package dns
import (
import "strings"
// PrivateRdata is an interface used for implementing "Private Use" RR types, see
// RFC 6895. This allows one to experiment with new RR types, without requesting an
// official type code. Also see dns.PrivateHandle and dns.PrivateHandleRemove.
type PrivateRdata interface {
// String returns the text presentaton of the Rdata of the Private RR.
// String returns the text presentation of the Rdata of the Private RR.
String() string
// Parse parses the Rdata of the private RR.
Parse([]string) error
// Pack is used when packing a private RR into a buffer.
Pack([]byte) (int, error)
// Unpack is used when unpacking a private RR from a buffer.
// TODO(miek): diff. signature than Pack, see edns0.go for instance.
Unpack([]byte) (int, error)
// Copy copies the Rdata.
// Copy copies the Rdata into the PrivateRdata argument.
Copy(PrivateRdata) error
// Len returns the length in octets of the Rdata.
Len() int
......@@ -29,21 +25,8 @@ type PrivateRdata interface {
type PrivateRR struct {
Hdr RR_Header
Data PrivateRdata
func mkPrivateRR(rrtype uint16) *PrivateRR {
// Panics if RR is not an instance of PrivateRR.
rrfunc, ok := TypeToRR[rrtype]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("dns: invalid operation with Private RR type %d", rrtype))
anyrr := rrfunc()
switch rr := anyrr.(type) {
case *PrivateRR:
return rr
panic(fmt.Sprintf("dns: RR is not a PrivateRR, TypeToRR[%d] generator returned %T", rrtype, anyrr))
generator func() PrivateRdata // for copy
// Header return the RR header of r.
......@@ -52,97 +35,79 @@ func (r *PrivateRR) Header() *RR_Header { return &r.Hdr }
func (r *PrivateRR) String() string { return r.Hdr.String() + r.Data.String() }
// Private len and copy parts to satisfy RR interface.
func (r *PrivateRR) len() int { return r.Hdr.len() + r.Data.Len() }
func (r *PrivateRR) len(off int, compression map[string]struct{}) int {
l := r.Hdr.len(off, compression)
l += r.Data.Len()
return l
func (r *PrivateRR) copy() RR {
// make new RR like this:
rr := mkPrivateRR(r.Hdr.Rrtype)
rr.Hdr = r.Hdr
rr := &PrivateRR{r.Hdr, r.generator(), r.generator}
err := r.Data.Copy(rr.Data)
if err != nil {
panic("dns: got value that could not be used to copy Private rdata")
if err := r.Data.Copy(rr.Data); err != nil {
panic("dns: got value that could not be used to copy Private rdata: " + err.Error())
return rr
func (r *PrivateRR) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression map[string]int, compress bool) (int, error) {
off, err := r.Hdr.pack(msg, off, compression, compress)
if err != nil {
return off, err
headerEnd := off
func (r *PrivateRR) pack(msg []byte, off int, compression compressionMap, compress bool) (int, error) {
n, err := r.Data.Pack(msg[off:])
if err != nil {
return len(msg), err
off += n
r.Header().Rdlength = uint16(off - headerEnd)
return off, nil
// PrivateHandle registers a private resource record type. It requires
// string and numeric representation of private RR type and generator function as argument.
func PrivateHandle(rtypestr string, rtype uint16, generator func() PrivateRdata) {
rtypestr = strings.ToUpper(rtypestr)
TypeToRR[rtype] = func() RR { return &PrivateRR{RR_Header{}, generator()} }
TypeToString[rtype] = rtypestr
StringToType[rtypestr] = rtype
func (r *PrivateRR) unpack(msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {
off1, err := r.Data.Unpack(msg[off:])
off += off1
return off, err
typeToUnpack[rtype] = func(h RR_Header, msg []byte, off int) (RR, int, error) {
if noRdata(h) {
return &h, off, nil
func (r *PrivateRR) parse(c *zlexer, origin string) *ParseError {
var l lex
text := make([]string, 0, 2) // could be 0..N elements, median is probably 1
for {
// TODO(miek): we could also be returning _QUOTE, this might or might not
// be an issue (basically parsing TXT becomes hard)
switch l, _ = c.Next(); l.value {
case zNewline, zEOF:
break Fetch
case zString:
text = append(text, l.token)
var err error
rr := mkPrivateRR(h.Rrtype)
rr.Hdr = h
off1, err := rr.Data.Unpack(msg[off:])
off += off1
if err != nil {
return rr, off, err
return rr, off, err
err := r.Data.Parse(text)
if err != nil {
return &ParseError{"", err.Error(), l}
setPrivateRR := func(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := mkPrivateRR(h.Rrtype)
rr.Hdr = h
var l lex
text := make([]string, 0, 2) // could be 0..N elements, median is probably 1
for {
// TODO(miek): we could also be returning _QUOTE, this might or might not
// be an issue (basically parsing TXT becomes hard)
switch l = <-c; l.value {
case zNewline, zEOF:
break Fetch
case zString:
text = append(text, l.token)
return nil
err := rr.Data.Parse(text)
if err != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, err.Error(), l}, ""
func (r *PrivateRR) isDuplicate(r2 RR) bool { return false }
return rr, nil, ""
// PrivateHandle registers a private resource record type. It requires
// string and numeric representation of private RR type and generator function as argument.
func PrivateHandle(rtypestr string, rtype uint16, generator func() PrivateRdata) {
rtypestr = strings.ToUpper(rtypestr)
typeToparserFunc[rtype] = parserFunc{setPrivateRR, true}
TypeToRR[rtype] = func() RR { return &PrivateRR{RR_Header{}, generator(), generator} }
TypeToString[rtype] = rtypestr
StringToType[rtypestr] = rtype
// PrivateHandleRemove removes defenitions required to support private RR type.
// PrivateHandleRemove removes definitions required to support private RR type.
func PrivateHandleRemove(rtype uint16) {
rtypestr, ok := TypeToString[rtype]
if ok {
delete(TypeToRR, rtype)
delete(TypeToString, rtype)
delete(typeToparserFunc, rtype)
delete(StringToType, rtypestr)
delete(typeToUnpack, rtype)
package dns
import "encoding/binary"
// rawSetRdlength sets the rdlength in the header of
// the RR. The offset 'off' must be positioned at the
// start of the header of the RR, 'end' must be the
// end of the RR.
func rawSetRdlength(msg []byte, off, end int) bool {
l := len(msg)
for {
if off+1 > l {
return false
c := int(msg[off])
switch c & 0xC0 {
case 0x00:
if c == 0x00 {
// End of the domainname
break Loop
if off+c > l {
return false
off += c
case 0xC0:
// pointer, next byte included, ends domainname
break Loop
// The domainname has been seen, we at the start of the fixed part in the header.
// Type is 2 bytes, class is 2 bytes, ttl 4 and then 2 bytes for the length.
off += 2 + 2 + 4
if off+2 > l {
return false
//off+1 is the end of the header, 'end' is the end of the rr
//so 'end' - 'off+2' is the length of the rdata
rdatalen := end - (off + 2)
if rdatalen > 0xFFFF {
return false
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg[off:], uint16(rdatalen))
return true
......@@ -12,6 +12,20 @@ var StringToOpcode = reverseInt(OpcodeToString)
// StringToRcode is a map of rcodes to strings.
var StringToRcode = reverseInt(RcodeToString)
func init() {
// Preserve previous NOTIMP typo, see
StringToRcode["NOTIMPL"] = RcodeNotImplemented
// StringToAlgorithm is the reverse of AlgorithmToString.
var StringToAlgorithm = reverseInt8(AlgorithmToString)
// StringToHash is a map of names to hash IDs.
var StringToHash = reverseInt8(HashToString)
// StringToCertType is the reverseof CertTypeToString.
var StringToCertType = reverseInt16(CertTypeToString)
// Reverse a map
func reverseInt8(m map[uint8]string) map[string]uint8 {
n := make(map[string]uint8, len(m))
......@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ func Dedup(rrs []RR, m map[string]RR) []RR {
for _, r := range rrs {
key := normalizedString(r)
keys = append(keys, &key)
if _, ok := m[key]; ok {
if mr, ok := m[key]; ok {
// Shortest TTL wins.
if m[key].Header().Ttl > r.Header().Ttl {
m[key].Header().Ttl = r.Header().Ttl
rh, mrh := r.Header(), mr.Header()
if mrh.Ttl > rh.Ttl {
mrh.Ttl = rh.Ttl
package dns
import (
......@@ -10,7 +11,10 @@ import (
const maxTok = 2048 // Largest token we can return.
const maxUint16 = 1<<16 - 1
// The maximum depth of $INCLUDE directives supported by the
// ZoneParser API.
const maxIncludeDepth = 7
// Tokinize a RFC 1035 zone file. The tokenizer will normalize it:
// * Add ownernames if they are left blank;
......@@ -75,25 +79,12 @@ func (e *ParseError) Error() (s string) {
type lex struct {
token string // text of the token
tokenUpper string // uppercase text of the token
length int // length of the token
err bool // when true, token text has lexer error
value uint8 // value: zString, _BLANK, etc.
line int // line in the file
column int // column in the file
torc uint16 // type or class as parsed in the lexer, we only need to look this up in the grammar
comment string // any comment text seen
// Token holds the token that are returned when a zone file is parsed.
type Token struct {
// The scanned resource record when error is not nil.
// When an error occurred, this has the error specifics.
Error *ParseError
// A potential comment positioned after the RR and on the same line.
Comment string
token string // text of the token
err bool // when true, token text has lexer error
value uint8 // value: zString, _BLANK, etc.
torc uint16 // type or class as parsed in the lexer, we only need to look this up in the grammar
line int // line in the file
column int // column in the file
// ttlState describes the state necessary to fill in an omitted RR TTL
......@@ -102,11 +93,12 @@ type ttlState struct {
isByDirective bool // isByDirective indicates whether ttl was set by a $TTL directive
// NewRR reads the RR contained in the string s. Only the first RR is
// returned. If s contains no RR, return nil with no error. The class
// defaults to IN and TTL defaults to 3600. The full zone file syntax
// like $TTL, $ORIGIN, etc. is supported. All fields of the returned
// RR are set, except RR.Header().Rdlength which is set to 0.
// NewRR reads the RR contained in the string s. Only the first RR is returned.
// If s contains no records, NewRR will return nil with no error.
// The class defaults to IN and TTL defaults to 3600. The full zone file syntax
// like $TTL, $ORIGIN, etc. is supported. All fields of the returned RR are
// set, except RR.Header().Rdlength which is set to 0.
func NewRR(s string) (RR, error) {
if len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] != '\n' { // We need a closing newline
return ReadRR(strings.NewReader(s+"\n"), "")
......@@ -114,125 +106,228 @@ func NewRR(s string) (RR, error) {
return ReadRR(strings.NewReader(s), "")
// ReadRR reads the RR contained in q.
// ReadRR reads the RR contained in r.
// The string file is used in error reporting and to resolve relative
// $INCLUDE directives.
// See NewRR for more documentation.
func ReadRR(q io.Reader, filename string) (RR, error) {
defttl := &ttlState{defaultTtl, false}
r := <-parseZoneHelper(q, ".", filename, defttl, 1)
if r == nil {
return nil, nil
if r.Error != nil {
return nil, r.Error
return r.RR, nil
func ReadRR(r io.Reader, file string) (RR, error) {
zp := NewZoneParser(r, ".", file)
rr, _ := zp.Next()
return rr, zp.Err()
// ParseZone reads a RFC 1035 style zonefile from r. It returns *Tokens on the
// returned channel, each consisting of either a parsed RR and optional comment
// or a nil RR and an error. The string file is only used
// in error reporting. The string origin is used as the initial origin, as
// if the file would start with an $ORIGIN directive.
// The directives $INCLUDE, $ORIGIN, $TTL and $GENERATE are supported.
// The channel t is closed by ParseZone when the end of r is reached.
// ZoneParser is a parser for an RFC 1035 style zonefile.
// Each parsed RR in the zone is returned sequentially from Next. An
// optional comment can be retrieved with Comment.
// The directives $INCLUDE, $ORIGIN, $TTL and $GENERATE are all
// supported. Although $INCLUDE is disabled by default.
// Note that $GENERATE's range support up to a maximum of 65535 steps.
// Basic usage pattern when reading from a string (z) containing the
// zone data:
// for x := range dns.ParseZone(strings.NewReader(z), "", "") {
// if x.Error != nil {
// // log.Println(x.Error)
// } else {
// // Do something with x.RR
// }
// zp := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(z), "", "")
// for rr, ok := zp.Next(); ok; rr, ok = zp.Next() {
// // Do something with rr
// }
// Comments specified after an RR (and on the same line!) are returned too:
// if err := zp.Err(); err != nil {
// // log.Println(err)
// }
// Comments specified after an RR (and on the same line!) are
// returned too:
// foo. IN A ; this is a comment
// The text "; this is comment" is returned in Token.Comment. Comments inside the
// RR are discarded. Comments on a line by themselves are discarded too.
func ParseZone(r io.Reader, origin, file string) chan *Token {
return parseZoneHelper(r, origin, file, nil, 10000)
// The text "; this is comment" is returned from Comment. Comments inside
// the RR are returned concatenated along with the RR. Comments on a line
// by themselves are discarded.
// Callers should not assume all returned data in an Resource Record is
// syntactically correct, e.g. illegal base64 in RRSIGs will be returned as-is.
type ZoneParser struct {
c *zlexer
func parseZoneHelper(r io.Reader, origin, file string, defttl *ttlState, chansize int) chan *Token {
t := make(chan *Token, chansize)
go parseZone(r, origin, file, defttl, t, 0)
return t
parseErr *ParseError
func parseZone(r io.Reader, origin, f string, defttl *ttlState, t chan *Token, include int) {
defer func() {
if include == 0 {
s, cancel := scanInit(r)
c := make(chan lex)
// Start the lexer
go zlexer(s, c)
defer func() {
// zlexer can send up to three tokens, the next one and possibly 2 remainders.
// Do a non-blocking read.
_, ok := <-c
_, ok = <-c
_, ok = <-c
if !ok {
// too bad
// 6 possible beginnings of a line, _ is a space
// 0. zRRTYPE -> all omitted until the rrtype
// 1. zOwner _ zRrtype -> class/ttl omitted
// 2. zOwner _ zString _ zRrtype -> class omitted
// 3. zOwner _ zString _ zClass _ zRrtype -> ttl/class
// 4. zOwner _ zClass _ zRrtype -> ttl omitted
// 5. zOwner _ zClass _ zString _ zRrtype -> class/ttl (reversed)
// After detecting these, we know the zRrtype so we can jump to functions
// handling the rdata for each of these types.
origin string
file string
defttl *ttlState
h RR_Header
// sub is used to parse $INCLUDE files and $GENERATE directives.
// Next, by calling subNext, forwards the resulting RRs from this
// sub parser to the calling code.
sub *ZoneParser
osFile *os.File
includeDepth uint8
includeAllowed bool
generateDisallowed bool
// NewZoneParser returns an RFC 1035 style zonefile parser that reads
// from r.
// The string file is used in error reporting and to resolve relative
// $INCLUDE directives. The string origin is used as the initial
// origin, as if the file would start with an $ORIGIN directive.
func NewZoneParser(r io.Reader, origin, file string) *ZoneParser {
var pe *ParseError
if origin != "" {
origin = Fqdn(origin)
if _, ok := IsDomainName(origin); !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "bad initial origin name", lex{}}}
pe = &ParseError{file, "bad initial origin name", lex{}}
return &ZoneParser{
c: newZLexer(r),
parseErr: pe,
origin: origin,
file: file,
// SetDefaultTTL sets the parsers default TTL to ttl.
func (zp *ZoneParser) SetDefaultTTL(ttl uint32) {
zp.defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
// SetIncludeAllowed controls whether $INCLUDE directives are
// allowed. $INCLUDE directives are not supported by default.
