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Commit 9e709530 authored by ale's avatar ale
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Update crs-setup.conf defaults to version 3.3.0

Only comment changes, illustrating the new defaults.
parent 7f534803
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set ver.3.1.0
# Copyright (c) 2006-2018 Trustwave and contributors. All rights reserved.
# OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set ver.3.3.0
# Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Trustwave and contributors. All rights reserved.
# The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set is distributed under
# Apache Software License (ASL) version 2
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
# Default: Anomaly Scoring mode, log to error log, log to ModSecurity audit log
# - By default, offending requests are blocked with an error 403 response.
# - To change the disruptive action, see RESPONSE-999-EXCEPTIONS.conf.example
# - To change the disruptive action, see RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf.example
# and review section 'Changing the Disruptive Action for Anomaly Mode'.
# - In Apache, you can use ErrorDocument to show a friendly error page or
# perform a redirect:
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ SecDefaultAction "phase:2,log,noauditlog,pass"
# Example: Anomaly Scoring mode, log only to ModSecurity audit log
# - By default, offending requests are blocked with an error 403 response.
# - To change the disruptive action, see RESPONSE-999-EXCEPTIONS.conf.example
# - To change the disruptive action, see RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf.example
# and review section 'Changing the Disruptive Action for Anomaly Mode'.
# - In Apache, you can use ErrorDocument to show a friendly error page or
# perform a redirect:
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ SecDefaultAction "phase:2,log,noauditlog,pass"
# likely produce a very high number of FPs which have to be
# treated before the site can go productive.
# Rules in paranoia level 2 or higher will log their PL to the audit log;
# All rules will log their PL to the audit log;
# example: [tag "paranoia-level/2"]. This allows you to deduct from the
# audit log how the WAF behavior is affected by paranoia level.
......@@ -383,9 +383,10 @@ SecAction \
# setvar:'tx.allowed_methods=GET HEAD POST OPTIONS'"
# Content-Types that a client is allowed to send in a request.
# Default: application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/xml|\
# application/xml|application/soap+xml|application/x-amf|application/json|\
# application/octet-stream|text/plain
# Default: |application/x-www-form-urlencoded| |multipart/form-data| |multipart/related|
# |text/xml| |application/xml| |application/soap+xml| |application/x-amf| |application/json|
# |application/cloudevents+json| |application/cloudevents-batch+json| |application/octet-stream|
# |application/csp-report| |application/xss-auditor-report| |text/plain|
# Uncomment this rule to change the default.
#SecAction \
# "id:900220,\
......@@ -393,20 +394,7 @@ SecAction \
# nolog,\
# pass,\
# t:none,\
# setvar:'tx.allowed_request_content_type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/xml|application/xml|application/soap+xml|application/x-amf|application/json|application/octet-stream|text/plain'"
# Content-Types charsets that a client is allowed to send in a request.
# Default: utf-8|iso-8859-1|iso-8859-15|windows-1252
# Uncomment this rule to change the default.
# Use "|" to separate multiple charsets like in the rule defining
# tx.allowed_request_content_type.
#SecAction \
# "id:900270,\
# phase:1,\
# nolog,\
# pass,\
# t:none,\
# setvar:'tx.allowed_request_content_type_charset=utf-8|iso-8859-1|iso-8859-15|windows-1252'"
# setvar:'tx.allowed_request_content_type=|application/x-www-form-urlencoded| |multipart/form-data| |multipart/related| |text/xml| |application/xml| |application/soap+xml| |application/x-amf| |application/json| |application/cloudevents+json| |application/cloudevents-batch+json| |application/octet-stream| |application/csp-report| |application/xss-auditor-report| |text/plain|'"
