//+build ignore

// types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use
// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type
// it will generate conversion tables (TypeToRR and TypeToString) and banal
// methods (len, Header, copy) based on the struct tags. The generated source is
// written to ztypes.go, and is meant to be checked into git.
package main

import (

var packageHdr = `
// Code generated by "go run duplicate_generate.go"; DO NOT EDIT.

package dns


func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) {
	st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
	if !ok {
		return nil, false
	if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() {
		return st, false
	if st.Field(0).Anonymous() {
		st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope)
		return st, true
	return nil, false

func main() {
	// Import and type-check the package
	pkg, err := importer.Default().Import("github.com/miekg/dns")
	scope := pkg.Scope()

	// Collect actual types (*X)
	var namedTypes []string
	for _, name := range scope.Names() {
		o := scope.Lookup(name)
		if o == nil || !o.Exported() {

		if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil {

		if name == "PrivateRR" || name == "RFC3597" {
		if name == "OPT" || name == "ANY" || name == "IXFR" || name == "AXFR" {

		namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name())

	b := &bytes.Buffer{}

	// Generate the giant switch that calls the correct function for each type.
	fmt.Fprint(b, "// isDuplicateRdata calls the rdata specific functions\n")
	fmt.Fprint(b, "func isDuplicateRdata(r1, r2 RR) bool {\n")
	fmt.Fprint(b, "switch r1.Header().Rrtype {\n")

	for _, name := range namedTypes {

		o := scope.Lookup(name)
		_, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
		if isEmbedded {
		fmt.Fprintf(b, "case Type%s:\nreturn isDuplicate%s(r1.(*%s), r2.(*%s))\n", name, name, name, name)
	fmt.Fprintf(b, "}\nreturn false\n}\n")

	// Generate the duplicate check for each type.
	fmt.Fprint(b, "// isDuplicate() functions\n\n")
	for _, name := range namedTypes {

		o := scope.Lookup(name)
		st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
		if isEmbedded {
		fmt.Fprintf(b, "func isDuplicate%s(r1, r2 *%s) bool {\n", name, name)
		for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
			field := st.Field(i).Name()
			o2 := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s+"\n", field, field) }
			o3 := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s+"\n", field, field, field) }

			// For some reason, a and aaaa don't pop up as *types.Slice here (mostly like because the are
			// *indirectly* defined as a slice in the net package).
			if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok || st.Tag(i) == `dns:"a"` || st.Tag(i) == `dns:"aaaa"` {
				o2("if len(r1.%s) != len(r2.%s) {\nreturn false\n}")

				if st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"` || st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"` {
					o3(`for i := 0; i < len(r1.%s); i++ {
						if !isDulicateName(r1.%s[i], r2.%s[i]) {
							return false


				o3(`for i := 0; i < len(r1.%s); i++ {
					if r1.%s[i] != r2.%s[i] {
						return false


			switch st.Tag(i) {
			case `dns:"-"`:
				// ignored
			case `dns:"cdomain-name"`, `dns:"domain-name"`:
				o2("if !isDulicateName(r1.%s, r2.%s) {\nreturn false\n}")
				o2("if r1.%s != r2.%s {\nreturn false\n}")
		fmt.Fprintf(b, "return true\n}\n\n")

	// gofmt
	res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes())
	if err != nil {

	// write result
	f, err := os.Create("zduplicate.go")
	defer f.Close()

func fatalIfErr(err error) {
	if err != nil {