// The $INCLUDE directive will open and read from a user controlled
// file on the system. Even if the file is not a valid zonefile, the
// contents of the file may be revealed in error messages, such as:
// /etc/passwd: dns: not a TTL: "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" at line: 1:31
// /etc/shadow: dns: not a TTL: "root:$6$<redacted>::0:99999:7:::" at line: 1:125
func (zp *ZoneParser) SetIncludeAllowed(v bool) {
zp.includeAllowed = v
// Err returns the first non-EOF error that was encountered by the
// ZoneParser.
func (zp *ZoneParser) Err() error {
if zp.parseErr != nil {
return zp.parseErr
if zp.sub != nil {
if err := zp.sub.Err(); err != nil {
return err
return zp.c.Err()
func (zp *ZoneParser) setParseError(err string, l lex) (RR, bool) {
zp.parseErr = &ParseError{zp.file, err, l}
return nil, false
// Comment returns an optional text comment that occurred alongside
// the RR.
func (zp *ZoneParser) Comment() string {
if zp.parseErr != nil {
return ""
if zp.sub != nil {
return zp.sub.Comment()
return zp.c.Comment()
func (zp *ZoneParser) subNext() (RR, bool) {
if rr, ok := zp.sub.Next(); ok {
return rr, true
if zp.sub.osFile != nil {
zp.sub.osFile = nil
if zp.sub.Err() != nil {
// We have errors to surface.
return nil, false
zp.sub = nil
return zp.Next()
// Next advances the parser to the next RR in the zonefile and
// returns the (RR, true). It will return (nil, false) when the
// parsing stops, either by reaching the end of the input or an
// error. After Next returns (nil, false), the Err method will return
// any error that occurred during parsing.
func (zp *ZoneParser) Next() (RR, bool) {
if zp.parseErr != nil {
return nil, false
if zp.sub != nil {
return zp.subNext()
// 6 possible beginnings of a line (_ is a space):
// 0. zRRTYPE -> all omitted until the rrtype
// 1. zOwner _ zRrtype -> class/ttl omitted
// 2. zOwner _ zString _ zRrtype -> class omitted
// 3. zOwner _ zString _ zClass _ zRrtype -> ttl/class
// 4. zOwner _ zClass _ zRrtype -> ttl omitted
// 5. zOwner _ zClass _ zString _ zRrtype -> class/ttl (reversed)
// After detecting these, we know the zRrtype so we can jump to functions
// handling the rdata for each of these types.
st := zExpectOwnerDir // initial state
var h RR_Header
var prevName string
for l := range c {
// Lexer spotted an error already
if l.err == true {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, l.token, l}}
h := &zp.h
for l, ok := zp.c.Next(); ok; l, ok = zp.c.Next() {
// zlexer spotted an error already
if l.err {
return zp.setParseError(l.token, l)
switch st {
case zExpectOwnerDir:
// We can also expect a directive, like $TTL or $ORIGIN
if defttl != nil {
h.Ttl = defttl.ttl
if zp.defttl != nil {
h.Ttl = zp.defttl.ttl
h.Class = ClassINET
switch l.value {
case zNewline:
st = zExpectOwnerDir
case zOwner:
h.Name = l.token
name, ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, origin)
name, ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, zp.origin)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "bad owner name", l}}
return zp.setParseError("bad owner name", l)
h.Name = name
prevName = h.Name
st = zExpectOwnerBl
case zDirTTL:
st = zExpectDirTTLBl
......@@ -243,12 +338,12 @@ func parseZone(r io.Reader, origin, f string, defttl *ttlState, t chan *Token, i
case zDirGenerate:
st = zExpectDirGenerateBl
case zRrtpe:
h.Name = prevName
h.Rrtype = l.torc
st = zExpectRdata
case zClass:
h.Name = prevName
h.Class = l.torc
st = zExpectAnyNoClassBl
case zBlank:
// Discard, can happen when there is nothing on the
......@@ -256,297 +351,477 @@ func parseZone(r io.Reader, origin, f string, defttl *ttlState, t chan *Token, i
case zString:
ttl, ok := stringToTTL(l.token)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "not a TTL", l}}
return zp.setParseError("not a TTL", l)
h.Ttl = ttl
if defttl == nil || !defttl.isByDirective {
defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
if zp.defttl == nil || !zp.defttl.isByDirective {
zp.defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
st = zExpectAnyNoTTLBl
st = zExpectAnyNoTTLBl
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "syntax error at beginning", l}}
return zp.setParseError("syntax error at beginning", l)
case zExpectDirIncludeBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank after $INCLUDE-directive", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank after $INCLUDE-directive", l)
st = zExpectDirInclude
case zExpectDirInclude:
if l.value != zString {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting $INCLUDE value, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting $INCLUDE value, not this...", l)
neworigin := origin // There may be optionally a new origin set after the filename, if not use current one
switch l := <-c; l.value {
neworigin := zp.origin // There may be optionally a new origin set after the filename, if not use current one
switch l, _ := zp.c.Next(); l.value {
case zBlank:
l := <-c
l, _ := zp.c.Next()
if l.value == zString {
name, ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, origin)
name, ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, zp.origin)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "bad origin name", l}}
return zp.setParseError("bad origin name", l)
neworigin = name
case zNewline, zEOF:
// Ok
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "garbage after $INCLUDE", l}}
return zp.setParseError("garbage after $INCLUDE", l)
if !zp.includeAllowed {
return zp.setParseError("$INCLUDE directive not allowed", l)
if zp.includeDepth >= maxIncludeDepth {
return zp.setParseError("too deeply nested $INCLUDE", l)
// Start with the new file
includePath := l.token
if !filepath.IsAbs(includePath) {
includePath = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(f), includePath)
includePath = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(zp.file), includePath)
r1, e1 := os.Open(includePath)
if e1 != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to open `%s'", l.token)
var as string
if !filepath.IsAbs(l.token) {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(" as `%s'", includePath)
as = fmt.Sprintf(" as `%s'", includePath)
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, msg, l}}
if include+1 > 7 {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "too deeply nested $INCLUDE", l}}
msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to open `%s'%s: %v", l.token, as, e1)
return zp.setParseError(msg, l)
parseZone(r1, neworigin, includePath, defttl, t, include+1)
st = zExpectOwnerDir
zp.sub = NewZoneParser(r1, neworigin, includePath)
zp.sub.defttl, zp.sub.includeDepth, zp.sub.osFile = zp.defttl, zp.includeDepth+1, r1
return zp.subNext()
case zExpectDirTTLBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank after $TTL-directive", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank after $TTL-directive", l)
st = zExpectDirTTL
case zExpectDirTTL:
if l.value != zString {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting $TTL value, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting $TTL value, not this...", l)
if e, _ := slurpRemainder(c, f); e != nil {
t <- &Token{Error: e}
if err := slurpRemainder(zp.c); err != nil {
return zp.setParseError(err.err, err.lex)
ttl, ok := stringToTTL(l.token)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting $TTL value, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting $TTL value, not this...", l)
defttl = &ttlState{ttl, true}
zp.defttl = &ttlState{ttl, true}
st = zExpectOwnerDir
case zExpectDirOriginBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank after $ORIGIN-directive", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank after $ORIGIN-directive", l)
st = zExpectDirOrigin
case zExpectDirOrigin:
if l.value != zString {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting $ORIGIN value, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting $ORIGIN value, not this...", l)
if e, _ := slurpRemainder(c, f); e != nil {
t <- &Token{Error: e}
if err := slurpRemainder(zp.c); err != nil {
return zp.setParseError(err.err, err.lex)
name, ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, origin)
name, ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, zp.origin)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "bad origin name", l}}
return zp.setParseError("bad origin name", l)
origin = name
zp.origin = name
st = zExpectOwnerDir
case zExpectDirGenerateBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank after $GENERATE-directive", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank after $GENERATE-directive", l)
st = zExpectDirGenerate
case zExpectDirGenerate:
if l.value != zString {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting $GENERATE value, not this...", l}}
if zp.generateDisallowed {
return zp.setParseError("nested $GENERATE directive not allowed", l)
if errMsg := generate(l, c, t, origin); errMsg != "" {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, errMsg, l}}
if l.value != zString {
return zp.setParseError("expecting $GENERATE value, not this...", l)
st = zExpectOwnerDir
return zp.generate(l)
case zExpectOwnerBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank after owner", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank after owner", l)
st = zExpectAny
case zExpectAny:
switch l.value {
case zRrtpe:
if defttl == nil {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "missing TTL with no previous value", l}}
if zp.defttl == nil {
return zp.setParseError("missing TTL with no previous value", l)
h.Rrtype = l.torc
st = zExpectRdata
case zClass:
h.Class = l.torc
st = zExpectAnyNoClassBl
case zString:
ttl, ok := stringToTTL(l.token)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "not a TTL", l}}
return zp.setParseError("not a TTL", l)
h.Ttl = ttl
if defttl == nil || !defttl.isByDirective {
defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
if zp.defttl == nil || !zp.defttl.isByDirective {
zp.defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
st = zExpectAnyNoTTLBl
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting RR type, TTL or class, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting RR type, TTL or class, not this...", l)
case zExpectAnyNoClassBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank before class", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank before class", l)
st = zExpectAnyNoClass
case zExpectAnyNoTTLBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank before TTL", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank before TTL", l)
st = zExpectAnyNoTTL
case zExpectAnyNoTTL:
switch l.value {
case zClass:
h.Class = l.torc
st = zExpectRrtypeBl
case zRrtpe:
h.Rrtype = l.torc
st = zExpectRdata
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting RR type or class, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting RR type or class, not this...", l)
case zExpectAnyNoClass:
switch l.value {
case zString:
ttl, ok := stringToTTL(l.token)
if !ok {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "not a TTL", l}}
return zp.setParseError("not a TTL", l)
h.Ttl = ttl
if defttl == nil || !defttl.isByDirective {
defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
if zp.defttl == nil || !zp.defttl.isByDirective {
zp.defttl = &ttlState{ttl, false}
st = zExpectRrtypeBl
case zRrtpe:
h.Rrtype = l.torc
st = zExpectRdata
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "expecting RR type or TTL, not this...", l}}
return zp.setParseError("expecting RR type or TTL, not this...", l)
case zExpectRrtypeBl:
if l.value != zBlank {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "no blank before RR type", l}}
return zp.setParseError("no blank before RR type", l)
st = zExpectRrtype
case zExpectRrtype:
if l.value != zRrtpe {
t <- &Token{Error: &ParseError{f, "unknown RR type", l}}
return zp.setParseError("unknown RR type", l)
h.Rrtype = l.torc
st = zExpectRdata
case zExpectRdata:
r, e, c1 := setRR(h, c, origin, f)
if e != nil {
// If e.lex is nil than we have encounter a unknown RR type
// in that case we substitute our current lex token
if e.lex.token == "" && e.lex.value == 0 {
e.lex = l // Uh, dirty
var (
rr RR
parseAsRFC3597 bool
if newFn, ok := TypeToRR[h.Rrtype]; ok {
rr = newFn()
*rr.Header() = *h
// We may be parsing a known RR type using the RFC3597 format.
// If so, we handle that here in a generic way.
// This is also true for PrivateRR types which will have the
// RFC3597 parsing done for them and the Unpack method called
// to populate the RR instead of simply deferring to Parse.
if zp.c.Peek().token == "\\#" {
parseAsRFC3597 = true
t <- &Token{Error: e}
} else {
rr = &RFC3597{Hdr: *h}
t <- &Token{RR: r, Comment: c1}
st = zExpectOwnerDir
_, isPrivate := rr.(*PrivateRR)
if !isPrivate && zp.c.Peek().token == "" {
// This is a dynamic update rr.
// TODO(tmthrgd): Previously slurpRemainder was only called
// for certain RR types, which may have been important.
if err := slurpRemainder(zp.c); err != nil {
return zp.setParseError(err.err, err.lex)
return rr, true
} else if l.value == zNewline {
return zp.setParseError("unexpected newline", l)
parseAsRR := rr
if parseAsRFC3597 {
parseAsRR = &RFC3597{Hdr: *h}
if err := parseAsRR.parse(zp.c, zp.origin); err != nil {
// err is a concrete *ParseError without the file field set.
// The setParseError call below will construct a new
// *ParseError with file set to zp.file.
// err.lex may be nil in which case we substitute our current
// lex token.
if err.lex == (lex{}) {
return zp.setParseError(err.err, l)
return zp.setParseError(err.err, err.lex)
if parseAsRFC3597 {
err := parseAsRR.(*RFC3597).fromRFC3597(rr)
if err != nil {
return zp.setParseError(err.Error(), l)
return rr, true
// If we get here, we and the h.Rrtype is still zero, we haven't parsed anything, this
// is not an error, because an empty zone file is still a zone file.
return nil, false
type zlexer struct {
br io.ByteReader
readErr error
line int
column int
comBuf string
comment string
l lex
cachedL *lex
brace int
quote bool
space bool
commt bool
rrtype bool
owner bool
nextL bool
eol bool // end-of-line
func newZLexer(r io.Reader) *zlexer {
br, ok := r.(io.ByteReader)
if !ok {
br = bufio.NewReaderSize(r, 1024)
return &zlexer{
br: br,
line: 1,
owner: true,
// zlexer scans the sourcefile and returns tokens on the channel c.
func zlexer(s *scan, c chan lex) {
var l lex
str := make([]byte, maxTok) // Should be enough for any token
stri := 0 // Offset in str (0 means empty)
com := make([]byte, maxTok) // Hold comment text
comi := 0
quote := false
escape := false
space := false
commt := false
rrtype := false
owner := true
brace := 0
x, err := s.tokenText()
defer close(c)
for err == nil {
l.column = s.position.Column
l.line = s.position.Line
if stri >= maxTok {
func (zl *zlexer) Err() error {
if zl.readErr == io.EOF {
return nil
return zl.readErr
// readByte returns the next byte from the input
func (zl *zlexer) readByte() (byte, bool) {
if zl.readErr != nil {
return 0, false
c, err :=
if err != nil {
zl.readErr = err
return 0, false
// delay the newline handling until the next token is delivered,
// fixes off-by-one errors when reporting a parse error.
if zl.eol {
zl.column = 0
zl.eol = false
if c == '\n' {
zl.eol = true
} else {
return c, true
func (zl *zlexer) Peek() lex {
if zl.nextL {
return zl.l
l, ok := zl.Next()
if !ok {
return l
if zl.nextL {
// Cache l. Next returns zl.cachedL then zl.l.
zl.cachedL = &l
} else {
// In this case l == zl.l, so we just tell Next to return zl.l.
zl.nextL = true
return l
func (zl *zlexer) Next() (lex, bool) {
l := &zl.l
switch {
case zl.cachedL != nil:
l, zl.cachedL = zl.cachedL, nil
return *l, true
case zl.nextL:
zl.nextL = false
return *l, true
case l.err:
// Parsing errors should be sticky.
return lex{value: zEOF}, false
var (
str [maxTok]byte // Hold string text
com [maxTok]byte // Hold comment text
stri int // Offset in str (0 means empty)
comi int // Offset in com (0 means empty)
escape bool
if zl.comBuf != "" {
comi = copy(com[:], zl.comBuf)
zl.comBuf = ""
zl.comment = ""
for x, ok := zl.readByte(); ok; x, ok = zl.readByte() {
l.line, l.column = zl.line, zl.column
if stri >= len(str) {
l.token = "token length insufficient for parsing"
l.err = true
c <- l
return *l, true
if comi >= maxTok {
if comi >= len(com) {
l.token = "comment length insufficient for parsing"
l.err = true
c <- l
return *l, true
switch x {
case ' ', '\t':
if escape {
escape = false
str[stri] = x
if quote {
// Inside quotes this is legal
if escape || zl.quote {
// Inside quotes or escaped this is legal.
str[stri] = x
escape = false
if commt {
if zl.commt {
com[comi] = x
var retL lex
if stri == 0 {
// Space directly in the beginning, handled in the grammar
} else if owner {
} else if zl.owner {
// If we have a string and its the first, make it an owner
l.value = zOwner
l.token = string(str[:stri])
l.tokenUpper = strings.ToUpper(l.token)
l.length = stri
// escape $... start with a \ not a $, so this will work
switch l.tokenUpper {
switch strings.ToUpper(l.token) {
case "$TTL":
l.value = zDirTTL
case "$ORIGIN":
......@@ -556,259 +831,328 @@ func zlexer(s *scan, c chan lex) {
case "$GENERATE":
l.value = zDirGenerate
c <- l
retL = *l
} else {
l.value = zString
l.token = string(str[:stri])
l.tokenUpper = strings.ToUpper(l.token)
l.length = stri
if !rrtype {
if t, ok := StringToType[l.tokenUpper]; ok {
if !zl.rrtype {
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
if t, ok := StringToType[tokenUpper]; ok {
l.value = zRrtpe
l.torc = t
rrtype = true
} else {
if strings.HasPrefix(l.tokenUpper, "TYPE") {
t, ok := typeToInt(l.token)
if !ok {
l.token = "unknown RR type"
l.err = true
c <- l
l.value = zRrtpe
rrtype = true
l.torc = t
zl.rrtype = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenUpper, "TYPE") {
t, ok := typeToInt(l.token)
if !ok {
l.token = "unknown RR type"
l.err = true
return *l, true
l.value = zRrtpe
l.torc = t
zl.rrtype = true
if t, ok := StringToClass[l.tokenUpper]; ok {
if t, ok := StringToClass[tokenUpper]; ok {
l.value = zClass
l.torc = t
} else {
if strings.HasPrefix(l.tokenUpper, "CLASS") {
t, ok := classToInt(l.token)
if !ok {
l.token = "unknown class"
l.err = true
c <- l
l.value = zClass
l.torc = t
} else if strings.HasPrefix(tokenUpper, "CLASS") {
t, ok := classToInt(l.token)
if !ok {
l.token = "unknown class"
l.err = true
return *l, true
l.value = zClass
l.torc = t
c <- l
retL = *l
stri = 0
if !space && !commt {
zl.owner = false
if ! { = true
l.value = zBlank
l.token = " "
l.length = 1
c <- l
if retL == (lex{}) {
return *l, true
zl.nextL = true
if retL != (lex{}) {
return retL, true
owner = false
space = true
case ';':
if escape {
escape = false
if escape || zl.quote {
// Inside quotes or escaped this is legal.
str[stri] = x
escape = false
if quote {
// Inside quotes this is legal
str[stri] = x
zl.commt = true
zl.comBuf = ""
if comi > 1 {
// A newline was previously seen inside a comment that
// was inside braces and we delayed adding it until now.