# Allowed HTTP versions.
# Default: HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2 HTTP/2.0
......@@ -424,8 +412,8 @@ SecAction \
# Forbidden file extensions.
# Guards against unintended exposure of development/configuration files.
# Default: .asa/ .asax/ .ascx/ .axd/ .backup/ .bak/ .bat/ .cdx/ .cer/ .cfg/ .cmd/ .com/ .config/ .conf/ .cs/ .csproj/ .csr/ .dat/ .db/ .dbf/ .dll/ .dos/ .htr/ .htw/ .ida/ .idc/ .idq/ .inc/ .ini/ .key/ .licx/ .lnk/ .log/ .mdb/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .pol/ .printer/ .pwd/ .resources/ .resx/ .sql/ .sys/ .vb/ .vbs/ .vbproj/ .vsdisco/ .webinfo/ .xsd/ .xsx/
# Example: .bak/ .config/ .conf/ .db/ .ini/ .log/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .sql/
# Default: .asa/ .asax/ .ascx/ .axd/ .backup/ .bak/ .bat/ .cdx/ .cer/ .cfg/ .cmd/ .com/ .config/ .conf/ .cs/ .csproj/ .csr/ .dat/ .db/ .dbf/ .dll/ .dos/ .htr/ .htw/ .ida/ .idc/ .idq/ .inc/ .ini/ .key/ .licx/ .lnk/ .log/ .mdb/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .pol/ .printer/ .pwd/ .rdb/ .resources/ .resx/ .sql/ .swp/ .sys/ .vb/ .vbs/ .vbproj/ .vsdisco/ .webinfo/ .xsd/ .xsx/
# Example: .bak/ .config/ .conf/ .db/ .ini/ .log/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .rdb/ .sql/
# Uncomment this rule to change the default.
#SecAction \
# "id:900240,\
......@@ -433,12 +421,12 @@ SecAction \
# nolog,\
# pass,\
# t:none,\
# setvar:'tx.restricted_extensions=.asa/ .asax/ .ascx/ .axd/ .backup/ .bak/ .bat/ .cdx/ .cer/ .cfg/ .cmd/ .com/ .config/ .conf/ .cs/ .csproj/ .csr/ .dat/ .db/ .dbf/ .dll/ .dos/ .htr/ .htw/ .ida/ .idc/ .idq/ .inc/ .ini/ .key/ .licx/ .lnk/ .log/ .mdb/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .pol/ .printer/ .pwd/ .resources/ .resx/ .sql/ .sys/ .vb/ .vbs/ .vbproj/ .vsdisco/ .webinfo/ .xsd/ .xsx/'"
# setvar:'tx.restricted_extensions=.asa/ .asax/ .ascx/ .axd/ .backup/ .bak/ .bat/ .cdx/ .cer/ .cfg/ .cmd/ .com/ .config/ .conf/ .cs/ .csproj/ .csr/ .dat/ .db/ .dbf/ .dll/ .dos/ .htr/ .htw/ .ida/ .idc/ .idq/ .inc/ .ini/ .key/ .licx/ .lnk/ .log/ .mdb/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .pol/ .printer/ .pwd/ .rdb/ .resources/ .resx/ .sql/ .swp/ .sys/ .vb/ .vbs/ .vbproj/ .vsdisco/ .webinfo/ .xsd/ .xsx/'"
