diff --git a/gostatsd/gostatsd.go b/gostatsd/gostatsd.go
index bdc59c1e1315b0f3b96157d9f5c754610d26e532..576d625dc4df71e4cbda732794195fc150f89acd 100644
--- a/gostatsd/gostatsd.go
+++ b/gostatsd/gostatsd.go
@@ -7,47 +7,45 @@ import (
-var (
-	metricsAddr   string
-	consoleAddr   string
-	graphiteAddr  string
-	flushInterval time.Duration
+const (
+	defaultMetricsAddr   = ":8125"
+	defaultConsoleAddr   = ":8126"
+	defaultGraphiteAddr  = "localhost:2003"
+	defaultFlushInterval = 10 * time.Second
-func init() {
-	const (
-		defaultMetricsAddr   = ":8125"
-		defaultConsoleAddr   = ":8126"
-		defaultGraphiteAddr  = "localhost:2003"
-		defaultFlushInterval = 10 * time.Second
-	)
-	flag.StringVar(&metricsAddr, "l", defaultMetricsAddr, "address on which to listen for metrics")
-	flag.StringVar(&consoleAddr, "c", defaultConsoleAddr, "address on which to listen for console sessions")
-	flag.StringVar(&graphiteAddr, "g", defaultGraphiteAddr, "address of the graphite server")
-	flag.DurationVar(&flushInterval, "f", defaultFlushInterval, "how often to flush metrics to the graphite server")
 func main() {
+	metricsAddr := flag.String("l", defaultMetricsAddr, "address on which to listen for metrics")
+	graphiteAddr := flag.String("g", defaultGraphiteAddr, "address of the graphite server")
+	flushInterval := flag.Duration("f", defaultFlushInterval, "how often to flush metrics to the graphite server")
+	webConsoleAddr := flag.String("web", "", "if set, use as the address of the web-based console")
+	consoleAddr := flag.String("console", "", "if set, use as the address of the telnet-based console ")
 	// Start the metric aggregator
-	graphite, err := statsd.NewGraphiteClient(graphiteAddr)
+	graphite, err := statsd.NewGraphiteClient(*graphiteAddr)
 	if err != nil {
-	aggregator := statsd.NewMetricAggregator(&graphite, flushInterval)
+	aggregator := statsd.NewMetricAggregator(&graphite, *flushInterval)
 	go aggregator.Aggregate()
 	// Start the metric receiver
 	f := func(metric statsd.Metric) {
 		aggregator.MetricChan <- metric
-	receiver := statsd.MetricReceiver{metricsAddr, statsd.HandlerFunc(f)}
+	receiver := statsd.MetricReceiver{*metricsAddr, statsd.HandlerFunc(f)}
 	go receiver.ListenAndReceive()
-	// Start the console
-	console := statsd.WebConsoleServer{consoleAddr, &aggregator}
-	go console.ListenAndServe()
+	// Start the console(s)
+	if *consoleAddr != "" {
+		console := statsd.ConsoleServer{*consoleAddr, &aggregator}
+		go console.ListenAndServe()
+	}
+	if *webConsoleAddr != "" {
+		console := statsd.WebConsoleServer{*webConsoleAddr, &aggregator}
+		go console.ListenAndServe()
+	}
 	// Listen forever
 	select {}
diff --git a/statsd/console.go b/statsd/console.go
index 98fffb9eb527fde274b7462d48ee7bf4ee69f7d5..60bea14a09cccaa51e0a62e28a1c0c478d68a334 100644
--- a/statsd/console.go
+++ b/statsd/console.go
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package statsd
 import (
+	"github.com/kisielk/cmd.go"
-	"strings"
 // DefaultConsoleAddr is the default address on which a ConsoleServer will listen
@@ -53,33 +53,15 @@ type consoleConn struct {
 // serve reads from the consoleConn and responds to incoming requests
 func (c *consoleConn) serve() {
 	defer c.conn.Close()
-	buf := make([]byte, 1024)
-	for {
-		c.conn.Write([]byte("console> "))
-		nbytes, err := c.conn.Read(buf)
-		if err != nil {
-			// Connection has likely closed
-			return
-		}
-		var command string
-		var args []string
-		var result string
-		if parts := strings.Fields(string(buf[:nbytes])); len(parts) > 0 {
-			command = parts[0]
-			if len(parts) > 1 {
-				args = parts[1:]
-			}
-		}
-		switch command {
-		case "help":
-			result = "Commands: stats, counters, timers, gauges, delcounters, deltimers, delgauges, quit\n"
-		case "stats":
+	commands := map[string]cmd.CmdFn{
+		"help": func(args []string) (string, error) {
+			return "Commands: stats, counters, timers, gauges, delcounters, deltimers, delgauges, quit\n", nil
+		},
+		"stats": func(args []string) (string, error) {
-			result = fmt.Sprintf(
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			return fmt.Sprintf(
 				"Invalid messages received: %d\n"+
 					"Last message received: %s\n"+
 					"Last flush to Graphite: %s\n"+
@@ -87,47 +69,59 @@ func (c *consoleConn) serve() {
-				c.server.Aggregator.Stats.LastFlushError)
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "counters":
+				c.server.Aggregator.Stats.LastFlushError), nil
+		},
+		"counters": func(args []string) (string, error) {
-			result = fmt.Sprint(c.server.Aggregator.Counters)
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "timers":
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			return fmt.Sprintln(c.server.Aggregator.Counters), nil
+		},
+		"timers": func(args []string) (string, error) {
-			result = fmt.Sprint(c.server.Aggregator.Timers)
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "gauges":
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			return fmt.Sprintln(c.server.Aggregator.Timers), nil
+		},
+		"gauges": func(args []string) (string, error) {
-			result = fmt.Sprint(c.server.Aggregator.Gauges)
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "delcounters":
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			return fmt.Sprintln(c.server.Aggregator.Gauges), nil
+		},
+		"delcounters": func(args []string) (string, error) {
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			i := 0
 			for _, k := range args {
 				delete(c.server.Aggregator.Counters, k)
+				i++
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "deltimers":
+			return fmt.Sprintf("deleted %d counters\n", i), nil
+		},
+		"deltimers": func(args []string) (string, error) {
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			i := 0
 			for _, k := range args {
 				delete(c.server.Aggregator.Timers, k)
+				i++
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "delgauges":
+			return fmt.Sprintf("deleted %d timers\n", i), nil
+		},
+		"delgauges": func(args []string) (string, error) {
+			defer c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
+			i := 0
 			for _, k := range args {
 				delete(c.server.Aggregator.Gauges, k)
+				i++
-			c.server.Aggregator.Unlock()
-		case "quit":
-			result = "goodbye\n"
-		default:
-			result = fmt.Sprintf("unknown command: %s\n", command)
-		}
-		c.conn.Write([]byte(result))
-		if result == "goodbye\n" {
-			return
-		}
+			return fmt.Sprintf("deleted %d gauges\n", i), nil
+		},
+		"quit": func(args []string) (string, error) {
+			return "goodbye\n", fmt.Errorf("client quit")
+		},
+	console := cmd.New(commands, c.conn, c.conn)
+	console.Prompt = "console> "
+	console.Loop()