com[comi] = ' ' // convert newline to space
if comi >= len(com) {
l.token = "comment length insufficient for parsing"
l.err = true
return *l, true
com[comi] = ';'
if stri > 0 {
zl.comBuf = string(com[:comi])
l.value = zString
l.token = string(str[:stri])
l.tokenUpper = strings.ToUpper(l.token)
l.length = stri
c <- l
stri = 0
return *l, true
commt = true
com[comi] = ';'
case '\r':
escape = false
if quote {
if zl.quote {
str[stri] = x
// discard if outside of quotes
case '\n':
escape = false
// Escaped newline
if quote {
if zl.quote {
str[stri] = x
// inside quotes this is legal
if commt {
if zl.commt {
// Reset a comment
commt = false
rrtype = false
stri = 0
zl.commt = false
zl.rrtype = false
// If not in a brace this ends the comment AND the RR
if brace == 0 {
owner = true
owner = true
if zl.brace == 0 {
zl.owner = true
l.value = zNewline
l.token = "\n"
l.tokenUpper = l.token
l.length = 1
l.comment = string(com[:comi])
c <- l
l.comment = ""
comi = 0
zl.comment = string(com[:comi])
return *l, true
com[comi] = ' ' // convert newline to space
zl.comBuf = string(com[:comi])
if brace == 0 {
if zl.brace == 0 {
// If there is previous text, we should output it here
var retL lex
if stri != 0 {
l.value = zString
l.token = string(str[:stri])
l.tokenUpper = strings.ToUpper(l.token)
l.length = stri
if !rrtype {
if t, ok := StringToType[l.tokenUpper]; ok {
if !zl.rrtype {
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
if t, ok := StringToType[tokenUpper]; ok {
zl.rrtype = true
l.value = zRrtpe
l.torc = t
rrtype = true
c <- l
retL = *l
l.value = zNewline
l.token = "\n"
l.tokenUpper = l.token
l.length = 1
c <- l
stri = 0
commt = false
rrtype = false
owner = true
comi = 0
zl.comment = zl.comBuf
zl.comBuf = ""
zl.rrtype = false
zl.owner = true
if retL != (lex{}) {
zl.nextL = true
return retL, true
return *l, true
case '\\':
// comments do not get escaped chars, everything is copied
if commt {
if zl.commt {
com[comi] = x
// something already escaped must be in string
if escape {
str[stri] = x
escape = false
// something escaped outside of string gets added to string
str[stri] = x
escape = true
case '"':
if commt {
if zl.commt {
com[comi] = x
if escape {
str[stri] = x
escape = false
space = false = false
// send previous gathered text and the quote
var retL lex
if stri != 0 {
l.value = zString
l.token = string(str[:stri])
l.tokenUpper = strings.ToUpper(l.token)
l.length = stri
c <- l
stri = 0
retL = *l
// send quote itself as separate token
l.value = zQuote
l.token = "\""
l.tokenUpper = l.token
l.length = 1
c <- l
quote = !quote
zl.quote = !zl.quote
if retL != (lex{}) {
zl.nextL = true
return retL, true
return *l, true
case '(', ')':
if commt {
if zl.commt {
com[comi] = x
if escape {
if escape || zl.quote {
// Inside quotes or escaped this is legal.
str[stri] = x
escape = false
if quote {
str[stri] = x
switch x {
case ')':
if brace < 0 {
if zl.brace < 0 {
l.token = "extra closing brace"
l.tokenUpper = l.token
l.err = true
c <- l
return *l, true
case '(':
escape = false
if commt {
if zl.commt {
com[comi] = x
str[stri] = x
space = false = false
x, err = s.tokenText()
if zl.readErr != nil && zl.readErr != io.EOF {
// Don't return any tokens after a read error occurs.
return lex{value: zEOF}, false
var retL lex
if stri > 0 {
// Send remainder
l.token = string(str[:stri])
l.tokenUpper = strings.ToUpper(l.token)
l.length = stri
// Send remainder of str
l.value = zString
c <- l
l.token = string(str[:stri])
retL = *l
if comi <= 0 {
return retL, true
if brace != 0 {
if comi > 0 {
// Send remainder of com
l.value = zNewline
l.token = "\n"
zl.comment = string(com[:comi])
if retL != (lex{}) {
zl.nextL = true
return retL, true
return *l, true
if zl.brace != 0 {
l.token = "unbalanced brace"
l.tokenUpper = l.token
l.err = true
c <- l
return *l, true
return lex{value: zEOF}, false
func (zl *zlexer) Comment() string {
if zl.l.err {
return ""
return zl.comment
// Extract the class number from CLASSxx
......@@ -839,8 +1183,7 @@ func typeToInt(token string) (uint16, bool) {
// stringToTTL parses things like 2w, 2m, etc, and returns the time in seconds.
func stringToTTL(token string) (uint32, bool) {
s := uint32(0)
i := uint32(0)
var s, i uint32
for _, c := range token {
switch c {
case 's', 'S':
......@@ -883,11 +1226,29 @@ func stringToCm(token string) (e, m uint8, ok bool) {
if cmeters, err = strconv.Atoi(s[1]); err != nil {
// There's no point in having more than 2 digits in this part, and would rather make the implementation complicated ('123' should be treated as '12').
// So we simply reject it.
// We also make sure the first character is a digit to reject '+-' signs.
if len(s[1]) > 2 || s[1][0] < '0' || s[1][0] > '9' {
if len(s[1]) == 1 {
// 'nn.1' must be treated as 'nn-meters and 10cm, not 1cm.
cmeters *= 10
if s[0] == "" {
// This will allow omitting the 'meter' part, like .01 (meaning 0.01m = 1cm).
case 1:
if meters, err = strconv.Atoi(s[0]); err != nil {
// RFC1876 states the max value is 90000000.00. The latter two conditions enforce it.
if s[0][0] < '0' || s[0][0] > '9' || meters > 90000000 || (meters == 90000000 && cmeters != 0) {
case 0:
// huh?
return 0, 0, false
......@@ -900,13 +1261,10 @@ func stringToCm(token string) (e, m uint8, ok bool) {
e = 0
val = cmeters
for val > 10 {
for val >= 10 {
val /= 10
if e > 9 {
ok = false
m = uint8(val)
......@@ -928,7 +1286,7 @@ func toAbsoluteName(name, origin string) (absolute string, ok bool) {
// check if name is already absolute
if name[len(name)-1] == '.' {
if IsFqdn(name) {
return name, true
......@@ -948,6 +1306,9 @@ func appendOrigin(name, origin string) string {
// LOC record helper function
func locCheckNorth(token string, latitude uint32) (uint32, bool) {
if latitude > 90*1000*60*60 {
return latitude, false
switch token {
case "n", "N":
return LOC_EQUATOR + latitude, true
......@@ -959,6 +1320,9 @@ func locCheckNorth(token string, latitude uint32) (uint32, bool) {
// LOC record helper function
func locCheckEast(token string, longitude uint32) (uint32, bool) {
if longitude > 180*1000*60*60 {
return longitude, false
switch token {
case "e", "E":
return LOC_EQUATOR + longitude, true
......@@ -968,24 +1332,21 @@ func locCheckEast(token string, longitude uint32) (uint32, bool) {
return longitude, false
// "Eat" the rest of the "line". Return potential comments
func slurpRemainder(c chan lex, f string) (*ParseError, string) {
l := <-c
com := ""
// "Eat" the rest of the "line"
func slurpRemainder(c *zlexer) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
switch l.value {
case zBlank:
l = <-c
com = l.comment
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
return &ParseError{f, "garbage after rdata", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "garbage after rdata", l}
case zNewline:
com = l.comment
case zEOF:
return &ParseError{f, "garbage after rdata", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "garbage after rdata", l}
return nil, com
return nil
// Parse a 64 bit-like ipv6 address: "0014:4fff:ff20:ee64"
......@@ -994,7 +1355,7 @@ func stringToNodeID(l lex) (uint64, *ParseError) {
if len(l.token) < 19 {
return 0, &ParseError{l.token, "bad NID/L64 NodeID/Locator64", l}
// There must be three colons at fixes postitions, if not its a parse error
// There must be three colons at fixes positions, if not its a parse error
if l.token[4] != ':' && l.token[9] != ':' && l.token[14] != ':' {
return 0, &ParseError{l.token, "bad NID/L64 NodeID/Locator64", l}
package dns
import (
type parserFunc struct {
// Func defines the function that parses the tokens and returns the RR
// or an error. The last string contains any comments in the line as
// they returned by the lexer as well.
Func func(h RR_Header, c chan lex, origin string, file string) (RR, *ParseError, string)
// Signals if the RR ending is of variable length, like TXT or records
// that have Hexadecimal or Base64 as their last element in the Rdata. Records
// that have a fixed ending or for instance A, AAAA, SOA and etc.
Variable bool
// Parse the rdata of each rrtype.
// All data from the channel c is either zString or zBlank.
// After the rdata there may come a zBlank and then a zNewline
// or immediately a zNewline. If this is not the case we flag
// an *ParseError: garbage after rdata.
func setRR(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
parserfunc, ok := typeToparserFunc[h.Rrtype]
if ok {
r, e, cm := parserfunc.Func(h, c, o, f)
if parserfunc.Variable {
return r, e, cm
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
e, cm = slurpRemainder(c, f)
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
return r, nil, cm
// RFC3957 RR (Unknown RR handling)
return setRFC3597(h, c, o, f)
// A remainder of the rdata with embedded spaces, return the parsed string (sans the spaces)
// or an error
func endingToString(c chan lex, errstr, f string) (string, *ParseError, string) {
s := ""
l := <-c // zString
func endingToString(c *zlexer, errstr string) (string, *ParseError) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
l, _ := c.Next() // zString
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
if l.err {
return s, &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return buffer.String(), &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
switch l.value {
case zString:
s += l.token
case zBlank: // Ok
return "", &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return "", &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
return s, nil, l.comment
return buffer.String(), nil
// A remainder of the rdata with embedded spaces, split on unquoted whitespace
// and return the parsed string slice or an error
func endingToTxtSlice(c chan lex, errstr, f string) ([]string, *ParseError, string) {
func endingToTxtSlice(c *zlexer, errstr string) ([]string, *ParseError) {
// Get the remaining data until we see a zNewline
l := <-c
l, _ := c.Next()
if l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return nil, &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
// Build the slice
......@@ -79,7 +45,7 @@ func endingToTxtSlice(c chan lex, errstr, f string) ([]string, *ParseError, stri
empty := false
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
if l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return nil, &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
switch l.value {
case zString:
......@@ -106,7 +72,7 @@ func endingToTxtSlice(c chan lex, errstr, f string) ([]string, *ParseError, stri
case zBlank:
if quote {
// zBlank can only be seen in between txt parts.
return nil, &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return nil, &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
case zQuote:
if empty && quote {
......@@ -115,196 +81,133 @@ func endingToTxtSlice(c chan lex, errstr, f string) ([]string, *ParseError, stri
quote = !quote
empty = true
return nil, &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return nil, &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if quote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, errstr, l}, ""
return nil, &ParseError{"", errstr, l}
return s, nil, l.comment
func setA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(A)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
return s, nil
func (rr *A) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
rr.A = net.ParseIP(l.token)
if rr.A == nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad A A", l}, ""
// IPv4 addresses cannot include ":".
// We do this rather than use net.IP's To4() because
// To4() treats IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses as being
// IPv4.
isIPv4 := !strings.Contains(l.token, ":")
if rr.A == nil || !isIPv4 || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad A A", l}
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setAAAA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(AAAA)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *AAAA) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
rr.AAAA = net.ParseIP(l.token)
if rr.AAAA == nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad AAAA AAAA", l}, ""
// IPv6 addresses must include ":", and IPv4
// addresses cannot include ":".
isIPv6 := strings.Contains(l.token, ":")
if rr.AAAA == nil || !isIPv6 || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad AAAA AAAA", l}
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setNS(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NS)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Ns = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *NS) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NS Ns", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NS Ns", l}
rr.Ns = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setPTR(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(PTR)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Ptr = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *PTR) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad PTR Ptr", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad PTR Ptr", l}
rr.Ptr = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setNSAPPTR(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NSAPPTR)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Ptr = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *NSAPPTR) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSAP-PTR Ptr", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSAP-PTR Ptr", l}
rr.Ptr = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setRP(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(RP)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Mbox = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *RP) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
mbox, mboxOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !mboxOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RP Mbox", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RP Mbox", l}
rr.Mbox = mbox
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
rr.Txt = l.token
txt, txtOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !txtOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RP Txt", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RP Txt", l}
rr.Txt = txt
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setMR(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MR)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Mr = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MR) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MR Mr", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MR Mr", l}
rr.Mr = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setMB(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MB)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Mb = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MB) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MB Mb", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MB Mb", l}
rr.Mb = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setMG(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MG)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Mg = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MG) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MG Mg", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MG Mg", l}
rr.Mg = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setHINFO(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(HINFO)
rr.Hdr = h
chunks, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad HINFO Fields", f)
func (rr *HINFO) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
chunks, e := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad HINFO Fields")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
return e
if ln := len(chunks); ln == 0 {
return rr, nil, ""
return nil
} else if ln == 1 {
// Can we split it?
if out := strings.Fields(chunks[0]); len(out) > 1 {
......@@ -317,281 +220,198 @@ func setHINFO(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr.Cpu = chunks[0]
rr.Os = strings.Join(chunks[1:], " ")
return rr, nil, ""
return nil
func setMINFO(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MINFO)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Rmail = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MINFO) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
rmail, rmailOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !rmailOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MINFO Rmail", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MINFO Rmail", l}
rr.Rmail = rmail
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
rr.Email = l.token
email, emailOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !emailOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MINFO Email", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MINFO Email", l}
rr.Email = email
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setMF(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MF)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Mf = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MF) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MF Mf", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MF Mf", l}
rr.Mf = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setMD(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MD)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Md = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MD) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MD Md", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MD Md", l}
rr.Md = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setMX(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(MX)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *MX) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MX Pref", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MX Pref", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Mx = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad MX Mx", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad MX Mx", l}
rr.Mx = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setRT(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(RT)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *RT) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RT Preference", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RT Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Host = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RT Host", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RT Host", l}
rr.Host = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setAFSDB(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(AFSDB)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *AFSDB) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad AFSDB Subtype", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad AFSDB Subtype", l}
rr.Subtype = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Hostname = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad AFSDB Hostname", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad AFSDB Hostname", l}
rr.Hostname = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setX25(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(X25)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *X25) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
if l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad X25 PSDNAddress", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad X25 PSDNAddress", l}
rr.PSDNAddress = l.token
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setKX(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(KX)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *KX) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad KX Pref", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad KX Pref", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Exchanger = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad KX Exchanger", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad KX Exchanger", l}
rr.Exchanger = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setCNAME(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(CNAME)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Target = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *CNAME) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CNAME Target", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CNAME Target", l}
rr.Target = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setDNAME(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(DNAME)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Target = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *DNAME) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad DNAME Target", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad DNAME Target", l}
rr.Target = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setSOA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(SOA)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.Ns = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *SOA) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
ns, nsOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nsOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SOA Ns", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SOA Ns", l}
rr.Ns = ns
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
rr.Mbox = l.token
mbox, mboxOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !mboxOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SOA Mbox", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SOA Mbox", l}
rr.Mbox = mbox
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
var (
v uint32
ok bool
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SOA zone parameter", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SOA zone parameter", l}
if j, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); e != nil {
if j, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); err != nil {
if i == 0 {
// Serial must be a number
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SOA zone parameter", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SOA zone parameter", l}
// We allow other fields to be unitful duration strings
if v, ok = stringToTTL(l.token); !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SOA zone parameter", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SOA zone parameter", l}
} else {
......@@ -600,452 +420,407 @@ func setSOA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
switch i {
case 0:
rr.Serial = v
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
case 1:
rr.Refresh = v
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
case 2:
rr.Retry = v
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
case 3:
rr.Expire = v
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
case 4:
rr.Minttl = v
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setSRV(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(SRV)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *SRV) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SRV Priority", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SRV Priority", l}
rr.Priority = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SRV Weight", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad SRV Weight", l}
rr.Weight = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SRV Port", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad SRV Port", l}
rr.Port = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Target = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SRV Target", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SRV Target", l}
rr.Target = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setNAPTR(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NAPTR)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *NAPTR) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Order", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Order", l}
rr.Order = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Preference", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
// Flags
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // _QUOTE
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // _QUOTE
if l.value != zQuote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Flags", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Flags", l}
l = <-c // Either String or Quote
l, _ = c.Next() // Either String or Quote
if l.value == zString {
rr.Flags = l.token
l = <-c // _QUOTE
l, _ = c.Next() // _QUOTE
if l.value != zQuote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Flags", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Flags", l}
} else if l.value == zQuote {
rr.Flags = ""
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Flags", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Flags", l}
// Service
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // _QUOTE
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // _QUOTE
if l.value != zQuote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Service", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Service", l}
l = <-c // Either String or Quote
l, _ = c.Next() // Either String or Quote
if l.value == zString {
rr.Service = l.token
l = <-c // _QUOTE
l, _ = c.Next() // _QUOTE
if l.value != zQuote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Service", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Service", l}
} else if l.value == zQuote {
rr.Service = ""
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Service", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Service", l}
// Regexp
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // _QUOTE
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // _QUOTE
if l.value != zQuote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Regexp", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Regexp", l}
l = <-c // Either String or Quote
l, _ = c.Next() // Either String or Quote
if l.value == zString {
rr.Regexp = l.token
l = <-c // _QUOTE
l, _ = c.Next() // _QUOTE
if l.value != zQuote {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Regexp", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Regexp", l}
} else if l.value == zQuote {
rr.Regexp = ""
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Regexp", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Regexp", l}
// After quote no space??