# Forbidden request headers.
# Header names should be lowercase, enclosed by /slashes/ as delimiters.
# Blocking Proxy header prevents 'httpoxy' vulnerability:
# Default: /proxy/ /lock-token/ /content-range/ /translate/ /if/
# Default: /proxy/ /lock-token/ /content-range/ /if/
# Uncomment this rule to change the default.
#SecAction \
# "id:900250,\
......@@ -446,7 +434,7 @@ SecAction \
# nolog,\
# pass,\
# t:none,\
# setvar:'tx.restricted_headers=/proxy/ /lock-token/ /content-range/ /translate/ /if/'"
# setvar:'tx.restricted_headers=/proxy/ /lock-token/ /content-range/ /if/'"
# File extensions considered static files.
# Extensions include the dot, lowercase, enclosed by /slashes/ as delimiters.
......@@ -461,6 +449,18 @@ SecAction \
# t:none,\
# setvar:'tx.static_extensions=/.jpg/ /.jpeg/ /.png/ /.gif/ /.js/ /.css/ /.ico/ /.svg/ /.webp/'"
# Content-Types charsets that a client is allowed to send in a request.
# Default: utf-8|iso-8859-1|iso-8859-15|windows-1252
# Uncomment this rule to change the default.
# Use "|" to separate multiple charsets like in the rule defining
# tx.allowed_request_content_type.
#SecAction \
# "id:900280,\
# phase:1,\
# nolog,\
# pass,\
# t:none,\
# setvar:'tx.allowed_request_content_type_charset=utf-8|iso-8859-1|iso-8859-15|windows-1252'"
# -- [[ HTTP Argument/Upload Limits ]] -----------------------------------------
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ SecAction \
# entry in the audit log (for performance reasons), but an error log entry is
# written. If you want to disable the error log entry, then issue the
# following directive somewhere after the inclusion of the CRS
# (E.g., RESPONSE-999-EXCEPTIONS.conf).
# SecRuleUpdateActionById 901150 "nolog"
......@@ -617,20 +617,49 @@ SecAction \
# To use geolocation, we make use of the MaxMind GeoIP database.
# This database is not included with the CRS and must be downloaded.
# You should also update the database regularly, for instance every month.
# The CRS contains a tool to download it to util/geo-location/GeoIP.dat:
# util/ --geoip
# This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from:
# There are two formats for the GeoIP database. ModSecurity v2 uses GeoLite (.dat files),
# and ModSecurity v3 uses GeoLite2 (.mmdb files).
# If you use ModSecurity 3, MaxMind provides a binary for updating GeoLite2 files,
# see
# Download the package for your OS, and read
# for configuration options.
# Warning: GeoLite (not GeoLite2) databases are considered legacy, and not being updated anymore.
# See for more info.
# Therefore, if you use ModSecurity v2, you need to regenerate updated .dat files
# from CSV files first.
# You can achieve this using
# Pick the zip files from maxmind site:
# Follow the guidelines for installing the tool and run:
# ./ -i \
# -f geoname2fips.csv -o /usr/share/GeoliteCountry.dat
# Update the database regularly, see Step 3 of the configuration link above.
# By default, when you execute `sudo geoipupdate` on Linux, files from the free database
# will be downloaded to `/usr/share/GeoIP` (both v1 and v2).
# Then choose from:
# - `GeoLite2-Country.mmdb` (if you are using ModSecurity v3)
# - `GeoLiteCountry.dat` (if you are using ModSecurity v2)
# Ref:
# Ref:
# Uncomment this rule to use this feature:
# Uncomment only one of the next rules here to use this feature.
# Choose the one depending on the ModSecurity version you are using, and change the path accordingly:
#SecGeoLookupDB /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat
# For ModSecurity v3:
#SecGeoLookupDB /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
# For ModSecurity v2 (points to the converted one):
#SecGeoLookupDB /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCountry.dat
# -=[ Block Countries ]=-
......@@ -711,7 +740,7 @@ SecAction \
# -- [[ Blocking Based on IP Reputation ]] ------------------------------------
# Blocking based on reputation is permanent in the CRS. Unlike other rules,
# which look at the indvidual request, the blocking of IPs is based on
# which look at the individual request, the blocking of IPs is based on
# a persistent record in the IP collection, which remains active for a
# certain amount of time.
......@@ -775,52 +804,6 @@ SecAction \
SecCollectionTimeout 600
# -- [[ Debug Mode ]] ----------------------------------------------------------
# To enable rule development and debugging, CRS has an optional debug mode
# that does not block a request, but instead sends detection information
# back to the HTTP client.
# This functionality is currently only supported with the Apache web server.
# The Apache mod_headers module is required.
# In debug mode, the webserver inserts "X-WAF-Events" / "X-WAF-Score"
# response headers whenever a debug client makes a request. Example:
# # curl -v ''
# X-WAF-Score: Total=15; sqli=0; xss=0; rfi=0; lfi=10; rce=5; php=0; http=0; ses=0
# To enable debug mode, include the RESPONSE-981-DEBUG.conf file.
# This file resides in a separate folder, as it is not compatible with
# nginx and IIS.
# You must specify the source IP address/network where you will be running the
# tests from. The source IP will BYPASS all CRS blocking, and will be sent the
# response headers as specified above. Be careful to only list your private
# IP addresses/networks here.
# Tip: for regression testing of CRS or your own ModSecurity rules, you may
# be interested in using the OWASP CRS regression testing suite instead.
# View the file util/regression-tests/README for more information.
# Uncomment these rules, filling in your CRS path and the source IP address,
# to enable debug mode:
#Include /usr/share/modsecurity-crs/util/debug/RESPONSE-981-DEBUG.conf
#SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@ipMatch" \
# "id:900980,\
# phase:1,\
# nolog,\
# pass,\
# t:none,\
# ctl:ruleEngine=DetectionOnly,\
# setvar:tx.crs_debug_mode=1"
# -- [[ End of setup ]] --------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -838,4 +821,4 @@ SecAction \
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