diff --git a/docker/conf/services.d/wpcron/run b/docker/conf/services.d/wpcron/run
index efae14512be3c8824a56a235f1149c43e14b6bc5..84e12dd6d692247166e945a9158783a95fda49f0 100755
--- a/docker/conf/services.d/wpcron/run
+++ b/docker/conf/services.d/wpcron/run
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
 # Run WP-Cron periodically.
+# Need to be able to find wp-cli in /usr/local/bin
+export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
 # The "run-cron" execution takes a few minutes, so the actual period
 # comess out at something closer to 10 minutes.
 export BATCH_SIZE=300
-exec nice ionice -c 3 every 300 on-local-blogs run-cron >/dev/null
+exec nice ionice -c 3 every 300 on-local-blogs run-cron >/dev/null