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Replacement = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NAPTR Replacement", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NAPTR Replacement", l}
rr.Replacement = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setTALINK(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(TALINK)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.PreviousName = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *TALINK) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
previousName, previousNameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !previousNameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TALINK PreviousName", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TALINK PreviousName", l}
rr.PreviousName = previousName
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
rr.NextName = l.token
nextName, nextNameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nextNameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TALINK NextName", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TALINK NextName", l}
rr.NextName = nextName
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setLOC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(LOC)
rr.Hdr = h
func (rr *LOC) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
// Non zero defaults for LOC record, see RFC 1876, Section 3.
rr.HorizPre = 165 // 10000
rr.VertPre = 162 // 10
rr.Size = 18 // 1
rr.Size = 0x12 // 1e2 cm (1m)
rr.HorizPre = 0x16 // 1e6 cm (10000m)
rr.VertPre = 0x13 // 1e3 cm (10m)
ok := false
// North
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Latitude", l}, ""
if e != nil || l.err || i > 90 {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Latitude", l}
rr.Latitude = 1000 * 60 * 60 * uint32(i)
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
// Either number, 'N' or 'S'
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if rr.Latitude, ok = locCheckNorth(l.token, rr.Latitude); ok {
goto East
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Latitude minutes", l}, ""
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); err != nil || l.err || i > 59 {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Latitude minutes", l}
} else {
rr.Latitude += 1000 * 60 * uint32(i)
rr.Latitude += 1000 * 60 * uint32(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
if i, e := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 32); e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Latitude seconds", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64); err != nil || l.err || i < 0 || i >= 60 {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Latitude seconds", l}
} else {
rr.Latitude += uint32(1000 * i)
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
// Either number, 'N' or 'S'
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if rr.Latitude, ok = locCheckNorth(l.token, rr.Latitude); ok {
goto East
// If still alive, flag an error
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Latitude North/South", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Latitude North/South", l}
// East
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
if i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Longitude", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); err != nil || l.err || i > 180 {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Longitude", l}
} else {
rr.Longitude = 1000 * 60 * 60 * uint32(i)
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
// Either number, 'E' or 'W'
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if rr.Longitude, ok = locCheckEast(l.token, rr.Longitude); ok {
goto Altitude
if i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Longitude minutes", l}, ""
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); err != nil || l.err || i > 59 {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Longitude minutes", l}
} else {
rr.Longitude += 1000 * 60 * uint32(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
if i, e := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 32); e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Longitude seconds", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64); err != nil || l.err || i < 0 || i >= 60 {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Longitude seconds", l}
} else {
rr.Longitude += uint32(1000 * i)
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
// Either number, 'E' or 'W'
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if rr.Longitude, ok = locCheckEast(l.token, rr.Longitude); ok {
goto Altitude
// If still alive, flag an error
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Longitude East/West", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Longitude East/West", l}
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
if l.length == 0 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Altitude", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.token == "" || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Altitude", l}
if l.token[len(l.token)-1] == 'M' || l.token[len(l.token)-1] == 'm' {
l.token = l.token[0 : len(l.token)-1]
if i, e := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 32); e != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Altitude", l}, ""
if i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64); err != nil {
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Altitude", l}
} else {
rr.Altitude = uint32(i*100.0 + 10000000.0 + 0.5)
// And now optionally the other values
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
count := 0
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
switch l.value {
case zString:
switch count {
case 0: // Size
e, m, ok := stringToCm(l.token)
exp, m, ok := stringToCm(l.token)
if !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Size", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Size", l}
rr.Size = e&0x0f | m<<4&0xf0
rr.Size = exp&0x0f | m<<4&0xf0
case 1: // HorizPre
e, m, ok := stringToCm(l.token)
exp, m, ok := stringToCm(l.token)
if !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC HorizPre", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC HorizPre", l}
rr.HorizPre = e&0x0f | m<<4&0xf0
rr.HorizPre = exp&0x0f | m<<4&0xf0
case 2: // VertPre
e, m, ok := stringToCm(l.token)
exp, m, ok := stringToCm(l.token)
if !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC VertPre", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC VertPre", l}
rr.VertPre = e&0x0f | m<<4&0xf0
rr.VertPre = exp&0x0f | m<<4&0xf0
case zBlank:
// Ok
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LOC Size, HorizPre or VertPre", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LOC Size, HorizPre or VertPre", l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
return rr, nil, ""
return nil
func setHIP(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(HIP)
rr.Hdr = h
func (rr *HIP) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
// HitLength is not represented
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad HIP PublicKeyAlgorithm", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad HIP PublicKeyAlgorithm", l}
rr.PublicKeyAlgorithm = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
if l.length == 0 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad HIP Hit", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
if l.token == "" || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad HIP Hit", l}
rr.Hit = l.token // This can not contain spaces, see RFC 5205 Section 6.
rr.HitLength = uint8(len(rr.Hit)) / 2
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
if l.length == 0 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad HIP PublicKey", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
if l.token == "" || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad HIP PublicKey", l}
rr.PublicKey = l.token // This cannot contain spaces
rr.PublicKeyLength = uint16(base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(rr.PublicKey)))
decodedPK, decodedPKerr := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(rr.PublicKey)
if decodedPKerr != nil {
return &ParseError{"", "bad HIP PublicKey", l}
rr.PublicKeyLength = uint16(len(decodedPK))
// RendezvousServers (if any)
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
var xs []string
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
switch l.value {
case zString:
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad HIP RendezvousServers", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad HIP RendezvousServers", l}
xs = append(xs, name)
case zBlank:
// Ok
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad HIP RendezvousServers", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad HIP RendezvousServers", l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
rr.RendezvousServers = xs
return rr, nil, l.comment
return nil
func setCERT(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(CERT)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *CERT) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
if v, ok := StringToCertType[l.token]; ok {
rr.Type = v
} else if i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16); e != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CERT Type", l}, ""
} else if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16); err != nil {
return &ParseError{"", "bad CERT Type", l}
} else {
rr.Type = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CERT KeyTag", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CERT KeyTag", l}
rr.KeyTag = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
if v, ok := StringToAlgorithm[l.token]; ok {
rr.Algorithm = v
} else if i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8); e != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CERT Algorithm", l}, ""
} else if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8); err != nil {
return &ParseError{"", "bad CERT Algorithm", l}
} else {
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
s, e1, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad CERT Certificate", f)
s, e1 := endingToString(c, "bad CERT Certificate")
if e1 != nil {
return nil, e1, c1
return e1
rr.Certificate = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setOPENPGPKEY(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(OPENPGPKEY)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad OPENPGPKEY PublicKey", f)
func (rr *OPENPGPKEY) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToString(c, "bad OPENPGPKEY PublicKey")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
return e
rr.PublicKey = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setCSYNC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(CSYNC)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *CSYNC) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
j, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e != nil {
// Serial must be a number
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CSYNC serial", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CSYNC serial", l}
rr.Serial = uint32(j)
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
l = <-c
j, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil {
l, _ = c.Next()
j, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e1 != nil {
// Serial must be a number
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CSYNC flags", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CSYNC flags", l}
rr.Flags = uint16(j)
......@@ -1054,146 +829,158 @@ func setCSYNC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
k uint16
ok bool
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
switch l.value {
case zBlank:
// Ok
case zString:
if k, ok = StringToType[l.tokenUpper]; !ok {
if k, ok = typeToInt(l.tokenUpper); !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CSYNC TypeBitMap", l}, ""
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
if k, ok = StringToType[tokenUpper]; !ok {
if k, ok = typeToInt(l.token); !ok {
return &ParseError{"", "bad CSYNC TypeBitMap", l}
rr.TypeBitMap = append(rr.TypeBitMap, k)
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CSYNC TypeBitMap", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CSYNC TypeBitMap", l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
return rr, nil, l.comment
return nil
func setSIG(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setRRSIG(h, c, o, f)
if r != nil {
return &SIG{*r.(*RRSIG)}, e, s
func (rr *ZONEMD) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad ZONEMD Serial", l}
return nil, e, s
rr.Serial = uint32(i)
func setRRSIG(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(RRSIG)
rr.Hdr = h
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad ZONEMD Scheme", l}
rr.Scheme = uint8(i)
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if err != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad ZONEMD Hash Algorithm", l}
rr.Hash = uint8(i)
s, e2 := endingToString(c, "bad ZONEMD Digest")
if e2 != nil {
return e2
rr.Digest = s
return nil
func (rr *SIG) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.RRSIG.parse(c, o) }
if t, ok := StringToType[l.tokenUpper]; !ok {
if strings.HasPrefix(l.tokenUpper, "TYPE") {
t, ok = typeToInt(l.tokenUpper)
func (rr *RRSIG) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
if t, ok := StringToType[tokenUpper]; !ok {
if strings.HasPrefix(tokenUpper, "TYPE") {
t, ok = typeToInt(l.token)
if !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG Typecovered", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG Typecovered", l}
rr.TypeCovered = t
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG Typecovered", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG Typecovered", l}
} else {
rr.TypeCovered = t
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG Algorithm", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG Algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, err = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG Labels", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG Labels", l}
rr.Labels = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, err = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG OrigTtl", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG OrigTtl", l}
rr.OrigTtl = uint32(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := StringToTime(l.token); err != nil {
// Try to see if all numeric and use it as epoch
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(l.token, 10, 64); err == nil {
// TODO(miek): error out on > MAX_UINT32, same below
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); err == nil {
rr.Expiration = uint32(i)
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG Expiration", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG Expiration", l}
} else {
rr.Expiration = i
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := StringToTime(l.token); err != nil {
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(l.token, 10, 64); err == nil {
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32); err == nil {
rr.Inception = uint32(i)
} else {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG Inception", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG Inception", l}
} else {
rr.Inception = i
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, err = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG KeyTag", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e3 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e3 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG KeyTag", l}
rr.KeyTag = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
rr.SignerName = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RRSIG SignerName", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RRSIG SignerName", l}
rr.SignerName = name
s, e, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad RRSIG Signature", f)
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
s, e4 := endingToString(c, "bad RRSIG Signature")
if e4 != nil {
return e4
rr.Signature = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setNSEC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NSEC)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
rr.NextDomain = l.token
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *NSEC) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC NextDomain", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC NextDomain", l}
rr.NextDomain = name
......@@ -1202,68 +989,62 @@ func setNSEC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
k uint16
ok bool
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
switch l.value {
case zBlank:
// Ok
case zString:
if k, ok = StringToType[l.tokenUpper]; !ok {
if k, ok = typeToInt(l.tokenUpper); !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC TypeBitMap", l}, ""
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
if k, ok = StringToType[tokenUpper]; !ok {
if k, ok = typeToInt(l.token); !ok {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC TypeBitMap", l}
rr.TypeBitMap = append(rr.TypeBitMap, k)
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC TypeBitMap", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC TypeBitMap", l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
return rr, nil, l.comment
return nil
func setNSEC3(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NSEC3)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *NSEC3) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 Hash", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 Hash", l}
rr.Hash = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 Flags", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 Flags", l}
rr.Flags = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 Iterations", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 Iterations", l}
rr.Iterations = uint16(i)
l = <-c
if len(l.token) == 0 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 Salt", l}, ""
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.token == "" || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 Salt", l}
if l.token != "-" {
rr.SaltLength = uint8(len(l.token)) / 2
rr.Salt = l.token
l = <-c
if len(l.token) == 0 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 NextDomain", l}, ""
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.token == "" || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 NextDomain", l}
rr.HashLength = 20 // Fix for NSEC3 (sha1 160 bits)
rr.NextDomain = l.token
......@@ -1273,74 +1054,61 @@ func setNSEC3(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
k uint16
ok bool
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
switch l.value {
case zBlank:
// Ok
case zString:
if k, ok = StringToType[l.tokenUpper]; !ok {
if k, ok = typeToInt(l.tokenUpper); !ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 TypeBitMap", l}, ""
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
if k, ok = StringToType[tokenUpper]; !ok {
if k, ok = typeToInt(l.token); !ok {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 TypeBitMap", l}
rr.TypeBitMap = append(rr.TypeBitMap, k)
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3 TypeBitMap", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3 TypeBitMap", l}
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
return rr, nil, l.comment
return nil
func setNSEC3PARAM(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NSEC3PARAM)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *NSEC3PARAM) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3PARAM Hash", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3PARAM Hash", l}
rr.Hash = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3PARAM Flags", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3PARAM Flags", l}
rr.Flags = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NSEC3PARAM Iterations", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad NSEC3PARAM Iterations", l}
rr.Iterations = uint16(i)
l = <-c
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.token != "-" {
rr.SaltLength = uint8(len(l.token))
rr.SaltLength = uint8(len(l.token) / 2)
rr.Salt = l.token
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setEUI48(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(EUI48)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
if l.length != 17 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad EUI48 Address", l}, ""
func (rr *EUI48) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
if len(l.token) != 17 || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad EUI48 Address", l}
addr := make([]byte, 12)
dash := 0
......@@ -1349,7 +1117,7 @@ func setEUI48(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
addr[i+1] = l.token[i+1+dash]
if l.token[i+1+dash] != '-' {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad EUI48 Address", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad EUI48 Address", l}
addr[10] = l.token[15]
......@@ -1357,23 +1125,16 @@ func setEUI48(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(string(addr), 16, 48)
if e != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad EUI48 Address", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad EUI48 Address", l}
rr.Address = i
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setEUI64(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(EUI64)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
if l.length != 23 || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad EUI64 Address", l}, ""
func (rr *EUI64) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
if len(l.token) != 23 || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad EUI64 Address", l}
addr := make([]byte, 16)
dash := 0
......@@ -1382,7 +1143,7 @@ func setEUI64(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
addr[i+1] = l.token[i+1+dash]
if l.token[i+1+dash] != '-' {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad EUI64 Address", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad EUI64 Address", l}
addr[14] = l.token[21]
......@@ -1390,814 +1151,628 @@ func setEUI64(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(string(addr), 16, 64)
if e != nil {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad EUI68 Address", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad EUI68 Address", l}
rr.Address = uint64(i)
return rr, nil, ""
rr.Address = i
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setSSHFP(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(SSHFP)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *SSHFP) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SSHFP Algorithm", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SSHFP Algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SSHFP Type", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad SSHFP Type", l}
rr.Type = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
s, e1, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad SSHFP Fingerprint", f)
if e1 != nil {
return nil, e1, c1
c.Next() // zBlank
s, e2 := endingToString(c, "bad SSHFP Fingerprint")
if e2 != nil {
return e2
rr.FingerPrint = s
return rr, nil, ""
return nil
func setDNSKEYs(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f, typ string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(DNSKEY)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *DNSKEY) parseDNSKEY(c *zlexer, o, typ string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad " + typ + " Flags", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad " + typ + " Flags", l}
rr.Flags = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad " + typ + " Protocol", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad " + typ + " Protocol", l}
rr.Protocol = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad " + typ + " Algorithm", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad " + typ + " Algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
s, e1, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad "+typ+" PublicKey", f)
if e1 != nil {
return nil, e1, c1
s, e3 := endingToString(c, "bad "+typ+" PublicKey")
if e3 != nil {
return e3
rr.PublicKey = s
return rr, nil, c1
func setKEY(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setDNSKEYs(h, c, o, f, "KEY")
if r != nil {
return &KEY{*r.(*DNSKEY)}, e, s
return nil, e, s
return nil
func setDNSKEY(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setDNSKEYs(h, c, o, f, "DNSKEY")
return r, e, s
func setCDNSKEY(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setDNSKEYs(h, c, o, f, "CDNSKEY")
if r != nil {
return &CDNSKEY{*r.(*DNSKEY)}, e, s
return nil, e, s
func setRKEY(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(RKEY)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *DNSKEY) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.parseDNSKEY(c, o, "DNSKEY") }
func (rr *KEY) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.parseDNSKEY(c, o, "KEY") }
func (rr *CDNSKEY) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.parseDNSKEY(c, o, "CDNSKEY") }
func (rr *DS) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.parseDS(c, o, "DS") }
func (rr *DLV) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.parseDS(c, o, "DLV") }
func (rr *CDS) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError { return rr.parseDS(c, o, "CDS") }
func (rr *RKEY) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RKEY Flags", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RKEY Flags", l}
rr.Flags = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RKEY Protocol", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RKEY Protocol", l}
rr.Protocol = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RKEY Algorithm", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RKEY Algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
s, e1, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad RKEY PublicKey", f)
if e1 != nil {
return nil, e1, c1
s, e3 := endingToString(c, "bad RKEY PublicKey")
if e3 != nil {
return e3
rr.PublicKey = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setEID(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(EID)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad EID Endpoint", f)
func (rr *EID) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToString(c, "bad EID Endpoint")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
return e
rr.Endpoint = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setNIMLOC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NIMLOC)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad NIMLOC Locator", f)
func (rr *NIMLOC) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToString(c, "bad NIMLOC Locator")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
return e
rr.Locator = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setGPOS(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(GPOS)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *GPOS) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
_, e := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad GPOS Longitude", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad GPOS Longitude", l}
rr.Longitude = l.token
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
_, e = strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad GPOS Latitude", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
_, e1 := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad GPOS Latitude", l}
rr.Latitude = l.token
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
_, e = strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad GPOS Altitude", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
_, e2 := strconv.ParseFloat(l.token, 64)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad GPOS Altitude", l}
rr.Altitude = l.token
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setDSs(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f, typ string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(DS)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *DS) parseDS(c *zlexer, o, typ string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad " + typ + " KeyTag", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad " + typ + " KeyTag", l}
rr.KeyTag = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
if i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8); e != nil {
i, ok := StringToAlgorithm[l.tokenUpper]
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8); err != nil {
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
i, ok := StringToAlgorithm[tokenUpper]
if !ok || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad " + typ + " Algorithm", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad " + typ + " Algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = i
} else {
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad " + typ + " DigestType", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad " + typ + " DigestType", l}
rr.DigestType = uint8(i)
s, e1, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad "+typ+" Digest", f)
if e1 != nil {
return nil, e1, c1
s, e2 := endingToString(c, "bad "+typ+" Digest")
if e2 != nil {
return e2
rr.Digest = s
return rr, nil, c1
func setDS(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setDSs(h, c, o, f, "DS")
return r, e, s
func setDLV(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setDSs(h, c, o, f, "DLV")
if r != nil {
return &DLV{*r.(*DS)}, e, s
return nil, e, s
func setCDS(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
r, e, s := setDSs(h, c, o, f, "CDS")
if r != nil {
return &CDS{*r.(*DS)}, e, s
return nil, e, s
return nil
func setTA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(TA)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *TA) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TA KeyTag", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TA KeyTag", l}
rr.KeyTag = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
if i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8); e != nil {
i, ok := StringToAlgorithm[l.tokenUpper]
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8); err != nil {
tokenUpper := strings.ToUpper(l.token)
i, ok := StringToAlgorithm[tokenUpper]
if !ok || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TA Algorithm", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TA Algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = i
} else {
rr.Algorithm = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TA DigestType", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad TA DigestType", l}
rr.DigestType = uint8(i)
s, e, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad TA Digest", f)
if e != nil {
return nil, e.(*ParseError), c1
s, e2 := endingToString(c, "bad TA Digest")
if e2 != nil {
return e2
rr.Digest = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setTLSA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(TLSA)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *TLSA) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TLSA Usage", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TLSA Usage", l}
rr.Usage = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TLSA Selector", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad TLSA Selector", l}
rr.Selector = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TLSA MatchingType", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad TLSA MatchingType", l}
rr.MatchingType = uint8(i)
// So this needs be e2 (i.e. different than e), because...??t
s, e2, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad TLSA Certificate", f)
if e2 != nil {
return nil, e2, c1
s, e3 := endingToString(c, "bad TLSA Certificate")
if e3 != nil {
return e3
rr.Certificate = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setSMIMEA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(SMIMEA)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
func (rr *SMIMEA) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SMIMEA Usage", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad SMIMEA Usage", l}
rr.Usage = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SMIMEA Selector", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad SMIMEA Selector", l}
rr.Selector = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad SMIMEA MatchingType", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e2 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e2 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad SMIMEA MatchingType", l}
rr.MatchingType = uint8(i)
// So this needs be e2 (i.e. different than e), because...??t
s, e2, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad SMIMEA Certificate", f)
if e2 != nil {
return nil, e2, c1
s, e3 := endingToString(c, "bad SMIMEA Certificate")
if e3 != nil {
return e3
rr.Certificate = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setRFC3597(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(RFC3597)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
func (rr *RFC3597) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
if l.token != "\\#" {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RFC3597 Rdata", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RFC3597 Rdata", l}
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
rdlength, e := strconv.Atoi(l.token)
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
rdlength, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RFC3597 Rdata ", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad RFC3597 Rdata ", l}
s, e1, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad RFC3597 Rdata", f)
s, e1 := endingToString(c, "bad RFC3597 Rdata")
if e1 != nil {
return nil, e1, c1
return e1
if rdlength*2 != len(s) {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad RFC3597 Rdata", l}, ""
if int(rdlength)*2 != len(s) {
return &ParseError{"", "bad RFC3597 Rdata", l}
rr.Rdata = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setSPF(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(SPF)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad SPF Txt", f)
func (rr *SPF) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad SPF Txt")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
return e
rr.Txt = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setAVC(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(AVC)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad AVC Txt", f)
func (rr *AVC) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad AVC Txt")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
return e
rr.Txt = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setTXT(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(TXT)
rr.Hdr = h
func (rr *TXT) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
// no zBlank reading here, because all this rdata is TXT
s, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad TXT Txt", f)
s, e := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad TXT Txt")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
return e
rr.Txt = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
// identical to setTXT
func setNINFO(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NINFO)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad NINFO ZSData", f)
func (rr *NINFO) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad NINFO ZSData")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
return e
rr.ZSData = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setURI(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(URI)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *URI) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad URI Priority", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad URI Priority", l}
rr.Priority = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
i, e = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad URI Weight", l}, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad URI Weight", l}
rr.Weight = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
s, err, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad URI Target", f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
s, e2 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad URI Target")
if e2 != nil {
return e2
if len(s) != 1 {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad URI Target", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad URI Target", l}
rr.Target = s[0]
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setDHCID(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
func (rr *DHCID) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
// awesome record to parse!
rr := new(DHCID)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToString(c, "bad DHCID Digest", f)
s, e := endingToString(c, "bad DHCID Digest")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
return e
rr.Digest = s
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setNID(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(NID)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *NID) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad NID Preference", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad NID Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
u, err := stringToNodeID(l)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, err, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
u, e1 := stringToNodeID(l)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return e1
rr.NodeID = u
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setL32(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(L32)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *L32) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad L32 Preference", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad L32 Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Locator32 = net.ParseIP(l.token)
if rr.Locator32 == nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad L32 Locator", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad L32 Locator", l}
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setLP(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(LP)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *LP) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LP Preference", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LP Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Fqdn = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad LP Fqdn", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad LP Fqdn", l}
rr.Fqdn = name
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setL64(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(L64)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *L64) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad L64 Preference", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad L64 Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
u, err := stringToNodeID(l)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, err, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
u, e1 := stringToNodeID(l)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return e1
rr.Locator64 = u
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setUID(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(UID)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *UID) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad UID Uid", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad UID Uid", l}
rr.Uid = uint32(i)
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setGID(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(GID)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *GID) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 32)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad GID Gid", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad GID Gid", l}
rr.Gid = uint32(i)
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setUINFO(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(UINFO)
rr.Hdr = h
s, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad UINFO Uinfo", f)
func (rr *UINFO) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
s, e := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad UINFO Uinfo")
if e != nil {
return nil, e, c1
return e
if ln := len(s); ln == 0 {
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
rr.Uinfo = s[0] // silently discard anything after the first character-string
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setPX(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(PX)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, ""
func (rr *PX) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad PX Preference", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad PX Preference", l}
rr.Preference = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Map822 = l.token
map822, map822Ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !map822Ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad PX Map822", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad PX Map822", l}
rr.Map822 = map822
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Mapx400 = l.token
mapx400, mapx400Ok := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !mapx400Ok {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad PX Mapx400", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad PX Mapx400", l}
rr.Mapx400 = mapx400
return rr, nil, ""
return slurpRemainder(c)
func setCAA(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(CAA)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
if l.length == 0 { // dynamic update rr.
return rr, nil, l.comment
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CAA Flag", l}, ""
func (rr *CAA) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad CAA Flag", l}
rr.Flag = uint8(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c // zString
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
if l.value != zString {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CAA Tag", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CAA Tag", l}
rr.Tag = l.token
<-c // zBlank
s, e, c1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad CAA Value", f)
if e != nil {
return nil, e, ""
c.Next() // zBlank
s, e1 := endingToTxtSlice(c, "bad CAA Value")
if e1 != nil {
return e1
if len(s) != 1 {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad CAA Value", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad CAA Value", l}
rr.Value = s[0]
return rr, nil, c1
return nil
func setTKEY(h RR_Header, c chan lex, o, f string) (RR, *ParseError, string) {
rr := new(TKEY)
rr.Hdr = h
l := <-c
func (rr *TKEY) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
// Algorithm
if l.value != zString {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TKEY algorithm", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TKEY algorithm", l}
rr.Algorithm = l.token
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
// Get the key length and key values
l = <-c
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TKEY key length", l}, ""
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad TKEY key length", l}
rr.KeySize = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.value != zString {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TKEY key", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TKEY key", l}
rr.Key = l.token
<-c // zBlank
c.Next() // zBlank
// Get the otherdata length and string data
l = <-c
i, err = strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if err != nil || l.err {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TKEY otherdata length", l}, ""
l, _ = c.Next()
i, e1 := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 8)
if e1 != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{"", "bad TKEY otherdata length", l}
rr.OtherLen = uint16(i)
<-c // zBlank
l = <-c
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.value != zString {
return nil, &ParseError{f, "bad TKEY otherday", l}, ""
return &ParseError{"", "bad TKEY otherday", l}
rr.OtherData = l.token
return nil
func (rr *APL) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
var prefixes []APLPrefix
for {
l, _ := c.Next()
if l.value == zNewline || l.value == zEOF {
if l.value == zBlank && prefixes != nil {
if l.value != zString {
return &ParseError{"", "unexpected APL field", l}
// Expected format: [!]afi:address/prefix
colon := strings.IndexByte(l.token, ':')
if colon == -1 {
return &ParseError{"", "missing colon in APL field", l}
family, cidr := l.token[:colon], l.token[colon+1:]
var negation bool
if family != "" && family[0] == '!' {
negation = true
family = family[1:]
afi, e := strconv.ParseUint(family, 10, 16)
if e != nil {
return &ParseError{"", "failed to parse APL family: " + e.Error(), l}
var addrLen int
switch afi {
case 1:
addrLen = net.IPv4len
case 2:
addrLen = net.IPv6len
return &ParseError{"", "unrecognized APL family", l}
ip, subnet, e1 := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if e1 != nil {
return &ParseError{"", "failed to parse APL address: " + e1.Error(), l}
if !ip.Equal(subnet.IP) {
return &ParseError{"", "extra bits in APL address", l}
if len(subnet.IP) != addrLen {
return &ParseError{"", "address mismatch with the APL family", l}
prefixes = append(prefixes, APLPrefix{
Negation: negation,
Network: *subnet,
return rr, nil, ""
var typeToparserFunc = map[uint16]parserFunc{
TypeAAAA: {setAAAA, false},
TypeAFSDB: {setAFSDB, false},
TypeA: {setA, false},
TypeCAA: {setCAA, true},
TypeCDS: {setCDS, true},
TypeCDNSKEY: {setCDNSKEY, true},
TypeCERT: {setCERT, true},
TypeCNAME: {setCNAME, false},
TypeCSYNC: {setCSYNC, true},
TypeDHCID: {setDHCID, true},
TypeDLV: {setDLV, true},
TypeDNAME: {setDNAME, false},
TypeKEY: {setKEY, true},
TypeDNSKEY: {setDNSKEY, true},
TypeDS: {setDS, true},
TypeEID: {setEID, true},
TypeEUI48: {setEUI48, false},
TypeEUI64: {setEUI64, false},
TypeGID: {setGID, false},
TypeGPOS: {setGPOS, false},
TypeHINFO: {setHINFO, true},
TypeHIP: {setHIP, true},
TypeKX: {setKX, false},
TypeL32: {setL32, false},
TypeL64: {setL64, false},
TypeLOC: {setLOC, true},
TypeLP: {setLP, false},
TypeMB: {setMB, false},
TypeMD: {setMD, false},
TypeMF: {setMF, false},
TypeMG: {setMG, false},
TypeMINFO: {setMINFO, false},
TypeMR: {setMR, false},
TypeMX: {setMX, false},
TypeNAPTR: {setNAPTR, false},
TypeNID: {setNID, false},
TypeNIMLOC: {setNIMLOC, true},
TypeNINFO: {setNINFO, true},
TypeNSAPPTR: {setNSAPPTR, false},
TypeNSEC3PARAM: {setNSEC3PARAM, false},
TypeNSEC3: {setNSEC3, true},
TypeNSEC: {setNSEC, true},
TypeNS: {setNS, false},
TypePTR: {setPTR, false},
TypePX: {setPX, false},
TypeSIG: {setSIG, true},
TypeRKEY: {setRKEY, true},
TypeRP: {setRP, false},
TypeRRSIG: {setRRSIG, true},
TypeRT: {setRT, false},
TypeSMIMEA: {setSMIMEA, true},
TypeSOA: {setSOA, false},
TypeSPF: {setSPF, true},
TypeAVC: {setAVC, true},
TypeSRV: {setSRV, false},
TypeSSHFP: {setSSHFP, true},
TypeTALINK: {setTALINK, false},
TypeTA: {setTA, true},
TypeTLSA: {setTLSA, true},
TypeTXT: {setTXT, true},
TypeUID: {setUID, false},
TypeUINFO: {setUINFO, true},
TypeURI: {setURI, true},
TypeX25: {setX25, false},
TypeTKEY: {setTKEY, true},
rr.Prefixes = prefixes
return nil
package dns
// Implement a simple scanner, return a byte stream from an io reader.
import (
type scan struct {
src *bufio.Reader
position scanner.Position
eof bool // Have we just seen a eof
ctx context.Context
func scanInit(r io.Reader) (*scan, context.CancelFunc) {
s := new(scan)
s.src = bufio.NewReader(r)
s.position.Line = 1
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s.ctx = ctx
return s, cancel
// tokenText returns the next byte from the input
func (s *scan) tokenText() (byte, error) {
c, err := s.src.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return c, err
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
return c, context.Canceled
// delay the newline handling until the next token is delivered,
// fixes off-by-one errors when reporting a parse error.
if s.eof == true {
s.position.Column = 0
s.eof = false
if c == '\n' {
s.eof = true
return c, nil
return c, nil
package dns
import (
// ServeMux is an DNS request multiplexer. It matches the zone name of
// each incoming request against a list of registered patterns add calls
// the handler for the pattern that most closely matches the zone name.
// ServeMux is DNSSEC aware, meaning that queries for the DS record are
// redirected to the parent zone (if that is also registered), otherwise
// the child gets the query.
// ServeMux is also safe for concurrent access from multiple goroutines.
// The zero ServeMux is empty and ready for use.
type ServeMux struct {
z map[string]Handler
m sync.RWMutex
// NewServeMux allocates and returns a new ServeMux.
func NewServeMux() *ServeMux {
return new(ServeMux)
// DefaultServeMux is the default ServeMux used by Serve.
var DefaultServeMux = NewServeMux()
func (mux *ServeMux) match(q string, t uint16) Handler {
defer mux.m.RUnlock()
if mux.z == nil {
return nil
q = CanonicalName(q)
var handler Handler
for off, end := 0, false; !end; off, end = NextLabel(q, off) {
if h, ok := mux.z[q[off:]]; ok {
if t != TypeDS {
return h
// Continue for DS to see if we have a parent too, if so delegate to the parent
handler = h
// Wildcard match, if we have found nothing try the root zone as a last resort.
if h, ok := mux.z["."]; ok {
return h
return handler
// Handle adds a handler to the ServeMux for pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
if pattern == "" {
panic("dns: invalid pattern " + pattern)
if mux.z == nil {
mux.z = make(map[string]Handler)
mux.z[CanonicalName(pattern)] = handler
// HandleFunc adds a handler function to the ServeMux for pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Msg)) {
mux.Handle(pattern, HandlerFunc(handler))
// HandleRemove deregisters the handler specific for pattern from the ServeMux.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleRemove(pattern string) {
if pattern == "" {
panic("dns: invalid pattern " + pattern)
delete(mux.z, CanonicalName(pattern))
// ServeDNS dispatches the request to the handler whose pattern most
// closely matches the request message.
// ServeDNS is DNSSEC aware, meaning that queries for the DS record
// are redirected to the parent zone (if that is also registered),
// otherwise the child gets the query.
// If no handler is found, or there is no question, a standard REFUSED
// message is returned
func (mux *ServeMux) ServeDNS(w ResponseWriter, req *Msg) {
var h Handler
if len(req.Question) >= 1 { // allow more than one question
h = mux.match(req.Question[0].Name, req.Question[0].Qtype)
if h != nil {
h.ServeDNS(w, req)
} else {
handleRefused(w, req)
// Handle registers the handler with the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux. The documentation for
// ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) { DefaultServeMux.Handle(pattern, handler) }
// HandleRemove deregisters the handle with the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
func HandleRemove(pattern string) { DefaultServeMux.HandleRemove(pattern) }
// HandleFunc registers the handler function with the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Msg)) {
DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
......@@ -3,37 +3,40 @@
package dns
import (
// Default maximum number of TCP queries before we close the socket.
const maxTCPQueries = 128
// The maximum number of idle workers.
// This controls the maximum number of workers that are allowed to stay
// idle waiting for incoming requests before being torn down.
// If this limit is reached, the server will just keep spawning new
// workers (goroutines) for each incoming request. In this case, each
// worker will only be used for a single request.
const maxIdleWorkersCount = 10000
// The maximum length of time a worker may idle for before being destroyed.
const idleWorkerTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// aLongTimeAgo is a non-zero time, far in the past, used for
// immediate cancelation of network operations.
var aLongTimeAgo = time.Unix(1, 0)
// Handler is implemented by any value that implements ServeDNS.
type Handler interface {
ServeDNS(w ResponseWriter, r *Msg)
// The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as DNS handlers. If f is a function
// with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a
// Handler object that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Msg)
// ServeDNS calls f(w, r).
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeDNS(w ResponseWriter, r *Msg) {
f(w, r)
// A ResponseWriter interface is used by an DNS handler to
// construct an DNS response.
type ResponseWriter interface {
......@@ -56,49 +59,35 @@ type ResponseWriter interface {
// A ConnectionStater interface is used by a DNS Handler to access TLS connection state
// when available.
type ConnectionStater interface {
ConnectionState() *tls.ConnectionState
type response struct {
msg []byte
closed bool // connection has been closed
hijacked bool // connection has been hijacked by handler
tsigStatus error
tsigTimersOnly bool
tsigStatus error
tsigRequestMAC string
tsigSecret map[string]string // the tsig secrets
udp *net.UDPConn // i/o connection if UDP was used
tcp net.Conn // i/o connection if TCP was used
udpSession *SessionUDP // oob data to get egress interface right
writer Writer // writer to output the raw DNS bits
// ServeMux is an DNS request multiplexer. It matches the
// zone name of each incoming request against a list of
// registered patterns add calls the handler for the pattern
// that most closely matches the zone name. ServeMux is DNSSEC aware, meaning
// that queries for the DS record are redirected to the parent zone (if that
// is also registered), otherwise the child gets the query.
// ServeMux is also safe for concurrent access from multiple goroutines.
type ServeMux struct {
z map[string]Handler
m *sync.RWMutex
tsigProvider TsigProvider
udp net.PacketConn // i/o connection if UDP was used
tcp net.Conn // i/o connection if TCP was used
udpSession *SessionUDP // oob data to get egress interface right
pcSession net.Addr // address to use when writing to a generic net.PacketConn
writer Writer // writer to output the raw DNS bits
// NewServeMux allocates and returns a new ServeMux.
func NewServeMux() *ServeMux { return &ServeMux{z: make(map[string]Handler), m: new(sync.RWMutex)} }
// DefaultServeMux is the default ServeMux used by Serve.
var DefaultServeMux = NewServeMux()
// The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as DNS handlers. If f is a function
// with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a
// Handler object that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Msg)
// ServeDNS calls f(w, r).
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeDNS(w ResponseWriter, r *Msg) {
f(w, r)
// handleRefused returns a HandlerFunc that returns REFUSED for every request it gets.
func handleRefused(w ResponseWriter, r *Msg) {
m := new(Msg)
m.SetRcode(r, RcodeRefused)
// HandleFailed returns a HandlerFunc that returns SERVFAIL for every request it gets.
// Deprecated: This function is going away.
func HandleFailed(w ResponseWriter, r *Msg) {
m := new(Msg)
m.SetRcode(r, RcodeServerFailure)
......@@ -106,8 +95,6 @@ func HandleFailed(w ResponseWriter, r *Msg) {
func failedHandler() Handler { return HandlerFunc(HandleFailed) }
// ListenAndServe Starts a server on address and network specified Invoke handler
// for incoming queries.
func ListenAndServe(addr string, network string, handler Handler) error {
......@@ -146,99 +133,6 @@ func ActivateAndServe(l net.Listener, p net.PacketConn, handler Handler) error {
return server.ActivateAndServe()
func (mux *ServeMux) match(q string, t uint16) Handler {
defer mux.m.RUnlock()
var handler Handler
b := make([]byte, len(q)) // worst case, one label of length q
off := 0
end := false
for {
l := len(q[off:])
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
b[i] = q[off+i]
if b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'Z' {
b[i] |= 'a' - 'A'
if h, ok := mux.z[string(b[:l])]; ok { // causes garbage, might want to change the map key
if t != TypeDS {
return h
// Continue for DS to see if we have a parent too, if so delegeate to the parent
handler = h
off, end = NextLabel(q, off)
if end {
// Wildcard match, if we have found nothing try the root zone as a last resort.
if h, ok := mux.z["."]; ok {
return h
return handler
// Handle adds a handler to the ServeMux for pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
if pattern == "" {
panic("dns: invalid pattern " + pattern)
mux.z[Fqdn(pattern)] = handler
// HandleFunc adds a handler function to the ServeMux for pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Msg)) {
mux.Handle(pattern, HandlerFunc(handler))
// HandleRemove deregistrars the handler specific for pattern from the ServeMux.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleRemove(pattern string) {
if pattern == "" {
panic("dns: invalid pattern " + pattern)
delete(mux.z, Fqdn(pattern))
// ServeDNS dispatches the request to the handler whose
// pattern most closely matches the request message. If DefaultServeMux
// is used the correct thing for DS queries is done: a possible parent
// is sought.
// If no handler is found a standard SERVFAIL message is returned
// If the request message does not have exactly one question in the
// question section a SERVFAIL is returned, unlesss Unsafe is true.
func (mux *ServeMux) ServeDNS(w ResponseWriter, request *Msg) {
var h Handler
if len(request.Question) < 1 { // allow more than one question
h = failedHandler()
} else {
if h = mux.match(request.Question[0].Name, request.Question[0].Qtype); h == nil {
h = failedHandler()
h.ServeDNS(w, request)
// Handle registers the handler with the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux. The documentation for
// ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) { DefaultServeMux.Handle(pattern, handler) }
// HandleRemove deregisters the handle with the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
func HandleRemove(pattern string) { DefaultServeMux.HandleRemove(pattern) }
// HandleFunc registers the handler function with the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Msg)) {
DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
// Writer writes raw DNS messages; each call to Write should send an entire message.
type Writer interface {
......@@ -254,22 +148,40 @@ type Reader interface {
ReadUDP(conn *net.UDPConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, *SessionUDP, error)
// defaultReader is an adapter for the Server struct that implements the Reader interface
// using the readTCP and readUDP func of the embedded Server.
// PacketConnReader is an optional interface that Readers can implement to support using generic net.PacketConns.
type PacketConnReader interface {
// ReadPacketConn reads a raw message from a generic net.PacketConn UDP connection. Implementations may
// alter connection properties, for example the read-deadline.
ReadPacketConn(conn net.PacketConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, net.Addr, error)
// defaultReader is an adapter for the Server struct that implements the Reader and
// PacketConnReader interfaces using the readTCP, readUDP and readPacketConn funcs
// of the embedded Server.
type defaultReader struct {
func (dr *defaultReader) ReadTCP(conn net.Conn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, error) {
var _ PacketConnReader = defaultReader{}
func (dr defaultReader) ReadTCP(conn net.Conn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, error) {
return dr.readTCP(conn, timeout)
func (dr *defaultReader) ReadUDP(conn *net.UDPConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, *SessionUDP, error) {
func (dr defaultReader) ReadUDP(conn *net.UDPConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, *SessionUDP, error) {
return dr.readUDP(conn, timeout)
func (dr defaultReader) ReadPacketConn(conn net.PacketConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, net.Addr, error) {
return dr.readPacketConn(conn, timeout)
// DecorateReader is a decorator hook for extending or supplanting the functionality of a Reader.
// Implementations should never return a nil Reader.
// Readers should also implement the optional PacketConnReader interface.
// PacketConnReader is required to use a generic net.PacketConn.
type DecorateReader func(Reader) Reader
// DecorateWriter is a decorator hook for extending or supplanting the functionality of a Writer.
......@@ -299,11 +211,10 @@ type Server struct {
WriteTimeout time.Duration
// TCP idle timeout for multiple queries, if nil, defaults to 8 * time.Second (RFC 5966).
IdleTimeout func() time.Duration
// An implementation of the TsigProvider interface. If defined it replaces TsigSecret and is used for all TSIG operations.
TsigProvider TsigProvider
// Secret(s) for Tsig map[<zonename>]<base64 secret>. The zonename must be in canonical form (lowercase, fqdn, see RFC 4034 Section 6.2).
TsigSecret map[string]string
// Unsafe instructs the server to disregard any sanity checks and directly hand the message to
// the handler. It will specifically not check if the query has the QR bit not set.
Unsafe bool
// If NotifyStartedFunc is set it is called once the server has started listening.
NotifyStartedFunc func()
// DecorateReader is optional, allows customization of the process that reads raw DNS messages.
......@@ -312,14 +223,31 @@ type Server struct {
DecorateWriter DecorateWriter
// Maximum number of TCP queries before we close the socket. Default is maxTCPQueries (unlimited if -1).
MaxTCPQueries int
// Whether to set the SO_REUSEPORT socket option, allowing multiple listeners to be bound to a single address.
// It is only supported on go1.11+ and when using ListenAndServe.
ReusePort bool
// AcceptMsgFunc will check the incoming message and will reject it early in the process.
// By default DefaultMsgAcceptFunc will be used.
MsgAcceptFunc MsgAcceptFunc
// UDP packet or TCP connection queue
queue chan *response
// Workers count
workersCount int32
// Shutdown handling
lock sync.RWMutex
started bool
lock sync.RWMutex
started bool
shutdown chan struct{}
conns map[net.Conn]struct{}
// A pool for UDP message buffers.
udpPool sync.Pool
func (srv *Server) tsigProvider() TsigProvider {
if srv.TsigProvider != nil {
return srv.TsigProvider
if srv.TsigSecret != nil {
return tsigSecretProvider(srv.TsigSecret)
return nil
func (srv *Server) isStarted() bool {
......@@ -329,49 +257,27 @@ func (srv *Server) isStarted() bool {
return started
func (srv *Server) worker(w *response) {
for {
count := atomic.LoadInt32(&srv.workersCount)
if count > maxIdleWorkersCount {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&srv.workersCount, count, count+1) {
func makeUDPBuffer(size int) func() interface{} {
return func() interface{} {
return make([]byte, size)
defer atomic.AddInt32(&srv.workersCount, -1)
func (srv *Server) init() {
srv.shutdown = make(chan struct{})
srv.conns = make(map[net.Conn]struct{})
inUse := false
timeout := time.NewTimer(idleWorkerTimeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
for {
select {
case w, ok := <-srv.queue:
if !ok {
break LOOP
inUse = true
case <-timeout.C:
if !inUse {
break LOOP
inUse = false
if srv.UDPSize == 0 {
srv.UDPSize = MinMsgSize
func (srv *Server) spawnWorker(w *response) {
select {
case srv.queue <- w:
go srv.worker(w)
if srv.MsgAcceptFunc == nil {
srv.MsgAcceptFunc = DefaultMsgAcceptFunc
if srv.Handler == nil {
srv.Handler = DefaultServeMux
srv.udpPool.New = makeUDPBuffer(srv.UDPSize)
func unlockOnce(l sync.Locker) func() {
......@@ -393,18 +299,12 @@ func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
if addr == "" {
addr = ":domain"
if srv.UDPSize == 0 {
srv.UDPSize = MinMsgSize
srv.queue = make(chan *response)
defer close(srv.queue)
switch srv.Net {
case "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6":
a, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr(srv.Net, addr)
if err != nil {
return err
l, err := net.ListenTCP(srv.Net, a)
l, err := listenTCP(srv.Net, addr, srv.ReusePort)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -413,37 +313,33 @@ func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
return srv.serveTCP(l)
case "tcp-tls", "tcp4-tls", "tcp6-tls":
network := "tcp"
if srv.Net == "tcp4-tls" {
network = "tcp4"
} else if srv.Net == "tcp6-tls" {
network = "tcp6"
if srv.TLSConfig == nil || (len(srv.TLSConfig.Certificates) == 0 && srv.TLSConfig.GetCertificate == nil) {
return errors.New("dns: neither Certificates nor GetCertificate set in Config")
l, err := tls.Listen(network, addr, srv.TLSConfig)
network := strings.TrimSuffix(srv.Net, "-tls")
l, err := listenTCP(network, addr, srv.ReusePort)
if err != nil {
return err
l = tls.NewListener(l, srv.TLSConfig)
srv.Listener = l
srv.started = true
return srv.serveTCP(l)
case "udp", "udp4", "udp6":
a, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(srv.Net, addr)
l, err := listenUDP(srv.Net, addr, srv.ReusePort)
if err != nil {
return err
l, err := net.ListenUDP(srv.Net, a)
if err != nil {
return err
if e := setUDPSocketOptions(l); e != nil {
u := l.(*net.UDPConn)
if e := setUDPSocketOptions(u); e != nil {
return e
srv.PacketConn = l
srv.started = true
return srv.serveUDP(l)
return srv.serveUDP(u)
return &Error{err: "bad network"}
......@@ -459,29 +355,24 @@ func (srv *Server) ActivateAndServe() error {
return &Error{err: "server already started"}
pConn := srv.PacketConn
l := srv.Listener
srv.queue = make(chan *response)
defer close(srv.queue)
if pConn != nil {
if srv.UDPSize == 0 {
srv.UDPSize = MinMsgSize
if srv.PacketConn != nil {
// Check PacketConn interface's type is valid and value
// is not nil
if t, ok := pConn.(*net.UDPConn); ok && t != nil {
if t, ok := srv.PacketConn.(*net.UDPConn); ok && t != nil {
if e := setUDPSocketOptions(t); e != nil {
return e
srv.started = true
return srv.serveUDP(t)
srv.started = true
return srv.serveUDP(srv.PacketConn)
if l != nil {
if srv.Listener != nil {
srv.started = true
return srv.serveTCP(l)
return srv.serveTCP(srv.Listener)
return &Error{err: "bad listeners"}
......@@ -489,30 +380,63 @@ func (srv *Server) ActivateAndServe() error {
// Shutdown shuts down a server. After a call to Shutdown, ListenAndServe and
// ActivateAndServe will return.
func (srv *Server) Shutdown() error {
return srv.ShutdownContext(context.Background())
// ShutdownContext shuts down a server. After a call to ShutdownContext,
// ListenAndServe and ActivateAndServe will return.
// A context.Context may be passed to limit how long to wait for connections
// to terminate.
func (srv *Server) ShutdownContext(ctx context.Context) error {
if !srv.started {
return &Error{err: "server not started"}
srv.started = false
if srv.PacketConn != nil {
srv.PacketConn.SetReadDeadline(aLongTimeAgo) // Unblock reads
if srv.Listener != nil {
return nil
for rw := range srv.conns {
rw.SetReadDeadline(aLongTimeAgo) // Unblock reads
if testShutdownNotify != nil {
var ctxErr error
select {
case <-srv.shutdown:
case <-ctx.Done():
ctxErr = ctx.Err()
if srv.PacketConn != nil {
return ctxErr
var testShutdownNotify *sync.Cond
// getReadTimeout is a helper func to use system timeout if server did not intend to change it.
func (srv *Server) getReadTimeout() time.Duration {
rtimeout := dnsTimeout
if srv.ReadTimeout != 0 {
rtimeout = srv.ReadTimeout
return srv.ReadTimeout
return rtimeout
return dnsTimeout
// serveTCP starts a TCP listener for the server.
......@@ -523,78 +447,109 @@ func (srv *Server) serveTCP(l net.Listener) error {
for {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer func() {
for srv.isStarted() {
rw, err := l.Accept()
if !srv.isStarted() {
return nil
if err != nil {
if !srv.isStarted() {
return nil
if neterr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && neterr.Temporary() {
return err
srv.spawnWorker(&response{tsigSecret: srv.TsigSecret, tcp: rw})
// Track the connection to allow unblocking reads on shutdown.
srv.conns[rw] = struct{}{}
go srv.serveTCPConn(&wg, rw)
return nil
// serveUDP starts a UDP listener for the server.
func (srv *Server) serveUDP(l *net.UDPConn) error {
func (srv *Server) serveUDP(l net.PacketConn) error {
defer l.Close()
reader := Reader(defaultReader{srv})
if srv.DecorateReader != nil {
reader = srv.DecorateReader(reader)
lUDP, isUDP := l.(*net.UDPConn)
readerPC, canPacketConn := reader.(PacketConnReader)
if !isUDP && !canPacketConn {
return &Error{err: "PacketConnReader was not implemented on Reader returned from DecorateReader but is required for net.PacketConn"}
if srv.NotifyStartedFunc != nil {
reader := Reader(&defaultReader{srv})
if srv.DecorateReader != nil {
reader = srv.DecorateReader(reader)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer func() {
rtimeout := srv.getReadTimeout()
// deadline is not used here
for {
m, s, err := reader.ReadUDP(l, rtimeout)
if !srv.isStarted() {
return nil
for srv.isStarted() {
var (
m []byte
sPC net.Addr
sUDP *SessionUDP
err error
if isUDP {
m, sUDP, err = reader.ReadUDP(lUDP, rtimeout)
} else {
m, sPC, err = readerPC.ReadPacketConn(l, rtimeout)
if err != nil {
if !srv.isStarted() {
return nil
if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Temporary() {
return err
if len(m) < headerSize {
if cap(m) == srv.UDPSize {
srv.spawnWorker(&response{msg: m, tsigSecret: srv.TsigSecret, udp: l, udpSession: s})
go srv.serveUDPPacket(&wg, m, l, sUDP, sPC)
return nil
func (srv *Server) serve(w *response) {
// Serve a new TCP connection.
func (srv *Server) serveTCPConn(wg *sync.WaitGroup, rw net.Conn) {
w := &response{tsigProvider: srv.tsigProvider(), tcp: rw}
if srv.DecorateWriter != nil {
w.writer = srv.DecorateWriter(w)
} else {
w.writer = w
if w.udp != nil {
// serve UDP
reader := Reader(&defaultReader{srv})
reader := Reader(defaultReader{srv})
if srv.DecorateReader != nil {
reader = srv.DecorateReader(reader)
defer func() {
if !w.hijacked {
idleTimeout := tcpIdleTimeout
if srv.IdleTimeout != nil {
idleTimeout = srv.IdleTimeout()
......@@ -607,15 +562,14 @@ func (srv *Server) serve(w *response) {
limit = maxTCPQueries
for q := 0; q < limit || limit == -1; q++ {
var err error
w.msg, err = reader.ReadTCP(w.tcp, timeout)
for q := 0; (q < limit || limit == -1) && srv.isStarted(); q++ {
m, err := reader.ReadTCP(w.tcp, timeout)
if err != nil {
// TODO(tmthrgd): handle error
if w.tcp == nil {
srv.serveDNS(m, w)
if w.closed {
break // Close() was called
if w.hijacked {
......@@ -625,94 +579,156 @@ func (srv *Server) serve(w *response) {
// idle timeout.
timeout = idleTimeout
if !w.hijacked {
delete(srv.conns, w.tcp)
func (srv *Server) serveDNS(w *response) {
req := new(Msg)
err := req.Unpack(w.msg)
if err != nil { // Send a FormatError back
x := new(Msg)
// Serve a new UDP request.
func (srv *Server) serveUDPPacket(wg *sync.WaitGroup, m []byte, u net.PacketConn, udpSession *SessionUDP, pcSession net.Addr) {
w := &response{tsigProvider: srv.tsigProvider(), udp: u, udpSession: udpSession, pcSession: pcSession}
if srv.DecorateWriter != nil {
w.writer = srv.DecorateWriter(w)
} else {
w.writer = w
srv.serveDNS(m, w)
func (srv *Server) serveDNS(m []byte, w *response) {
dh, off, err := unpackMsgHdr(m, 0)
if err != nil {
// Let client hang, they are sending crap; any reply can be used to amplify.
if !srv.Unsafe && req.Response {
req := new(Msg)
switch action := srv.MsgAcceptFunc(dh); action {
case MsgAccept:
if req.unpack(dh, m, off) == nil {
case MsgReject, MsgRejectNotImplemented:
opcode := req.Opcode
req.Zero = false
if action == MsgRejectNotImplemented {
req.Opcode = opcode
req.Rcode = RcodeNotImplemented
// Are we allowed to delete any OPT records here?
req.Ns, req.Answer, req.Extra = nil, nil, nil
case MsgIgnore:
if w.udp != nil && cap(m) == srv.UDPSize {
w.tsigStatus = nil
if w.tsigSecret != nil {
if w.tsigProvider != nil {
if t := req.IsTsig(); t != nil {
if secret, ok := w.tsigSecret[t.Hdr.Name]; ok {
w.tsigStatus = TsigVerify(w.msg, secret, "", false)
} else {
w.tsigStatus = ErrSecret
w.tsigStatus = TsigVerifyWithProvider(m, w.tsigProvider, "", false)
w.tsigTimersOnly = false
w.tsigRequestMAC = req.Extra[len(req.Extra)-1].(*TSIG).MAC
w.tsigRequestMAC = t.MAC
handler := srv.Handler
if handler == nil {
handler = DefaultServeMux
if w.udp != nil && cap(m) == srv.UDPSize {
handler.ServeDNS(w, req) // Writes back to the client
srv.Handler.ServeDNS(w, req) // Writes back to the client
func (srv *Server) readTCP(conn net.Conn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, error) {
l := make([]byte, 2)
n, err := conn.Read(l)
if err != nil || n != 2 {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, ErrShortRead
length := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(l)
if length == 0 {
return nil, ErrShortRead
// If we race with ShutdownContext, the read deadline may
// have been set in the distant past to unblock the read
// below. We must not override it, otherwise we may block
// ShutdownContext.
if srv.started {
m := make([]byte, int(length))
n, err = conn.Read(m[:int(length)])
if err != nil || n == 0 {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, ErrShortRead
var length uint16
if err := binary.Read(conn, binary.BigEndian, &length); err != nil {
return nil, err
i := n
for i < int(length) {
j, err := conn.Read(m[i:int(length)])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
i += j
m := make([]byte, length)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, m); err != nil {
return nil, err
n = i
m = m[:n]
return m, nil
func (srv *Server) readUDP(conn *net.UDPConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, *SessionUDP, error) {
m := make([]byte, srv.UDPSize)
if srv.started {
// See the comment in readTCP above.
m := srv.udpPool.Get().([]byte)
n, s, err := ReadFromSessionUDP(conn, m)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
m = m[:n]
return m, s, nil
func (srv *Server) readPacketConn(conn net.PacketConn, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, net.Addr, error) {
if srv.started {
// See the comment in readTCP above.
m := srv.udpPool.Get().([]byte)
n, addr, err := conn.ReadFrom(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
m = m[:n]
return m, addr, nil
// WriteMsg implements the ResponseWriter.WriteMsg method.
func (w *response) WriteMsg(m *Msg) (err error) {
if w.closed {
return &Error{err: "WriteMsg called after Close"}
var data []byte
if w.tsigSecret != nil { // if no secrets, dont check for the tsig (which is a longer check)
if w.tsigProvider != nil { // if no provider, dont check for the tsig (which is a longer check)
if t := m.IsTsig(); t != nil {
data, w.tsigRequestMAC, err = TsigGenerate(m, w.tsigSecret[t.Hdr.Name], w.tsigRequestMAC, w.tsigTimersOnly)
data, w.tsigRequestMAC, err = TsigGenerateWithProvider(m, w.tsigProvider, w.tsigRequestMAC, w.tsigTimersOnly)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -730,42 +746,54 @@ func (w *response) WriteMsg(m *Msg) (err error) {
// Write implements the ResponseWriter.Write method.
func (w *response) Write(m []byte) (int, error) {
if w.closed {
return 0, &Error{err: "Write called after Close"}
switch {
case w.udp != nil:
n, err := WriteToSessionUDP(w.udp, m, w.udpSession)
return n, err
case w.tcp != nil:
lm := len(m)
if lm < 2 {
return 0, io.ErrShortBuffer
if u, ok := w.udp.(*net.UDPConn); ok {
return WriteToSessionUDP(u, m, w.udpSession)
if lm > MaxMsgSize {
return w.udp.WriteTo(m, w.pcSession)
case w.tcp != nil:
if len(m) > MaxMsgSize {
return 0, &Error{err: "message too large"}
l := make([]byte, 2, 2+lm)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(l, uint16(lm))
m = append(l, m...)
n, err := io.Copy(w.tcp, bytes.NewReader(m))
return int(n), err
msg := make([]byte, 2+len(m))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msg, uint16(len(m)))
copy(msg[2:], m)
return w.tcp.Write(msg)
panic("dns: internal error: udp and tcp both nil")
panic("not reached")
// LocalAddr implements the ResponseWriter.LocalAddr method.
func (w *response) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
if w.tcp != nil {
switch {
case w.udp != nil:
return w.udp.LocalAddr()
case w.tcp != nil:
return w.tcp.LocalAddr()
panic("dns: internal error: udp and tcp both nil")
return w.udp.LocalAddr()
// RemoteAddr implements the ResponseWriter.RemoteAddr method.
func (w *response) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
if w.tcp != nil {
switch {
case w.udpSession != nil:
return w.udpSession.RemoteAddr()
case w.pcSession != nil:
return w.pcSession
case w.tcp != nil:
return w.tcp.RemoteAddr()
panic("dns: internal error: udpSession, pcSession and tcp are all nil")
return w.udpSession.RemoteAddr()
// TsigStatus implements the ResponseWriter.TsigStatus method.
......@@ -779,11 +807,30 @@ func (w *response) Hijack() { w.hijacked = true }
// Close implements the ResponseWriter.Close method
func (w *response) Close() error {
// Can't close the udp conn, as that is actually the listener.
if w.tcp != nil {
e := w.tcp.Close()
w.tcp = nil
return e
if w.closed {
return &Error{err: "connection already closed"}
w.closed = true
switch {
case w.udp != nil:
// Can't close the udp conn, as that is actually the listener.
return nil
case w.tcp != nil:
return w.tcp.Close()
panic("dns: internal error: udp and tcp both nil")
// ConnectionState() implements the ConnectionStater.ConnectionState() interface.
func (w *response) ConnectionState() *tls.ConnectionState {
type tlsConnectionStater interface {
ConnectionState() tls.ConnectionState
if v, ok := w.tcp.(tlsConnectionStater); ok {
t := v.ConnectionState()
return &t
return nil
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package dns
import (
......@@ -18,18 +18,14 @@ func (rr *SIG) Sign(k crypto.Signer, m *Msg) ([]byte, error) {
if k == nil {
return nil, ErrPrivKey
if rr.KeyTag == 0 || len(rr.SignerName) == 0 || rr.Algorithm == 0 {
if rr.KeyTag == 0 || rr.SignerName == "" || rr.Algorithm == 0 {
return nil, ErrKey
rr.Header().Rrtype = TypeSIG
rr.Header().Class = ClassANY
rr.Header().Ttl = 0
rr.Header().Name = "."
rr.OrigTtl = 0
rr.TypeCovered = 0
rr.Labels = 0
buf := make([]byte, m.Len()+rr.len())
rr.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: TypeSIG, Class: ClassANY, Ttl: 0}
rr.OrigTtl, rr.TypeCovered, rr.Labels = 0, 0, 0
buf := make([]byte, m.Len()+Len(rr))
mbuf, err := m.PackBuffer(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -43,18 +39,17 @@ func (rr *SIG) Sign(k crypto.Signer, m *Msg) ([]byte, error) {
buf = buf[:off:cap(buf)]
hash, ok := AlgorithmToHash[rr.Algorithm]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrAlg
h, cryptohash, err := hashFromAlgorithm(rr.Algorithm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hasher := hash.New()
// Write SIG rdata
// Write message
signature, err := sign(k, hasher.Sum(nil), hash, rr.Algorithm)
signature, err := sign(k, h.Sum(nil), cryptohash, rr.Algorithm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -83,32 +78,21 @@ func (rr *SIG) Verify(k *KEY, buf []byte) error {
if k == nil {
return ErrKey
if rr.KeyTag == 0 || len(rr.SignerName) == 0 || rr.Algorithm == 0 {
if rr.KeyTag == 0 || rr.SignerName == "" || rr.Algorithm == 0 {
return ErrKey
var hash crypto.Hash
switch rr.Algorithm {
case DSA, RSASHA1:
hash = crypto.SHA1
case RSASHA256, ECDSAP256SHA256:
hash = crypto.SHA256
case ECDSAP384SHA384:
hash = crypto.SHA384
case RSASHA512:
hash = crypto.SHA512
return ErrAlg
hasher := hash.New()
h, cryptohash, err := hashFromAlgorithm(rr.Algorithm)
if err != nil {
return err
buflen := len(buf)
qdc := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[4:])
anc := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[6:])
auc := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[8:])
adc := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[10:])
offset := 12
var err error
offset := headerSize
for i := uint16(0); i < qdc && offset < buflen; i++ {
_, offset, err = UnpackDomainName(buf, offset)
if err != nil {
......@@ -127,8 +111,7 @@ func (rr *SIG) Verify(k *KEY, buf []byte) error {
if offset+1 >= buflen {
var rdlen uint16
rdlen = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[offset:])
rdlen := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[offset:])
offset += 2
offset += int(rdlen)
......@@ -168,51 +151,44 @@ func (rr *SIG) Verify(k *KEY, buf []byte) error {
// If key has come from the DNS name compression might
// have mangled the case of the name
if strings.ToLower(signername) != strings.ToLower(k.Header().Name) {
if !strings.EqualFold(signername, k.Header().Name) {
return &Error{err: "signer name doesn't match key name"}
sigend := offset
byte((adc - 1) << 8),
byte(adc - 1),
hashed := hasher.Sum(nil)
hashed := h.Sum(nil)
sig := buf[sigend:]
switch k.Algorithm {
case DSA:
pk := k.publicKeyDSA()
sig = sig[1:]
r := big.NewInt(0)
s := big.NewInt(0)
if pk != nil {
if dsa.Verify(pk, hashed, r, s) {
return nil
return ErrSig
pk := k.publicKeyRSA()
if pk != nil {
return rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(pk, hash, hashed, sig)
return rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(pk, cryptohash, hashed, sig)
case ECDSAP256SHA256, ECDSAP384SHA384:
pk := k.publicKeyECDSA()
r := big.NewInt(0)
s := big.NewInt(0)
r := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[:len(sig)/2])
s := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[len(sig)/2:])
if pk != nil {
if ecdsa.Verify(pk, hashed, r, s) {
return nil
return ErrSig
case ED25519:
pk := k.publicKeyED25519()
if pk != nil {
if ed25519.Verify(pk, hashed, sig) {
return nil
return ErrSig
return ErrKeyAlg
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ type call struct {
type singleflight struct {
sync.Mutex // protects m
m map[string]*call // lazily initialized
dontDeleteForTesting bool // this is only to be used by TestConcurrentExchanges
// Do executes and returns the results of the given function, making
......@@ -49,9 +51,11 @@ func (g *singleflight) Do(key string, fn func() (*Msg, time.Duration, error)) (v
c.val, c.rtt, c.err = fn()
delete(g.m, key)
if !g.dontDeleteForTesting {
delete(g.m, key)
return c.val, c.rtt, c.err, c.dups > 0
......@@ -14,10 +14,7 @@ func (r *SMIMEA) Sign(usage, selector, matchingType int, cert *x509.Certificate)
r.MatchingType = uint8(matchingType)
r.Certificate, err = CertificateToDANE(r.Selector, r.MatchingType, cert)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
// Verify verifies a SMIMEA record against an SSL certificate. If it is OK
package dns
import (
// SVCBKey is the type of the keys used in the SVCB RR.
type SVCBKey uint16
// Keys defined in draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https-08 Section 14.3.2.
const (
SVCB_DOHPATH // draft-ietf-add-svcb-dns-02 Section 9
svcb_RESERVED SVCBKey = 65535
var svcbKeyToStringMap = map[SVCBKey]string{
SVCB_MANDATORY: "mandatory",
SVCB_ALPN: "alpn",
SVCB_NO_DEFAULT_ALPN: "no-default-alpn",
SVCB_PORT: "port",
SVCB_IPV4HINT: "ipv4hint",
SVCB_IPV6HINT: "ipv6hint",
SVCB_DOHPATH: "dohpath",
var svcbStringToKeyMap = reverseSVCBKeyMap(svcbKeyToStringMap)
func reverseSVCBKeyMap(m map[SVCBKey]string) map[string]SVCBKey {
n := make(map[string]SVCBKey, len(m))
for u, s := range m {
n[s] = u
return n
// String takes the numerical code of an SVCB key and returns its name.
// Returns an empty string for reserved keys.
// Accepts unassigned keys as well as experimental/private keys.
func (key SVCBKey) String() string {
if x := svcbKeyToStringMap[key]; x != "" {
return x
if key == svcb_RESERVED {
return ""
return "key" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(key), 10)
// svcbStringToKey returns the numerical code of an SVCB key.
// Returns svcb_RESERVED for reserved/invalid keys.
// Accepts unassigned keys as well as experimental/private keys.
func svcbStringToKey(s string) SVCBKey {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "key") {
a, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[3:], 10, 16)
// no leading zeros
// key shouldn't be registered
if err != nil || a == 65535 || s[3] == '0' || svcbKeyToStringMap[SVCBKey(a)] != "" {
return svcb_RESERVED
return SVCBKey(a)
if key, ok := svcbStringToKeyMap[s]; ok {
return key
return svcb_RESERVED
func (rr *SVCB) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
l, _ := c.Next()
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(l.token, 10, 16)
if e != nil || l.err {
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB priority", l}
rr.Priority = uint16(i)
c.Next() // zBlank
l, _ = c.Next() // zString
rr.Target = l.token
name, nameOk := toAbsoluteName(l.token, o)
if l.err || !nameOk {
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB Target", l}
rr.Target = name
// Values (if any)
l, _ = c.Next()
var xs []SVCBKeyValue
// Helps require whitespace between pairs.
// Prevents key1000="a"key1001=...
canHaveNextKey := true
for l.value != zNewline && l.value != zEOF {
switch l.value {
case zString:
if !canHaveNextKey {
// The key we can now read was probably meant to be
// a part of the last value.
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB value quotation", l}
// In key=value pairs, value does not have to be quoted unless value
// contains whitespace. And keys don't need to have values.
// Similarly, keys with an equality signs after them don't need values.
// l.token includes at least up to the first equality sign.
idx := strings.IndexByte(l.token, '=')
var key, value string
if idx < 0 {
// Key with no value and no equality sign
key = l.token
} else if idx == 0 {
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB key", l}
} else {
key, value = l.token[:idx], l.token[idx+1:]
if value == "" {
// We have a key and an equality sign. Maybe we have nothing
// after "=" or we have a double quote.
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.value == zQuote {
// Only needed when value ends with double quotes.
// Any value starting with zQuote ends with it.
canHaveNextKey = false
l, _ = c.Next()
switch l.value {
case zString:
// We have a value in double quotes.
value = l.token
l, _ = c.Next()
if l.value != zQuote {
return &ParseError{l.token, "SVCB unterminated value", l}
case zQuote:
// There's nothing in double quotes.
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB value", l}
kv := makeSVCBKeyValue(svcbStringToKey(key))
if kv == nil {
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB key", l}
if err := kv.parse(value); err != nil {
return &ParseError{l.token, err.Error(), l}
xs = append(xs, kv)
case zQuote:
return &ParseError{l.token, "SVCB key can't contain double quotes", l}
case zBlank:
canHaveNextKey = true
return &ParseError{l.token, "bad SVCB values", l}
l, _ = c.Next()
// "In AliasMode, records SHOULD NOT include any SvcParams, and recipients MUST
// ignore any SvcParams that are present."
// However, we don't check rr.Priority == 0 && len(xs) > 0 here
// It is the responsibility of the user of the library to check this.
// This is to encourage the fixing of the source of this error.
rr.Value = xs
return nil
// makeSVCBKeyValue returns an SVCBKeyValue struct with the key or nil for reserved keys.
func makeSVCBKeyValue(key SVCBKey) SVCBKeyValue {
switch key {
return new(SVCBMandatory)
return new(SVCBAlpn)
return new(SVCBNoDefaultAlpn)
return new(SVCBPort)
return new(SVCBIPv4Hint)
return new(SVCBECHConfig)
return new(SVCBIPv6Hint)
return new(SVCBDoHPath)
case svcb_RESERVED:
return nil
e := new(SVCBLocal)
e.KeyCode = key
return e
// SVCB RR. See RFC xxxx (
// NOTE: The HTTPS/SVCB RFCs are in the draft stage.
// The API, including constants and types related to SVCBKeyValues, may
// change in future versions in accordance with the latest drafts.
type SVCB struct {
Hdr RR_Header
Priority uint16 // If zero, Value must be empty or discarded by the user of this library
Target string `dns:"domain-name"`
Value []SVCBKeyValue `dns:"pairs"`
// HTTPS RR. Everything valid for SVCB applies to HTTPS as well.
// Except that the HTTPS record is intended for use with the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
// NOTE: The HTTPS/SVCB RFCs are in the draft stage.
// The API, including constants and types related to SVCBKeyValues, may
// change in future versions in accordance with the latest drafts.
type HTTPS struct {
func (rr *HTTPS) String() string {
return rr.SVCB.String()
func (rr *HTTPS) parse(c *zlexer, o string) *ParseError {
return rr.SVCB.parse(c, o)
// SVCBKeyValue defines a key=value pair for the SVCB RR type.
// An SVCB RR can have multiple SVCBKeyValues appended to it.
type SVCBKeyValue interface {
Key() SVCBKey // Key returns the numerical key code.
pack() ([]byte, error) // pack returns the encoded value.
unpack([]byte) error // unpack sets the value.
String() string // String returns the string representation of the value.
parse(string) error // parse sets the value to the given string representation of the value.
copy() SVCBKeyValue // copy returns a deep-copy of the pair.
len() int // len returns the length of value in the wire format.
// SVCBMandatory pair adds to required keys that must be interpreted for the RR
// to be functional. If ignored, the whole RRSet must be ignored.
// "port" and "no-default-alpn" are mandatory by default if present,
// so they shouldn't be included here.
// It is incumbent upon the user of this library to reject the RRSet if
// or avoid constructing such an RRSet that:
// - "mandatory" is included as one of the keys of mandatory
// - no key is listed multiple times in mandatory
// - all keys listed in mandatory are present
// - escape sequences are not used in mandatory
// - mandatory, when present, lists at least one key
// Basic use pattern for creating a mandatory option:
// s := &dns.SVCB{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeSVCB, Class: dns.ClassINET}}
// e := new(dns.SVCBMandatory)
// e.Code = []uint16{dns.SVCB_ALPN}
// s.Value = append(s.Value, e)
// t := new(dns.SVCBAlpn)
// t.Alpn = []string{"xmpp-client"}
// s.Value = append(s.Value, t)
type SVCBMandatory struct {
Code []SVCBKey
func (*SVCBMandatory) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_MANDATORY }
func (s *SVCBMandatory) String() string {
str := make([]string, len(s.Code))
for i, e := range s.Code {
str[i] = e.String()
return strings.Join(str, ",")
func (s *SVCBMandatory) pack() ([]byte, error) {
codes := append([]SVCBKey(nil), s.Code...)
sort.Slice(codes, func(i, j int) bool {
return codes[i] < codes[j]
b := make([]byte, 2*len(codes))
for i, e := range codes {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[2*i:], uint16(e))
return b, nil
func (s *SVCBMandatory) unpack(b []byte) error {
if len(b)%2 != 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbmandatory: value length is not a multiple of 2")
codes := make([]SVCBKey, 0, len(b)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(b); i += 2 {
// We assume strictly increasing order.
codes = append(codes, SVCBKey(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[i:])))
s.Code = codes
return nil
func (s *SVCBMandatory) parse(b string) error {
str := strings.Split(b, ",")
codes := make([]SVCBKey, 0, len(str))
for _, e := range str {
codes = append(codes, svcbStringToKey(e))
s.Code = codes
return nil
func (s *SVCBMandatory) len() int {
return 2 * len(s.Code)
func (s *SVCBMandatory) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
return &SVCBMandatory{
append([]SVCBKey(nil), s.Code...),
// SVCBAlpn pair is used to list supported connection protocols.
// The user of this library must ensure that at least one protocol is listed when alpn is present.
// Protocol IDs can be found at:
// Basic use pattern for creating an alpn option:
// h := new(dns.HTTPS)
// h.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeHTTPS, Class: dns.ClassINET}
// e := new(dns.SVCBAlpn)
// e.Alpn = []string{"h2", "http/1.1"}
// h.Value = append(h.Value, e)
type SVCBAlpn struct {
Alpn []string
func (*SVCBAlpn) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_ALPN }
func (s *SVCBAlpn) String() string {
// An ALPN value is a comma-separated list of values, each of which can be
// an arbitrary binary value. In order to allow parsing, the comma and
// backslash characters are themselves excaped.
// However, this escaping is done in addition to the normal escaping which
// happens in zone files, meaning that these values must be
// double-escaped. This looks terrible, so if you see a never-ending
// sequence of backslash in a zone file this may be why.
var str strings.Builder
for i, alpn := range s.Alpn {
// 4*len(alpn) is the worst case where we escape every character in the alpn as \123, plus 1 byte for the ',' separating the alpn from others
str.Grow(4*len(alpn) + 1)
if i > 0 {
for j := 0; j < len(alpn); j++ {
e := alpn[j]
if ' ' > e || e > '~' {
switch e {
// We escape a few characters which may confuse humans or parsers.
case '"', ';', ' ':
// The comma and backslash characters themselves must be
// doubly-escaped. We use `\\` for the first backslash and
// the escaped numeric value for the other value. We especially
// don't want a comma in the output.
case ',':
case '\\':
return str.String()
func (s *SVCBAlpn) pack() ([]byte, error) {
// Liberally estimate the size of an alpn as 10 octets
b := make([]byte, 0, 10*len(s.Alpn))
for _, e := range s.Alpn {
if e == "" {
return nil, errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: empty alpn-id")
if len(e) > 255 {
return nil, errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: alpn-id too long")
b = append(b, byte(len(e)))
b = append(b, e...)
return b, nil
func (s *SVCBAlpn) unpack(b []byte) error {
// Estimate the size of the smallest alpn as 4 bytes
alpn := make([]string, 0, len(b)/4)
for i := 0; i < len(b); {
length := int(b[i])
if i+length > len(b) {
return errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: alpn array overflowing")
alpn = append(alpn, string(b[i:i+length]))
i += length
s.Alpn = alpn
return nil
func (s *SVCBAlpn) parse(b string) error {
if len(b) == 0 {
s.Alpn = []string{}
return nil
alpn := []string{}
a := []byte{}
for p := 0; p < len(b); {
c, q := nextByte(b, p)
if q == 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: unterminated escape")
p += q
// If we find a comma, we have finished reading an alpn.
if c == ',' {
if len(a) == 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: empty protocol identifier")
alpn = append(alpn, string(a))
a = []byte{}
// If it's a backslash, we need to handle a comma-separated list.
if c == '\\' {
dc, dq := nextByte(b, p)
if dq == 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: unterminated escape decoding comma-separated list")
if dc != '\\' && dc != ',' {
return errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: bad escaped character decoding comma-separated list")
p += dq
c = dc
a = append(a, c)
// Add the final alpn.
if len(a) == 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbalpn: last protocol identifier empty")
s.Alpn = append(alpn, string(a))
return nil
func (s *SVCBAlpn) len() int {
var l int
for _, e := range s.Alpn {
l += 1 + len(e)
return l
func (s *SVCBAlpn) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
return &SVCBAlpn{
append([]string(nil), s.Alpn...),
// SVCBNoDefaultAlpn pair signifies no support for default connection protocols.
// Should be used in conjunction with alpn.
// Basic use pattern for creating a no-default-alpn option:
// s := &dns.SVCB{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeSVCB, Class: dns.ClassINET}}
// t := new(dns.SVCBAlpn)
// t.Alpn = []string{"xmpp-client"}
// s.Value = append(s.Value, t)
// e := new(dns.SVCBNoDefaultAlpn)
// s.Value = append(s.Value, e)
type SVCBNoDefaultAlpn struct{}
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_NO_DEFAULT_ALPN }
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) copy() SVCBKeyValue { return &SVCBNoDefaultAlpn{} }
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) pack() ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, nil }
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) String() string { return "" }
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) len() int { return 0 }
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) unpack(b []byte) error {
if len(b) != 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbnodefaultalpn: no-default-alpn must have no value")
return nil
func (*SVCBNoDefaultAlpn) parse(b string) error {
if b != "" {
return errors.New("dns: svcbnodefaultalpn: no-default-alpn must have no value")
return nil
// SVCBPort pair defines the port for connection.
// Basic use pattern for creating a port option:
// s := &dns.SVCB{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeSVCB, Class: dns.ClassINET}}
// e := new(dns.SVCBPort)
// e.Port = 80
// s.Value = append(s.Value, e)
type SVCBPort struct {
Port uint16
func (*SVCBPort) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_PORT }
func (*SVCBPort) len() int { return 2 }
func (s *SVCBPort) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(s.Port), 10) }
func (s *SVCBPort) copy() SVCBKeyValue { return &SVCBPort{s.Port} }
func (s *SVCBPort) unpack(b []byte) error {
if len(b) != 2 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbport: port length is not exactly 2 octets")
s.Port = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b)
return nil
func (s *SVCBPort) pack() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, 2)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b, s.Port)
return b, nil
func (s *SVCBPort) parse(b string) error {
port, err := strconv.ParseUint(b, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("dns: svcbport: port out of range")
s.Port = uint16(port)
return nil
// SVCBIPv4Hint pair suggests an IPv4 address which may be used to open connections
// if A and AAAA record responses for SVCB's Target domain haven't been received.
// In that case, optionally, A and AAAA requests can be made, after which the connection
// to the hinted IP address may be terminated and a new connection may be opened.
// Basic use pattern for creating an ipv4hint option:
// h := new(dns.HTTPS)
// h.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeHTTPS, Class: dns.ClassINET}
// e := new(dns.SVCBIPv4Hint)
// e.Hint = []net.IP{net.IPv4(1,1,1,1).To4()}
// Or
// e.Hint = []net.IP{net.ParseIP("").To4()}
// h.Value = append(h.Value, e)
type SVCBIPv4Hint struct {
Hint []net.IP
func (*SVCBIPv4Hint) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_IPV4HINT }
func (s *SVCBIPv4Hint) len() int { return 4 * len(s.Hint) }
func (s *SVCBIPv4Hint) pack() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, 0, 4*len(s.Hint))
for _, e := range s.Hint {
x := e.To4()
if x == nil {
return nil, errors.New("dns: svcbipv4hint: expected ipv4, hint is ipv6")
b = append(b, x...)
return b, nil
func (s *SVCBIPv4Hint) unpack(b []byte) error {
if len(b) == 0 || len(b)%4 != 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv4hint: ipv4 address byte array length is not a multiple of 4")
x := make([]net.IP, 0, len(b)/4)
for i := 0; i < len(b); i += 4 {
x = append(x, net.IP(b[i:i+4]))
s.Hint = x
return nil
func (s *SVCBIPv4Hint) String() string {
str := make([]string, len(s.Hint))
for i, e := range s.Hint {
x := e.To4()
if x == nil {
return "<nil>"
str[i] = x.String()
return strings.Join(str, ",")
func (s *SVCBIPv4Hint) parse(b string) error {
if strings.Contains(b, ":") {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv4hint: expected ipv4, got ipv6")
str := strings.Split(b, ",")
dst := make([]net.IP, len(str))
for i, e := range str {
ip := net.ParseIP(e).To4()
if ip == nil {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv4hint: bad ip")
dst[i] = ip
s.Hint = dst
return nil
func (s *SVCBIPv4Hint) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
hint := make([]net.IP, len(s.Hint))
for i, ip := range s.Hint {
hint[i] = copyIP(ip)
return &SVCBIPv4Hint{
Hint: hint,
// SVCBECHConfig pair contains the ECHConfig structure defined in draft-ietf-tls-esni [RFC xxxx].
// Basic use pattern for creating an ech option:
// h := new(dns.HTTPS)
// h.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeHTTPS, Class: dns.ClassINET}
// e := new(dns.SVCBECHConfig)
// e.ECH = []byte{0xfe, 0x08, ...}
// h.Value = append(h.Value, e)
type SVCBECHConfig struct {
ECH []byte // Specifically ECHConfigList including the redundant length prefix
func (*SVCBECHConfig) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_ECHCONFIG }
func (s *SVCBECHConfig) String() string { return toBase64(s.ECH) }
func (s *SVCBECHConfig) len() int { return len(s.ECH) }
func (s *SVCBECHConfig) pack() ([]byte, error) {
return append([]byte(nil), s.ECH...), nil
func (s *SVCBECHConfig) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
return &SVCBECHConfig{
append([]byte(nil), s.ECH...),
func (s *SVCBECHConfig) unpack(b []byte) error {
s.ECH = append([]byte(nil), b...)
return nil
func (s *SVCBECHConfig) parse(b string) error {
x, err := fromBase64([]byte(b))
if err != nil {
return errors.New("dns: svcbech: bad base64 ech")
s.ECH = x
return nil
// SVCBIPv6Hint pair suggests an IPv6 address which may be used to open connections
// if A and AAAA record responses for SVCB's Target domain haven't been received.
// In that case, optionally, A and AAAA requests can be made, after which the
// connection to the hinted IP address may be terminated and a new connection may be opened.
// Basic use pattern for creating an ipv6hint option:
// h := new(dns.HTTPS)
// h.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeHTTPS, Class: dns.ClassINET}
// e := new(dns.SVCBIPv6Hint)
// e.Hint = []net.IP{net.ParseIP("2001:db8::1")}
// h.Value = append(h.Value, e)
type SVCBIPv6Hint struct {
Hint []net.IP
func (*SVCBIPv6Hint) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_IPV6HINT }
func (s *SVCBIPv6Hint) len() int { return 16 * len(s.Hint) }
func (s *SVCBIPv6Hint) pack() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, 0, 16*len(s.Hint))
for _, e := range s.Hint {
if len(e) != net.IPv6len || e.To4() != nil {
return nil, errors.New("dns: svcbipv6hint: expected ipv6, hint is ipv4")
b = append(b, e...)
return b, nil
func (s *SVCBIPv6Hint) unpack(b []byte) error {
if len(b) == 0 || len(b)%16 != 0 {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv6hint: ipv6 address byte array length not a multiple of 16")
x := make([]net.IP, 0, len(b)/16)
for i := 0; i < len(b); i += 16 {
ip := net.IP(b[i : i+16])
if ip.To4() != nil {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv6hint: expected ipv6, got ipv4")
x = append(x, ip)
s.Hint = x
return nil
func (s *SVCBIPv6Hint) String() string {
str := make([]string, len(s.Hint))
for i, e := range s.Hint {
if x := e.To4(); x != nil {
return "<nil>"
str[i] = e.String()
return strings.Join(str, ",")
func (s *SVCBIPv6Hint) parse(b string) error {
str := strings.Split(b, ",")
dst := make([]net.IP, len(str))
for i, e := range str {
ip := net.ParseIP(e)
if ip == nil {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv6hint: bad ip")
if ip.To4() != nil {
return errors.New("dns: svcbipv6hint: expected ipv6, got ipv4-mapped-ipv6")
dst[i] = ip
s.Hint = dst
return nil
func (s *SVCBIPv6Hint) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
hint := make([]net.IP, len(s.Hint))
for i, ip := range s.Hint {
hint[i] = copyIP(ip)
return &SVCBIPv6Hint{
Hint: hint,
// SVCBDoHPath pair is used to indicate the URI template that the
// clients may use to construct a DNS over HTTPS URI.
// See RFC xxxx (
// and RFC yyyy (
// A basic example of using the dohpath option together with the alpn
// option to indicate support for DNS over HTTPS on a certain path:
// s := new(dns.SVCB)
// s.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeSVCB, Class: dns.ClassINET}
// e := new(dns.SVCBAlpn)
// e.Alpn = []string{"h2", "h3"}
// p := new(dns.SVCBDoHPath)
// p.Template = "/dns-query{?dns}"
// s.Value = append(s.Value, e, p)
// The parsing currently doesn't validate that Template is a valid
// RFC 6570 URI template.
type SVCBDoHPath struct {
Template string
func (*SVCBDoHPath) Key() SVCBKey { return SVCB_DOHPATH }
func (s *SVCBDoHPath) String() string { return svcbParamToStr([]byte(s.Template)) }
func (s *SVCBDoHPath) len() int { return len(s.Template) }
func (s *SVCBDoHPath) pack() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(s.Template), nil }
func (s *SVCBDoHPath) unpack(b []byte) error {
s.Template = string(b)
return nil
func (s *SVCBDoHPath) parse(b string) error {
template, err := svcbParseParam(b)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dns: svcbdohpath: %w", err)
s.Template = string(template)
return nil
func (s *SVCBDoHPath) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
return &SVCBDoHPath{
Template: s.Template,
// SVCBLocal pair is intended for experimental/private use. The key is recommended
// Basic use pattern for creating a keyNNNNN option:
// h := new(dns.HTTPS)
// h.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: dns.TypeHTTPS, Class: dns.ClassINET}
// e := new(dns.SVCBLocal)
// e.KeyCode = 65400
// e.Data = []byte("abc")
// h.Value = append(h.Value, e)
type SVCBLocal struct {
KeyCode SVCBKey // Never 65535 or any assigned keys.
Data []byte // All byte sequences are allowed.
func (s *SVCBLocal) Key() SVCBKey { return s.KeyCode }
func (s *SVCBLocal) String() string { return svcbParamToStr(s.Data) }
func (s *SVCBLocal) pack() ([]byte, error) { return append([]byte(nil), s.Data...), nil }
func (s *SVCBLocal) len() int { return len(s.Data) }
func (s *SVCBLocal) unpack(b []byte) error {
s.Data = append([]byte(nil), b...)
return nil
func (s *SVCBLocal) parse(b string) error {
data, err := svcbParseParam(b)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dns: svcblocal: svcb private/experimental key %w", err)
s.Data = data
return nil
func (s *SVCBLocal) copy() SVCBKeyValue {
return &SVCBLocal{s.KeyCode,
append([]byte(nil), s.Data...),
func (rr *SVCB) String() string {
s := rr.Hdr.String() +
strconv.Itoa(int(rr.Priority)) + " " +
for _, e := range rr.Value {
s += " " + e.Key().String() + "=\"" + e.String() + "\""
return s
// areSVCBPairArraysEqual checks if SVCBKeyValue arrays are equal after sorting their
// copies. arrA and arrB have equal lengths, otherwise zduplicate.go wouldn't call this function.
func areSVCBPairArraysEqual(a []SVCBKeyValue, b []SVCBKeyValue) bool {
a = append([]SVCBKeyValue(nil), a...)
b = append([]SVCBKeyValue(nil), b...)
sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Key() < a[j].Key() })
sort.Slice(b, func(i, j int) bool { return b[i].Key() < b[j].Key() })
for i, e := range a {
if e.Key() != b[i].Key() {
return false
b1, err1 := e.pack()
b2, err2 := b[i].pack()
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || !bytes.Equal(b1, b2) {
return false
return true
// svcbParamStr converts the value of an SVCB parameter into a DNS presentation-format string.
func svcbParamToStr(s []byte) string {
var str strings.Builder
str.Grow(4 * len(s))
for _, e := range s {
if ' ' <= e && e <= '~' {
switch e {
case '"', ';', ' ', '\\':
} else {
return str.String()
// svcbParseParam parses a DNS presentation-format string into an SVCB parameter value.
func svcbParseParam(b string) ([]byte, error) {
data := make([]byte, 0, len(b))
for i := 0; i < len(b); {
if b[i] != '\\' {
data = append(data, b[i])
if i+1 == len(b) {
return nil, errors.New("escape unterminated")
if isDigit(b[i+1]) {
if i+3 < len(b) && isDigit(b[i+2]) && isDigit(b[i+3]) {
a, err := strconv.ParseUint(b[i+1:i+4], 10, 8)
if err == nil {
i += 4
data = append(data, byte(a))
return nil, errors.New("bad escaped octet")
} else {
data = append(data, b[i+1])
i += 2
return data, nil